It makes my ambitious heart happy

"Gwi." Rue Yim wrinkles her nose. He has the same appearance too. The only difference is his clothes. He isn't wearing the scholar's clothes. "You are here too."

"Where are you going?" He steps toward her. The edges of his inky black robe brushes against the ground. There is a strange emotion in his swollen and red eyes. 

Rue Yim wonders what he is up to. She has never been at good terms with this man. He used to be a scholar, but he also mastered the weapons. Because of his radical decisions, he was often criticised back then. However, the king loved him. Nevertheless, they had never seen an eye to eye back then. Nobody can like someone who tried to kill them. 

So, Rue Yim doesn't like him, but she doesn't hate him either. They have been on the train for a long time. Let's say that he's not the top hated person.

"Away," Rue Yim tells him. "Where were you all this time?"