Trust Issue

After her father's death her mother never married again and she alone grew both her children. Everything was going good and great until Nia was graduated. She was nineteen when she completed her graduation and at the same time Aylin was still in high school.

Nia was aware of being over protective to Aylin from the very first day her father died but she never showed it to her nor she even made her realize that she really was. It was not because she didn't trust Aylin but because of the fear that rose in herself of loosing her. This was something she wasn't ready for and was being haunted. Also she was afraid if Aylin's heart was broken or her feeling were hurt by somebody. This made her accompany every place Aylin went. It was then she came to know the mankind but she didn't trust any.

She feared if that witch would attack back on her mother or Aylin. She didn't know and it was hard to predict, in which from that witch would attack but it was for sure that her mother was in a safe zone where no one could hurt her cause she prefered staying home with all her working stuffs and the house was being shield by Nia for the protection.

All though she defeated others in each and every field she stepped in but nobody knew how was she is in person cause all through her educational life she didn't make friends and barely talked to others. This was because she knew she would never want people get close to her which would give her the reason to fear whereas her mom seated and worked from home for which she need not had to be worried but Aylin was not the same type, she was way too talkative, loved making friends,went outings, had funs and so on...

After her graduation it was very hard for Nia to resist the feeling of being over protective towards her sister which made Aylin to realize it soon. This made Aylin do things she never wanted, thought she tried to keep distance from everyone but she couldn't. Later she realised it was not she who was making distance, it was them. It was not only because Nia threatened everyone by getting in their mind but it was also because of Nia's so introvert personality which they feared the result if they would hurt Aylin.

Aylin didn't mind all those shits cause she knew there was always a place where she was never left ignored and it was it she called home.

There was never a thing Nia didn't know about Aylin but there was something she wasn't aware of and that was her crush cause she never thought of it infront of Nia.

One sunny day when both the girls were out buying stuffs, Nia saw the gaze in Aylin's eye towards a guy passing by. She then came to know that she was getting attracted to a guy whom Nia didn't know.

It was obvious that she read the guy's mind too, he was unknown of someone having crush on him but the fact was even more weird and that was, he had the same crush on that somebody but both of the person were not aware of it.

Nia could feel all her fears being painted on the wall but in order to escape from that fear she made sure, she would never let the paint and the wall meet.

Nia put all her efforts and tried her best so that they could not see each other and never in their life they would find out that they were each other's crush. It was the secret she kept from them.