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--- DXD World, Asgard, Valhalla ---

--- Third Person POV ---

* claaaannnng!!!!!*

* Boom!!!*

* Baaassshhhh!!!!*

* Slaaaaassssh!!!!*

In the Valhalla where the elite warriors have residing, in the word Elite Warriors, of course, they have colleseum to spar against each other. Now current colleseum was wrecked, as there were four people was fighting each other, these four people were none other than Touru, Odin, Thor, and Sun Wukong in his true form. At first, it was only Touru and Odin was sparring each other, but the moment later on Thor with Sun Wukong joined with them as the spectators have escaped long ago as they don't want to die again.

" Hahaha, it's been a long time since I fight without holding back," Odin said as he stretches his waist which is aching a bit, maybe for sitting in the throne for a long time and he was also growing old.

" Yeah, it's been nostalgic since I used this form." Sun Wukong said as he was still in his true form.

" You know, you need to get ready anytime, as you can see Khaos

target was always random, as I heard from my spy that there was a bunch of army from Old Satan Faction will attack the Underworld." Touru said as he look at Thor who was enjoying the barrel of ale. He looks again properly at the barrel, he saw a red Sleipnir standing in it's four hind legs, for sure he saw this sign in a previous life in a certain liquor. He sighs as he pats Thor's shoulder as the latter stops his drinking as he looks at Touru.

" Drink Moderately," he said as Thor was confused.

" Nothing," he said as he returned to the two old men/monkey.

" Are you going to help them?" Sun Wukong asked Touru.

" Nah, since it's better to thin down some people in the council and the population of Old Devils will perish, you know since Devils was attacking the Underworld, just Devil Business let the Devils deal themselves," Touru said as he uses his Youjutsu to refresh himself even his nearly destroyed clothes were returned into the original state. Odin and Sun Wukong looks at him, they are amazed at his way of using Youjutsu, the former was because of Touru's high-speed creation of kanji words which is perfectly modified for sure it was self-created Youjutsu, while the latter was surprised to see the way of using Youjutsu, normally it was using it via assassination, magic arts or any types of Youjutsu that can harm its opponents.

" Hmm, would you like to study the rune magic?" Odin asked Touru.

" I would like to learn that technique, may I have permission?." Sun Wukong said.

Touru was looking at them with a strange look, after a realization, he has a small smile which makes the duo feel the chill in their spines.

" I would like to accept your offer, I'm sure you will also teach me the Primordial Runes right?" Touru said to Odin who was stiff like wood.

" I would like you gave me a box of peach of immortality, " he said to Sun Wukong whose fur was turning into white.

" Hahahaha!!!" Thor was laughing at the duo's reaction.

** Boink!!**

" Oof!" Thor was fainted by the smack from the two ola man/monkey.

" Okay, *sigh* I will teach you the Primordial Runes," Odin said as he accepted his request.

" It will take a long time to bear the fruit, but since you are our allies now, I will overlook it." Sun Wukong said as he returned in his human form while scratching the back of his head.

" Well don't be down, these Techniques can also restore your weapon," Touru said as the has sigh in relief as their treasure will not go in vain.

--- Meanwhile in Secret Base of Deva's Testament ---

Diehauser who received a message from Touru has announced to everyone to gather in the hall. The Old Satan Faction will attack in a massive amount of devils in Underworld, this is the best opportunity to annihilate the Devil Council and Old Satan Faction specially Zekram Bael the leader of Devil Council and his loyal dogs. After a few minutes later he arrived at the hall where many people were gathered in their combat uniform.

" I got a message from Touru-sama that Old Satan Faction was going to attack the Underworld, this is our chance to eliminate both sides as I'm sure the Zekram Bael will also lead his loyal dogs to defend their territory," he said as many people were excited to annihilate the council, some of them were war veterans who participate in the civil war and manage to survive till now but still they didn't get promoted in their ranks or manage to get a high-class rank.

" For Utopia of our dreams, we will eliminate the tumors in Devil Society!!" Diehauser said as many people raise their fist.

"""""" Deva's Testament!!!!!!!"""""""

---- In a certain location of Khaos Brigade ----

There were two people sitting in their throne watching the Rating Game that was about to start. These two people was none other than

Shelba Beelzebub and Creuserey Asmodeus, they are watching Diodara with a disgusting and disdain in their face.

" Seems that Astaroth's brat will fail huh," Shelba said as he wants to stamp Diodara's head for his arrogance, to him the one who has the right to have arrogance was none other than them, the Original Satan Descendants.

" You can kill him if he managed to finish his work, I want to see his face when he got betrayed," Creuserey said while laughing creepily.

"" Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!""

--- To Be Continued ---

A/N: Sorry for late chapter, as our school sends as another assignments with short schedule to submit this is a first time for me to sleep this week as I pull all nighter in 5 days, as we need to create an art work for our subject teacher.

Good Night everyone.