A change in plot

Light spilled in from the dark corridor and March could hear their voices coming from the room on the other end.

"Please listen. I'm not here to make things complicated." It was that mysterious man's voice.

June responded, "Of course. November, right? I promise we're not purposely trying to bring you any trouble. In fact, this is all to help you out."

"Frankly, I can't say I'm entirely convinced…"

March kept his attention to the voices that trickled towards him, making sure to take in the conversation for any juicy information and so that he may keep track of their status. While they busied with their little chat, the Knight searched and poked around the bar, looking behind and around it for any signs of Marilyn.

There was not that much to search. The bar counter did not have any storage underneath. Behind it was a counter, much like one found in a kitchen with a little sink and stove. There were cabinets over top, most of which were empty aside from some pots and pans. And in the cabinets below the counter, there were only some odd cups and plastic bags. There were a few drawers as well but like the cabinets had nothing of interest.

But then again, would Kaleidoscope really be so idiotic to hide Marilyn in such obvious places? March turned his attention to a potted plant set on the far end of the counter and contemplated scooping his hands in the dirt. That might make a mess though.

In the other room, November asked, "I don't even know what Marilyn is…"

"Allow me to show you," June answered. March froze in his search and suddenly became a lot more interested in what was going on between the two Kaleidoscope members and that November guy.

There was the sound of footsteps and March panicked a little, afraid that they will make their way towards him. He frantically swiped the Lioness's mask off the table and put the thing over his face.

It was a bit silly but better than nothing. He really didn't need to let these guys see and recognize his face. He ducked behind the counter for cover and mapped out his escape route should they backtrack into that room.

But his paranoia was unfounded and June was only moving about in the other room. He heard the sound of something rustling. "This is Marilyn," he heard June explain, "You take it to gain awareness. It helps ease bad dreams as well if you've been developing them."

"...I wouldn't say my dreams are bad."

"Dude, they're bad," the other guy answered, "You've been spacing out so much lately it's ridiculous. And you look like a raccoon-dog. Dead on your feet. I've lost count of the number of classes that you've missed out on at school already."


"Alright," June replied, "just try it. If it doesn't work out for you then that's fine. We're not pressuring you into anything."

March frowned and crept out of his hiding spot. He inched carefully down the lit hall, closing in on the other room with footsteps lighter than feathers. Body pressed along the side of the wall, he tried as he could to blend with the shadows.

"What am I supposed to do with it?" the November guy asked.

"You take one pill a day before going to bed. The illusion of perfection might fade away, but it will give you more of a grasp on your dreams. You will have more control in your life than you could ever imagine," June explained.

March pressed himself against the wall, peeking over subtly to catch sight of the three in the far end of the room, on the other side of the billiard table. June handed November the bag of Marilyn. The small, colored tablets shimmered from the tiny shards of Insomnium inside.

Besides June there was a crate, no doubt with even more Marilyn.

March needed a batch, bad. He cursed under his breath and wondered just how he was going to get to the other side without getting caught?

Well, he was a Knight and it meant that he was meant to accomplish the impossible. He smirked and quickly ducked behind an old leather couch when the group of three slowly moved back to the pool table.

"Are you sure this will work?" November was glaring at the pill in his hands with skepticism written all over his face. November was looking down, and the two Kaleidoscope members had their backs facing March.

This was his chance! March bolted towards the crate and reached in to grab a bag.

"Yeah, it'll work. Don't worry Nov. I've tried it myself, it's no big deal."

But maybe it'd been a terrible mistake, because next to the crate was nowhere to take cover. November's eyes were already raising up so March had no choice but to dive-bomb back behind the couch.

Too fast, his foot crunched against the ground. The glasses boy flinched, startled, and twisted around, "What was that?"

Shit! March cursed, not only had he made a sound but he could have sworn that November guy saw his shadow. March's heart beat against his chest and opened his palm to summon a sword.

But the words that came out of November's mouth was unexpected, "Oh, it was nothing. Probably just an overgrown rat."

…Was he helping March out, or insulting him? The Knight wasn't so sure.

But the glasses boy jumped and shivered, "What! I hate rats! I thought we got rid of all of them."

June stroked his chin and frowned, "I thought so too." And he began to walk towards the couch, "Did you see where it went?"

Crap! He was about to be discovered.

But that November guy was oddly helpful and said instead, "Yeah it went towards the window."

"Eeep!" Glasses boy glared in the direction of Novembers pointing finger and June moved to look there as well, ducking under the pool table for this nonexistent rat.

Now was his chance! March quickly ducked out into the hallway, sending the November guy buckets of gratitude from his heart, vowing that one day he'd pay the guy back even if they were fated to be enemies. After all, March was a Knight and he had to be honorable at least sometimes.

He made his way back into the other room and wasted no time to slip out the door. He left the Patch behind him and it was only when March was back in the confines and safety of the castle walls did he remember the odd weight still present on his face.

March blanched. He slipped the Lioness mask off his face and stared at it dumbly. It stared back at him, little gemstones embedded around its face. March was struck with horror as he realized that there was magic on the thing. Magic that wasn't Princess Ceci's.

He was going to be so screwed if she discovered this in his hands.

Meanwhile back in the orange building, June plucked a talisman out from under the cabinet. "Looks like I've found our rat," he muttered to himself.

There was a bag missing from their Marilyn stash and he now had a good idea the identity of the thief that stole from them.

But June frowned and scratched at his chin. It was odd that March hadn't just raided their hideout with swords blazing and the Princess at his side. Never in any of his incarnations was there a case of the Knight raiding Kaleidoscope to steal Marilyn.

It was odd. And June felt a smirk pull at his lips.

Maybe it was finally time for a good old plot twist. "Sorry Princess, but it looks like the story isn't going your way this time."