
"Ma'am, we would like you to follow us," Said that leader with polite

"If I didn't follow you, what would you do?" Amaya asked coldly

"Then sorry Ma'am we have to force you to follow us" Now also even threatening he said politely

At that time everyone already in fear, James Bill came to stand in front of Amaya, she just signaled no need of doing this, even so, they stand beside me in a protective manner

"Do you have guts to make me follow?" I taunted him

He was raged when he just about to signal his fellow guards to force me to follow, at that time whole new batch of guards came more accurately my shadow guards came

When the leader of the guards that Rahul sent saw them he was shell shocked because the aura they are emitting is so much more powerful than them that how many fights they had fought, how many life-threatening situations they had faced to have such a powerful killing aura even every single one of them is like a death gods

Even all the family members were shocked to death after seeing more bodyguards, as they have no idea who are all these people and why are they here, and why are they even forcing Amy to follow them and this another group is far more terrifying than the first group and the most shocking and confusing thing is what type of background does Amy have that so much of people here for her

"Do you dare now?" Amaya's cold, indifferent voice rang

He couldn't answer because he knew even they fought hard they can't win even they are more in the numbers

"I didn't know that even a normal shadow guards have guts to force me when even elite guards of the Chauhan's and the Patel's have to be more polite with me," Amaya said chuckling coldly

The guards and their leader couldn't help but be confused about the identity of this lady who their boss said even in any case they have to stop her from leaving the Country

"You can't stop me from my leaving but for your Mr. Patel I have gift so please give him behalf of me" Amaya said giving him a parcel

"And say Rahul that even if here Hruday's guards present they can't stop me how can he thought that he can stop me, he should work hard if he wants me to be defeated" Amaya said again

He have to silently take every information so he can pass this to his boss, he won't know what waiting for him but he has to face it

"Also inform them a gentle reminder never to provoke me because that year not only feelings and family also Maya has perished in that chaos" Amaya's voice rang

Everyone was baffled after digesting these things their mind went blank

At that time one of the guards of Amaya came in front of her and said,

"Eldest Young Miss, Eldest Young Master is here to fetch you back to home, we should get going"

"Oh!! Brother is here, then we should get going" Amaya said happily

Then turning towards Rahul's guards she said,

"You can wait here as I know both Rahul and Hruday will be here, don't forget to give that gift to Hruday and also congratulate him about his getting married to his love of life and also to live a happy life forever if I have time I will certainly come if not then I will generously send a gift even if he didn't invite me"

Then she said to the family,

"Let's go if not we will be late" 

Then start to walk towards the departure area where the plane waiting for them, she started to walk then everyone came back from the trace, they got their thoughts together and start to walk behind her and her bodyguards are surrounding them and following closely so there is no one can attack suddenly they are looking surrounding like sharp eagles

When Amaya saw her brother coming towards her, she left everyone there and rushed to her brother and hugged him tightly then called softly,


"Anu, How are you?" Amaya's Brother hugged her tightly

"I am good, How are you, Brother? How is everyone?" Amaya asked after letting him from her tight hug

"I am also good and so is everyone, everyone is missing you this decision of yours coming home back is a good thing," Amaya's Brother said to her with a warm smile

" Okay let me introduce everyone," Amaya said after remembering more people are seeing inside felt embarrassed because she never behaved like this

"Okay," Amaya's brother said from the moment he saw his sister never once his eyes wavered, like his eyes only has Amaya in his eyes

Amaya excitedly dragged him to introduce everyone,

"Brother, This is Uncle Ivan who is Mayor, his wife Aunt Catherine, their only daughter and my best friend Isabella, then here Uncle Riley who is very famous businessman, his wife Aunt Maddie, their son James my friend also Bella's fiancé and then here is Uncle Bruno who is also a businessman and Uncle Ivan's brother-in-law, his wife Aunt Ava, then their children Bill also my friend and Karyn"

Amaya introduced all of them in one go

"And guys this is my Big Brother Aarsh Singh Raizada" Amaya introduced her brother simply with no complementary sentences because she knows his name enough

They are all shocked hearing his name because he is 'The Aarsh Singh Raizada', a legend in the business world known for his deceiving mind, ruthless decisions and his cold looks despite him being young he is like a person who has dived into the business industry as old businessmen, he can even make those old cunning businessmen to shut their mouth and obey his orders

They can't compare this person with that rumored business legend, they all thought those rumors are fake when their mind wandering