Fantastical dreams

Princess Ceci was bored on her second day of school. She sighed again while her Philosophy professor droned on about something she really couldn't care less about. Why did the university teach Philosophy anyways? Shouldn't she ban it? She had the authority. Princess Ceci played with the thought in her mind as she twirled her pencil.

Today, the piano-boy hadn't shown up to his classes. Princess Ceci knew that it wasn't just because of a mismatch in their schedules. In fact, they shared practically all the same classes! She even went to all her professors to check.

But no, piano-boy was absent today and Princess Ceci was left to her lonesome, surrounded only by Un, Deux, Trois, and Quatre-Vingts-Dis. But she supposed school was meant to have some boring days and some fun.

Speaking of fun things, there were plenty of clubs going around looking for fresh recruits. Maybe she should join one of them?

Princess Ceci pouted and sank down even farther into her hand and jabbed her pencil against her notebook. She was propping her head up against the desk and even she will admit it might have been a bit childish, but no one would dare to make a comment. Not even the professor. She then reached for the brooch pinned to her chest and summoned March's attention with her magic, "Ah, I'm so bored."

"Aren't you in class, Princess?" March chuckled over the static of the spell. She heard a soft "your turn" on the other side addressed to someone else.

"I am but it's boring. I hate Philosophy." The kept her voice down at the very least and muttered a spell that distracted other people's attention from her.

"Studies are meant to be boring! That's school for you!" March laughed from the other side. Someone else said something to him but it was too muffled for Ceci to pick up on.

"I know, I know but still," she sighed. "And plus, I like History! History isn't boring."

"Ah is that so?"

A flicker of annoyance flared within her. Was March even listening to her? Obviously there was something that interested him more than entertaining her!

"By the way March," she hummed, "Has there been any trouble lately? Do you think Kaleidoscope is acting up again?"

"Hmm?" She heard some clattering sounds and then a pause. Finally, March continued, "How should I know? Aren't you the one that confined me to rest?"

Ah, March was really testing her patience! "It's for your own good!" She huffed at the brooch only realizing belatedly that March wouldn't be able to see her expression. She coughed to clear her throat and resumed a more ladylike appearance, "I said no fighting but I didn't say no to investigating!"

"Ah, you're leaving?"

"Huh?" The Princess was confused.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't talking to you."

!!! How could he be so mean to her! "Who are you with?" Her pout was carried over to March in her voice.

He chuckled, "Was having a game of chess with December."

"Oh," her mind instantly melted at the sound of December's name and she almost forgot about March's transgressions. Almost. "Did you lose pathetically to him?"

March hummed, "I'll have you know, Princess, December and I are quite evenly matched." Nonsense! But before Princess Ceci could ask about December more, he cut her off, "And since it turns out that I'm not as free from duty as I thought I was, I guess I'll go and get some of that investigating done. Just for you, Princess."

Princess Ceci blinked, "Wait!" she said. An odd feeling of guilt slithered its way up into her heart. Ceci didn't really understand why but March always invoked the most visceral feelings of guilt and regret in her. He was like her little baby that she needed to tease but also treasure. "Don't overwork yourself! If you want a day off just take one!"

"What?" March's laughter was sweet and much like summer, "The slave driver Princess is giving me a day off? Am I hearing things?"

"March!" She whined.

"Don't worry about me, Princess! It's not like I don't like working for you." She could practically hear the wink over her brooch. And just like that, the line went dead.

Princess Ceci sighed and slumped in her seat. March didn't even entertain her for more than five minutes! How could her day be so boring!?

The culprit of her boredom was lying on his couch. He had overslept and failed to follow his script. The book in his hands fell to the floor when he rolled over. His dreams were full of fantastical things, like young Queen Cecilia's valiant and cruel father and the caring and gentle Adviser Lorn.

November felt like he was dreaming often of Lorn. Perhaps his imagination was really taking off. There was something about that character that truly resonated with him. Something about his iron patience and his compassion. His righteous demeanor and the constant strive to be better and to make others better.

In November's dreams, he himself was the actor for Lorn. Lorn was not only a man who knew about war, history, and philosophy but was also a skilled pharmacist. He was mixing a brew of herbs in his tiny castle apothecary.

"What's that?" The Queen looked over the counter and watched his every move. She was stuck to his side more often than not these days. Queen Cecilia had an early growth spurt. At only eleven years old, she already reached his shoulder in height. Even if she stopped growing now, Cecilia's current height was respectable for a full-grown woman.

But there was nothing else that was womanly about her. She had a wiry frame that told of no gender. Her face was childlike and she had an adorable splay of freckles that spanned not only her entire face but also down her neck and peeked from under her sleeves as well.

Lorn followed her curious gaze to the brew he was making and the mortar and pestle in his hands. He smiled but it was strained. "This is medicine for your mother. She has been rather ill lately hasn't she."

Queen Cecilia hummed and nodded but her eyes were still glued to his hands, "Yes… She thinks you are trying to kill her."

His laughter was hollow, "And what would make her think that? I have been nothing but loyal to the Royal Mother."

Queen Cecilia shuffled her feet and her eyes remained downcast, "I don't know either. Maybe she doesn't like you because you're not as mean as she is."

That was a simple way of putting things, Lorn thought, but the girl wasn't wrong either. Lorn sighed and poured the crushed contents inside the mortar into a pot. The Royal Mother was a harsh and unyielding woman. She kept the country organized but the nobles have no love for her. Just the other day, she had a young Lord executed for a string of petty offenses that included theft and adultery.

Was there really any surprise to the string of assassination attempts? There really was no reason to pin them on him of all people. Lorn's mind turned uncharacteristically dark as he continued to work.

"What's that you're putting in?" Cecilia asked.

He tried to smile. "These are Lunar Lily petals," he explained, "they only bloom under the shine of the full moon and are very good for nurturing a person's Dream Core."

Cecilia blinked, "You can nurture your Dream Core?"

He patted her on the head and continued stirring the mixture in the brew. A sweet floral scent filled the air. "Yes. Dream Cores can be nurtured and strengthened. You'll learn all about it after you've awakened."

She huffed at the word 'awakened', "Everyone keeps telling me that but when will it happen?"

Her childish impatience was cute. Especially when compared to the Royal Mother, whose impatience came with the threat of torture and death. Lorn chuckled at the thought. "Don't worry. It will happen when you become an adult."

"And when's that?"

He looked at her, "Well…a man becomes an adult after he is able to dream. But for a woman it's different."

"Different? How so?"

He thought of a good way to explain, "Hm… a man's mind decides when he becomes a man. But for a woman, it's her body."

She looked at him with dissatisfied confusion. He felt a little sorry but it was the best explanation he could give without being a woman himself. It felt a little inappropriate. What he didn't expect was for the young Queen to then blurt out, "Oh, I get it now. It'll happen when I grow boobs, right?" Her little hands clasped her flat chest, fingers wiggling in a strange way.

Lorn choked on his own spit.

November choked too and gasped, his eyes flew open. He jolted up from his bed too quickly and crashed onto the ground.