Mythos Alliance

---- DXD World, Unknown Dimension ----

The incident in Underworld was shown in all of the residence of Supernatural World thanks to the spy of Deva's Testament that stayed at the Lucifaad, some of them was laughing at Sirzech's stupidity especially his iconic girlish scream, some of them who was intending to join their peace treaty was starting to back down and starting to think twice before that. A few days later, in an unknown dimension created by Touru, there was a group of people was forming a meeting for the alliance. The first group was lead by Amaterasu followed by Susanoo, Touru, Yasaka, and Kuroka who just entered the ranks of Shinto Pantheon. The second group was lead by Odin who just back down at the peace treaty of the Biblical Faction, followed by Thor, Freya, and Rossweise. And the last group lead by Jade Emperor followed by Nüwa, Sun Wukong, and Yu-long in human form. The three Chief God's/Goddess was decided to create an alliance between the Mythologies, due to the existence of Khaos Brigade, for the Deva's Testament, Odin can be sure that they will only target the Devil Faction. The sudden disappearance of Sacred Beast Qilin who went missing in many centuries in the territory of Chinese Mythology was suddenly shown up as a member of Sirzech's Peerage, which caused them to despise the Devils till now as they saw the attitude of Sirzech.

As for Odin who learned that his son has involvement with the Khaos Brigade, he agreed to meet the Shinto Pantheon as he could also meet Touru, he brought his son, Thor the one who is not interested in political, Freya who wants to meet Touru who was the White Dragon Emperor in this generation, and last but not least Rossweise. As for Amaterasu who has many pieces of evidence brought by Touru including the extermination of Nekoshou Tribe as she brought Susanoo even though that he was troublesome, he was still trustworthy in case that there was also a spy or traitor in their Pantheon. When the three Pantheon was starting the discussion, Touru was the first who speaks.

" Allow me to introduce myself, I am Touru Kamagiri, this generation of White Dragon Emperor and the Cat Deity of Shinto Pantheon. I will tell all of you about the origins of the Khaos Brigade, this terrorist group was founded by Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the son of Lucifer and Lilith, Wizards of Oz and Sataniel, the Fallen Angel of Grigory Group" he said as he continued.

" For Rizevim who fled during the Civil War in Underworld which location is unknown, about the Wizards of Oz that compose of Group of Stray Magicians their location was also unknown and for Sataniel who betrayed the Grigory Group with his loyal dogs that compose of people with Sacred Gear with malicious abilities, this Terrorist Group was composed of many factions, like Old Satan Faction, Wizards of Oz, Nilrem, Hero Faction, and Team Vali. The goal of this terrorist group was to cause of Domination in the whole world be it related to Supernatural World or not, this group was also backed by Hades and Indra as well as the hidden group that may be related in another Pantheon or traitors." he talks about the summary about the Khaos Brigade.

" And about Ophis the Dragon God has become a Leader or Figurehead of Khaos Brigade by the Wizards of Oz and Sataniel, as her goal was to return her silence, she wants them to fight Great Red by giving them her snakes that can power up those who consume the snakes of Ophis, meaning she was being used by many factions in the terrorist group except Team Vali who refused to her snakes whose goal was to fight strong people. About Hades, some of you were familiar with him who despises the other Mythologies and especially the Biblical Faction, and Indra who using the other as a stepping stone to fight his brother, Shiva. The Old Satan Faction's goal was to take what's their rights, those descendants of the Original Satan, they want to take back their title and throne as the Satan. About the Magician of Oz's goal was unclear, but they are the ones who backed the Utsusemi Agency along with the traitor of Grigory Group, Sataniel. about the three hundred missing people last three years ago, they might collaborate with Nilrem a Magician Faction lead by Euclid Lucifuge the right-hand man of Rizevim.

He paused for a while as he continued.

