
Sato looked at Ran's confused face sympathetically. "I know this is a lot to take in, especially finding out your parents are not your real ones. But your biological parents are still alive, and it's almost time for your return," he said gently.

Ran's mind reeled - while it wasn't a big deal that his current parents weren't real since he had transmigrated into this body, he couldn't reveal that to Sato. The system and his true origins had to remain secret.

Ran thought rapidly before responding. "Where are my real parents? Are they alive?" he asked Sato.

Sato had a solemn expression. "I don't know about your father. But your mother is alive and quite remarkable. Have you heard of the Azure Empire? Its Empress is your mother, Xue Lin. After you both got separated, she built that empire through her strength and forces. Now that your bloodline has awakened, we must go to her and use the might she has amassed to defeat our enemies!"

Ran's eyes widened in shock. His real mother was the Empress of the vast Azure Empire? He had trouble believing it, but decided to play along for now. There were too many secrets and lies tangled together.

"Please tell me more about her and how we can go meet her, Uncle Sato," Ran requested. "I wish to reconnect with my only living parent and fight by her side against those who destroyed our family."

Sato nodded approvingly, seeming convinced by Ran's act. As they landed back in the forest, Ran knew he had to unravel each thread cautiously, balancing his origins in this world and the one he came from. The stakes were high and the waters treacherous.

As Sato and Ran landed back in the forest clearing, Ran's mind was swirling. He had to carefully navigate the web of secrets surrounding his supposed royal lineage, mystical system powers, and newfound identity.

Sato gazed at Ran solemnly. "I know you must have many questions, my prince. I will tell you everything I know about your past and our plans going forward."

Ran took a deep breath. "Yes, please start from the beginning Uncle Sato. How did the downfall of my family happen? And how did my mother end up becoming the Azure Empress?"

Sato nodded and began recounting the tale. 

"It was 16 years ago that a great unknown force attacked our kingdom out of the blue," Sato explained. "In desperation, your father King Raiden commanded me to take you to safety. I don't know if he survived, but he was a truly great man that I deeply admired."

Ran was surprised but continued listening quietly.

"As for that enemy, I cannot tell you anything more about them yet. Your powers are still too weak" Sato said apologetically. "First, take some time to process everything I've told you so far. We'll talk again next week after you've had time to digest it all."

Ran nodded slowly, his mind swirling with questions. But Sato was right - he was overwhelmed and needed time to think.

They parted ways and Ran walked back home, deep in thought. His parents welcomed him back warmly, but he felt a tinge of sadness now.

Over the next few days, Ran contemplated everything Sato had revealed. An unknown enemy. His supposed royal parents. His mystical abilities. He had to be cautious until he understood more.


The next morning, Ran decided to have a serious discussion with his parents. They were shocked to the core when he asked about his true origins. His mother immediately burst into tears while his father could barely maintain his composure. 

"It's true that you are not our biological child, but we have always loved and treated you as our own son," his father said emotionally. Ran replied "I understand, I just want to know the full truth."

His parents then revealed their past to him. They were both nobles from a faraway land called Dragon City on another continent. Their families were enemies who prevented them from being together, even casting a spell that they would never have children. 

Heartbroken, they decided to leave everything behind and eloped. They traveled far and wide until they encountered the remote Lorencia Village, built by Sato as a peaceful haven. When they begged him for refuge, kindhearted Sato allowed them to stay. 

Later on, Sato brought Ran to them as a baby, though he never revealed the child's origins then. Chen and Ling raised Ran as their own joyfully.

"We never imagined you would turn out to be a prince in hiding," his father said emotionally. "But you are as much our child as if we had borne you ourselves. We only want you to be happy and safe."

Ran was moved to tears as well. He embraced them both tightly. "You are the best parents I could have wished for. I am blessed to have been raised by such loving hearts."

Despite the seismic revelations, their bond remained unshaken. Ran knew his parents would support him unconditionally, royal origins or not. With their love behind him, he felt ready to uncover the full truth and take on his destined path ahead.