Nothing is hidden

"Pew." The Little Sapling nudges him. "Peeeeew."

Ye Jing-e blinks his eyes. The sprout on the seed's head is kind of moving from the right to left and then, left to the right. He wonders if he should pluck the leaf, but it's cute. And he still has no idea how he can tell that this little plant thing is telling him to follow him. There are some creatures that can communicate in extraordinary ways.

"Do you have a name?" Ye Jing-e asks after he decides to befriend this adorable thing. 

"Pew?" He cocks his head. "Peeew."

Ye Jinge-understands. The little sapling has a name indeed. It's 'Pew Pew'. And

"Pew.Pew.Pew.Pew," It introduces himself. "PewpewPewPPPeeew."

And it's a 'he' -- not 'IT'. Ye Jing-e keeps a poker face while listening to the little sapling.

"Peeew." He nods his head. "PEEEEEEW. Pew."