As for the Hero Faction who backed by Indra, their goal was to the extermination of the other race except for human lead by Cao Cao the wielder of Sacred Gear: True Longinus, that faction was filled with hero descendants and spirit inheritors and they have an army of Sacred Gear wielders with Balance Breaker, fortunately, the most troublesome sacred gear such as Annihilation Maker and Dimension Lost was gave to us as compensation by Indra himself after they attack the Kyoto two years ago, as they goal to kidnap and sacrifice Yasaka and using the ley lines to create the cracks in Dimension Gap to summon Great Red." he said as he looks towards them who was listening to his summary, the first one who talked was Sun Wukong.

" How do you know all about this?" he asked Touru.

" It is Khaos Brigade can only use the spies? Of course, we also put spies against them, fortunately, they are not united as we can take down faction by faction if there's a chance that they are turning back to each other." Touru said as he gained a nod from Odin, he may be a war god but he has the wisdom to exploit his enemies to win.

" Some of you witnessed the battle in Kuoh, Kokabiel has access to summon the Cerberus which it can only find in Netherworld and that is Domain of Hades." Touru said as he look at Odin who stiffened when he says " witness ".

" I agree with Touru to suggest an alliance, to make sure that there was no distrust each other when the time that Khaos Brigade starts to cause havoc in any Pantheon. In this alliance we will join forces together in case that there was trouble in our territories or friendly sparring for those warriors of our Pantheons, this alliance can expand to the other Pantheons that who can we trust." Amaterasu said as she initiates to invite them.

" We are joining," Odin said after he thinks about the advantage and disadvantage.

" Well for the future of our Pantheons we will also join." Jade Emperor said, Nüwa and the others also agreed, after that, they enjoyed the feast that each pantheon that brought, Touru walk towards the corner as he was thinking something but there was someone that approaching, that person is Odin the Chief God of Norse Mythology.

" By the way what is the purpose of this dimension?" Odin asked as he got answered from Touru.

" This dimension was a secret meeting place for the alliance, for sure you had already experienced those someone will oppose your decision in Underworld, and that biblical faction who use the Kuoh Academy as their initial peace treaty, they are trying to show off to lure that opposition which causes them repercussions, all we can say that this alliance was secret between the people who attended this meeting., he said as he looks again at Odin.

" Can I request something to you Odin-dono., Touru asked the Chief God of Norse.

" Hmm, what is it?" he replied.

" Can I asked your craftsman to create a weapon for me and this is my materials in case that they need., Touru said as he took out the box which contains the Divinity Core of Hades which caused Odin to flinched as he could feel the aura of death and he was familiar with that aura.

" Could it be, you already dealt against him?" Odin asked.

" I just took his divinity, and put something on him which he will chase the group of raging dogs, you can also use your game to chase him I'm sure you will enjoy the show," Touru said as he let out a chuckle, at that time after he forcefully took the divinity core from Hades he put a tracker inside of Hades, who has no more ability to scan himself.

" What a dreadful fellow you are," Odin said as he was laughing as well as he took the box from Touru.

" By the way what kind of weapon you want to create," Odin asked him.

" Dual Handgun, make it a bit large as I am using the bullet from the sniper," Touru said as show to Odin his blueprint, as the latter was surprised about the every detail of the gun.

" May I also have a favor, if you agree about it, I will also add a spare of Uru ingot, which is the same material from my Gungnir and Mjolnir," Odin said.

" Okay, what favor is it?" Touru said

" Can I ask you for the spar, it's been a while since I fight except Loki a few days ago," Odin said as he was waiting for his reply.

" Sure, it's been honored to fight the War God of Norse," Touru said.

" Good, just wait in a three weeks, your weapon that you requested will deliver to you

. For sure those craftsmen will go crazy as they can have created an unusual weapon." he said as they went back to the feast.

" Anyway since the Alliance was successful, what will we name in Alliance." Jade Emperor asked.

" What about "Mythos Alliance" " Amaterasu and Touru said at the same time, which caused them to chuckle as they toast their goblet together.

" For the Mythos Alliance." Odin said as he raised his goblet."

""""" Cheers """"" all of them says.

--- To Be Continued ---