What a weasel!

There was a myriad of clubs advertised on the university bulletins and Princess Ceci's eyes glanced over them all. In the end, she decided that she wasn't impressed and no she didn't want to 'Join the Reading Club to meet Marilyn!' whatever that even meant. Her classes finished early evening that day and she was eager to return home.

Princess Ceci hummed a catchy tune as she strolled down Arcadia's streets. The eternal sun beamed down on her to remind her of peace, love, and tranquility. Everything was right in the world, and soon she could return to the castle and spend as much time with December as she liked.

But her jolly mood was interrupted by a telltale flash on her lily brooch. Ceci rolled her eyes and accepted the communication spell.

"Hey, Princess!" March's voice chirped with way too much vigor. There was noise behind him that sounded like the low twinkle of piano keys and a soulful female voice. Somehow, Princess Ceci felt like her Knight wasn't putting as much footwork into his job as he claimed to be.

"March! What are you even doing?" She huffed into her brooch, mouth forming into a pout. March should be back at the castle resting, or he should be helpful to her and actually do some investigating!

But alas, March was a spirit that even the Princess found difficult to control. "Don't worry about that, Princess," he chuckled.

Ceci almost slapped her own face with her palm, "How could I not be worried! Knowing you, you'll just get yourself into more trouble…"

"Ah! My heart! That hurt my heart!" He feigned pain in his voice but couldn't contain the bubbling laughter either. He better not be drinking! "Hey, can't you give me a little bit more credit?"

"...No." The Princess deadpanned.

"Oh, painful. My pride. You've shattered my pride."

"What pride?"


Ceci sighed and cleared her throat. She felt a little bad for bullying him but March was just too easy to tease, "Anyways, why did you call me?"

"Oh yeah!" She heard a sound that was like a thump and then the clattering of glass and she imagined March slapping a table at a quaint little bar that hosted classy singing performances. "That's right! I wanted to remind you to join Arcadia Academy's Reading Cub!"

Ceci's face immediately contorted into a snarl. "But why?" Her voice came out like a whine.

She remembered the odd advertisements they stuck around the campus and didn't feel the least bit motivated to join. Not to mention, it would cut out the precious time she had to spend with her dear December!

"Look, I know that books are basically the bane of your existence," March said.

"They're not!"

"But hear me out: Kaleidoscope members always seem attracted to books. Many people we've apprehended were either part of, or were at some point part of that very Reading Club! Don't you think it's worth investigating?"

"But…" Ceci groaned. She really didn't like the idea of joining some silly Reading Club just for the possibility of encountering Kaleidoscope!

Ah, who was she kidding? She was just upset that it would take up her time. Ceci didn't have a real solid argument against March's point.

After a stretch of silence, March continued, "Look, Princess, I know that it's been relatively silent from them lately. And we probably only caught that straggler by chance the other day but seriously you can't let your guard down. Even if you killed their leader last year you know they will eventually bounce back. They always do."

Princess Ceci's brows furrowed but she nodded. It was only a second later she realized that March wouldn't be able to see her nod, so she grumbled, "I know, I know. You have a point. It's just that…"

"Hahaha, are you sad you'll get to see December less?"

"March!" Her voice raised to a scandalized tilt. Good thing he wasn't with her in person because he definitely would have made fun of the vibrant flush that found its way to her cheeks. And she definitely would have hit him!

"What, am I wrong? I know exactly what your intentions are!"

Ceci sighed, then she groaned but at last, she smiled. Well, she supposed it couldn't be helped. After all, March knew her like the back of his hand. "You're right."

"Hah! The Princess finally acknowledges this one's intelligence."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far."

They continued to laugh and banter over the communication spell, uncaring about the copious amounts of magic spent over something so trivial. Princess Ceci almost didn't notice how the shadows beneath her feet began to swirl and pulse unnaturally.

Her reflexes snapped and when she turned her head; an opened jaw filled with jagged teeth eclipsed her view. Ceci gasped and barely had the time to duck out of the way before the black shark disappeared back beneath the paved roads. Why now! Princess Ceci clenched her teeth and raised her hand.

A barrier was erected around the area that kept normal civilians out of danger. Of course, she had to take care of her citizens first!

"What's going on?" March's voice turned serious on the other side of the line.

"Some stupid Nightmares appeared!" She huffed, "How are they appearing so frequently in the city!?"

"...Can't be certain. Anyways, don't think about it too much and focus on fighting. I'll go try to look around for more information."

"Ah! You're the one that shouldn't be worrying!" She shouted into the brooch as another shark leaped out from the ground, its giant jaws eager to take a bite out of her flesh! But Ceci wasn't even that concerned with the sharks! She was more worried about that idiot March getting himself into trouble when he should be at home resting.

Ceci moaned in annoyance. She dodged the breaching sharks like it was child's play. She raised her hand and called her magic, summoning her faithful companion Kiera.

The white wolf howled at her side, its shoulder height almost matched Ceci's own. Kiera circled around Ceci protectively and nipped and snapped at any Nightmares that dared to come too close. One of the sharks aim its attention at Kiera instead of Ceci, and jumped out beneath the wolf's paws.

Kiera leaped backward, but a little late! The Nightmare was fast enough to curl its cerated teeth around one of the wolf's forelimbs!

But when the shark bit down, those sharp teeth couldn't even penetrate flesh and at most only ruffled the pristine white fur on Kiera's body. Kiera took this chance to bite down on the shark's exposed neck area and rung it like a rag doll. The shark collapsed and faded into a cloud of ash.

The Princess huffed, "As if some foolish Nightmare could ever dream of harming my beloved Kiera!" She pointed forth at the remained two dark shadows that encircled them. "Bite them all to death!"

And so Kiera did. The white wolf pounced after the shadows. Her powerful jaw tore into the Nightmares as though there were nothing more than a flimsy sheet of paper. When it was only the two of them left in an empty street Princess Ceci couldn't help but sneer, "Hmph, how boring."

But she had spoken too soon! From the shadows, another shape, much smaller and much faster darted out and landed its little fangs into Kiera's shoulder!

Kiera reared and yelped, startling Princess Ceci to twist around. There was a little green weasel latched onto her poor Kiera's shoulder blade! The fur in that area became thoroughly red!

Her hands curled into fists as she summoned a ball of blue flames and launched it at the weasel. But the thing was sly and sneaky and not only bounced out of danger but also out of sight!