
"Ms. Nat, prepare for my outing. I will be alone once I get there, not too far from here, just the park. I've always wondered what the park was like." Yvenia says casually as she closes the book in her hands.

Feeling pity for her young miss, Ms. Nat happily obliged.

Yvenia always wore a disguise out in the public when she goes alone, preventing any sort of dangers for herself since she was well known and well fitted to be kidnapped for some ransom.

Arriving at the playground, Yvenia already saw some kids playing around, laughing, giggling, playing hopscotch, chasing each other around without a care in the world. As she was watching the other kids play, she noticed that one of the kids fell down terribly from playing tag.

Yvenia was about to give a hand, but someone had already reached the kid before her. Panicking, the woman checks every inch of the boy's body. "Are you alright sweetie?" Reassured of finding no injuries on her son, she scolded the boy for not being careful enough and gave a huge bear hug due to the relief she felt that he was alright.

"It's alright Mama! I'm strong! You don't have to worry about me." The boy flexes his arms showing her that he was truly strong.

Sighing at her boy's gesture she finally said "Yeah, I know you're strong but do be careful, it makes me worried." She smiles at her boy.

Feeling guilty, the boy nods.

Seeing her son's understanding, her heart finally rested in peace "Let's go home, it's getting late. I made your favorite dessert today." She grabs her boy's hand and walks off together.

Yvenia watched as the mother and son pair left, happily chatting with each other.

Feeling envious of their relationship, she stood there mesmerizing at the scene before her. "Young Miss, it's getting late. I've come to pick you up. It's best for us to go back home now."

"Home… Alright, let's go home."

On the way back home, Yvenia fell asleep. Looking at the rearview mirror from the passenger seat up in the front, Ms. Nat took a glance at her young mistress, she sighs within her heart. The scene when she came to pick her up played in her mind, that look she had in her eyes.

After arriving back into the family estate, Yvenia continues to sleep for the rest of the day.


The very next day, Yvenia went to the park again, hoping to see the mother and son pair again, but luck wasn't on her side today.

As she was just sitting on a rock, sighing, a sudden face popped right in front of her. Shocked, she jumped straight up. "Hey! What's wrong with you! Don't scare people like that. You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Laughing, the boy said "Aw! Come on now. It's just a joke! I'm Mark! What's your name?" Not pleased with Mark's response, Yvenia simply ignored him.

Unpleased with Yvenia ignoring him, Mark pokes Yvenias cheek. "Hey! Don't ignore me! I'm curious, what's your name?" he says as he stares at her with both his hands on his chin in a squatting position.

Seeing him being sincere, she decides to tell him. "Yvenia. Yvenia is my name."

"Hm? Yvenia? The same name as that genius? The daughter of Wu's company CEO?"

Yvenias mouth started to twitch, how does this boy know of me?

She knew that there were newspapers and articles about her but not to the point that it would peak a regular child's interest. Haha….I'm shrewd, she thought to herself. But then she remembers that she was still wearing a disguise, no wonder why that boy didn't recognise her at first despite knowing who she was.

"Yeah...haha..What a coincidence." She still nervously replies.

"Indeed! Say, I'm curious, why were you sighing by yourself earlier?" He asks as he remembers why he approached Yvenia in the first place.

Surprised by his sudden question, she decided to tell the truth, there's no harm in doing so she thought. "I was looking for some people, but they didn't come today."

"Oh." Mark didn't know how to respond.

Finding Mark's reaction entertaining, she teased him.

"What. Feeling sorry for me? No need, I never made plans with them anyway." Mark was kinda surprised with her response but was pleased that she was fine.

"Hey, Yvenia, why don't you become my friend? I don't have any anyway. You can be the first!" Mark proudly suggests his idea like it was her honor to become his first friend.

Laughing, Yvenia said "Sure! But that is if we will meet each other again."

Becoming serious with a solemn smile on her face, Yvenia said "I won't be coming back to this park after today. My father forbade me to go outside after today."

Even if Yvenia was wearing a disguise or had multiple bodyguards, it won't calm his heart as she was the best thing that ever happened to him, contributing to him at best. He can't risk anything.

Bummed out Mark was still determined to meet her again in the future. "Alright! Deal. Watch me." A smug appeared on his face.

"Alright, Promise!" Giving the best smile she can make.

Soon it was already noon, a chauffeur with a limousine came to pick Mark up. They said their goodbyes to each other and kept their promises with each other inside their hearts.

It was about time for Yvenia to be picked up too. On the way home, Yvenia was guessing what Mark's identity could possibly be. He was clearly pretty well off judging by the chauffeur and limousine.

Oh well. She brushed it off to the back of her head. Doesn't matter to her, as today wasn't too bad of a day for her. The trip back home was long and peaceful as she fell into a deep sleep once again.
