Day By Day

The next morning they mourned his father's death, when they came back home Nia's eyes fell on the gift bought by her father and it was laying on the floor.

She said, "Mama, daddy wanted us to have this".Her mom with tears said, "Open it dear." "Mama don't cry, everything's gonna be alright". While Nia was wiping her mother's tears, her mom smiled and said, "Okay honey now mama will not cry, now open it."

When she opened, she found a framed picture of their family. It was being snapped when Aylin was just born. Nia smilingly said, "Mama how beautiful we all together look".Both of them smiled to it and Nia then went to Aylin to play with her.

Her mom was deep in her own thoughts, thinking how will she raise both of her children. Though she worked as a teacher before Aylin was born but the real problem was that both her kids were too young to be left alone at home also she feared if that witch would attack them back.

But she didn't give up, thought of not leaving her children alone made her decide to come up with online teaching. This is how their life became somewhat easy to be handled.

The love between them grew more and more but Nia saw something other than love and that was sorrow in her mother's eyes.

Every night when both of her girls were asleep, Nia could fell her mom's grief as she looked at the photograph and shaded her tears while reminiscing their memories, but their was nothing she could do than to hug and cheer her.

Nia bore that pain and anger in her heart and as she grew older the pain and the anger intensified also the love for her only family, that was Aylin and her mom increased.

Day by day her power increased and the day she became known to it, she took an oath to herself that the things that happened to her dad, she won't be letting it happen to her family again at least until she's alive and breathing.

She still had that stone which was more like a crystal that her father snatched from that witch. Every night she saw it and every day it started to fade, she always held it with a starvation of revenge but not a drop of tear fell from her eyes.

She only knew the angry that was burning inside of her will soon get exploded to the right and deserving person and that was the witch. She never showed that side of her to her beloved family.

At the age of eight the witch's crystal completely got faded and turned into a dull and lightless stone but she kept it to remind herself that there was something, someone needed to pay back.

Her mother taught both of her children everything, to dance, to sing, to fight, to cook, to paint, and many more but Nia didn't put her heart on it. Days past but she didn't seem to be interested at any stuffs.

It was always hard for others to know what did Nia love other than her family cause she never showed all her feelings through any medium but she did start to write all of her thoughts in the form of lyrics when she was eleven in her dairy and never showed it to anyone.

Though she was the most beautiful girl one could ever see but nobody knew how was she in person cause she never talked to others nor made friends.

It was almost the starting of all her writing stuffs when her mom found out her dairy as she left it and went to school. She was only able to read something written Grief and pain and all the other pages were blank.