
Since the day Yvenia was born, she was merely an existence that was not cared for. Her older brothers never batted an eye on her, they didn't see her as something worth their time.

Her mother was simply her birth giver, nothing more, nothing less. All she did was spend money provided by her husband and go out, having the servants do all her dirty work.

Her father was just someone that provided food on the table, he was a cunning and scheming man. Yvenia didn't particularly feel any attachment to her father as he didn't show the same, but she definitely prefers her father more than any of her other family members. He at least didn't ignore her existence and would check up on her from time to time.

But everything started to change once she was three. Like every other child born in prominent families, they would start hitting the books at an early age for the sake of their futures as a possible heir. But Yvenia was different. Having her very first lesson at three, once was enough for Yvenia. Everything that was taught once was her final. She understood everything from the basics to far and beyond. Like every other Father, he kept tabs on her growth. Impressed and elated he started investing on her even more seeing her worth his wild.

From that point on, her life has changed drastically. Everyday Yvenia would study in her room constantly. Tutors came from in and out of her room day to day, morning to night. As that didn't seem enough for her Father, he started having her do learn extracurricular activities, such as the piano, painting, and etc, expanding her schedule. She didn't complain, as she didn't care. It was fun exploring the different types of things out there and it was just to kill time in her sense.

Her amount of knowledge grew more and more but it was useless as she got bored with her current lifestyle. Nothing was fun to her anymore.

Seeing their father being more invested in their younger sister, they felt their inheritance positions being threatened and began to notice her more for the first time since she was born.

Soon, Yvenia was headed to college at the age of five, majoring in business. Everything felt new and different to her, this is what she wanted. This experience was what she was looking for to ease her boredom.

As time progressed, it was nothing like what she anticipated. Everyone was an adult, she was the only child. It was boring, she couldn't fit in because of her age and all they did was study. Already at the age of seven, she graduated two years earlier than most college students.

The news spread like wildfire of this famous prodigy from Wu's conglomerate, making it dangerous for Yvenia because of the competing enemies. But benefitted Wu's conglomerate making a stronger stand about their power as more people started to sucked up to them.

Her father wanted her to start working in the company right away, but the board refused the idea outright. She was still too young and it would create a controversy within the company. Helpless, Yvenia's father could only wait patiently as she grew older.

Achieving everything there is, as most people would take years to do so, her days were free as ever. She waits for time to take its course.