Preparation for new start

The next day, Ran went to visit his uncle Meng, who had been training him in martial arts and cultivation this past few weeks. Ran found Uncle Meng meditating in their usual training spot in the forest just outside the village.

Ran had great respect for Uncle Meng and saw him as a mentor. But now he wondered if Meng had known his secret royal identity all along.

As Ran approached, Uncle Meng opened his eyes and gave a warm smile. "Ran, good to see you. But I sense heavy thoughts weighing on your mind."

Ran nodded. "Uncle Meng, I recently learned about my true origins. The Village head Sato revealed to me that I am actually a prince, sole survivor of the fallen Seafrid dynasty. Did you already know this?"

Uncle Meng sighed and gestured for Ran to sit beside him. "Yes Ran, I was aware you were not my real nephew from the start. But I have cherished you like my own kin. I did not know your true origin but that did not matter to me."

Ran felt a surge of gratitude. "Thank you for still treating me like family and for all that you've taught me, Uncle. I will always see you as my uncle no matter what."

Meng patted Ran's shoulder affectionately. "I'm proud of the fine young man you've grown into. Wherever your destiny leads, always remember your inner strength."

Ran smiled, feeling supported. He then asked, "What should I do from here, Uncle? I still have more questions than answers about my past and these powers I possess."

Meng nodded sagely. "Patience and caution are vital now. Keep training, learn all you can, but do not rush headlong into unknown dangers. The way forward will reveal itself in time."

Ran knew Meng was right. They spent the rest of the morning training as usual - meditating, practicing forms, sparring and enhancing techniques. Ran's respect for his uncle's wisdom grew deeper.

After bidding Meng farewell, Ran wandered around the village gathering tools - ropes, bags, candles and more mundane items. He wanted to modify with his Modification System and leave it for his family.

As he walked, he spotted his childhood friend, the fair maiden Angel Yan, emerging from her home. Ran felt a pang in his heart, knowing he would have to leave everything behind someday. But he simply smiled and waved to Yan, keeping his turbulent thoughts hidden.

That night, deep in the nearby hills, Ran sat alone examining his gathered items. It was time to use his Modification System again. He summoned the mystical interface, marvelling at the lines of inscrutable code.

Selecting a length of rope, Ran focused his soul force and manipulated the system's energy into the rope. Immediately it began morphing - fibers fusing, stretching and hardening. In moments the plain rope had transformed into a coiled whip glowing with azure light.

Ran could feel the thrum of power in the whip's handle. This was no mundane item anymore. Encouraged, he modified several more items, infusing them with enhanced aspects. His soul force was drained but his spirit elated.

Ran kept the modified items in his room for now. He planned to introduce them to his parents before leaving for good, to help them stay safe after he was gone.

The next morning, Ran went to the designated meeting place to see Village Head Sato as planned. Sato was already waiting with a serious expression.

"Young master, I know you just awakened your Red Blood Dragon legacy, but we cannot delay any longer. The time has must depart for the Azure Empire immediately to find your mother!" Sato declared.

Ran's eyes widened but he stayed calm. "So soon? I still have much to learn and prepare here."

Sato shook his head firmly. "Your training can continue enroute and when you reunite with the Empress. But we must set out now before your enemies detect your presence here! I have already prepared provisions and route plans."

Ran knew arguing was pointless. This was the pivotal moment he had known was coming. "Very well Uncle Sato. Please allow me some time to bid my loved ones farewell. I will join you at the village gates by sunset."

Sato's expression softened. "Of course. This is difficult but it is your duty. Say your goodbyes then we depart before nightfall."

With a heavy heart, Ran went to explain the situation to his parents first. Though devastated, they understood it was time. Tearful embraces were exchanged along with words of love and encouragement.

Ran then went to Uncle Meng, who offered a long solemn bow. "Your journey begins my nephew. Stay true and prosper."

Finally, Ran stood before Yan's home, emotionally conflicted. But he could not leave without a proper goodbye. They had to talk one last time...