Late By Step

"Hello everyone, thank you for taking care of my sister these years," Aarsh said politely with a hint of gratitude but his before warm and loving face now has no expressions every warmth already vanished when turned his eyes away from Amy or Ayna

Everyone woke up from their wandering mind when Aarsh talked,

Then Uncle Ivan just waved his hands and said,

"This is nothing, you don't have to be courteous, we always felt that she is like family to us, It's nice to meet you, Sir"

"Just call me Aarsh no need to be so much courteous towards me as I am from a younger generation you are all my elders and Ayu treats you all as her family," Aarsh said to them

"Brother, I have informed Papa that there will be some people coming with me, they are Bella, James and Bill," Amaya said because her brother didn't know how many are coming and who are coming because she only had informed her father

"Okay, I think we should be going now, as we have to be there as early as possible so" Aarsh said because he knew that they can't be here for more time because Hruday is on his way so he will catch up with them and now he don't want tangle with them

"Yeah, let's go," Amaya said in a hurry

Everyone bid their farewell, Aunt Cath, Maddie and Ava had tears in their eyes because they didn't know how much time they will be far away from home but all men have hope for their children and their future

Because of this decision, their future will flourish and they will become legends that everyone looked upon yes but this is for future

For now, they are just like children thinking that they got what they wanted but they never know it will change their whole prospect

They get in the plane and the plane take off towards Country M

When Amaya sat in the seat she got a feeling of deja vu because she has a lot on her plate, she has to plan how she is going to face everyone mainly her son Asav because the person she has let down is her son

Now she wants her son to have everything that is his, she is ready to fight for her son's rights, every single thing which had snatched from him she will get it back for him

'Hruday, maybe we never meant to be but for my son I will fight to the death with them I never want to fight against you but I know you will protect them so I have a stand in front of you as your enemy but for my son, for my sufferings, for the pain of my loved ones, for everything that has happened in the past I have to fight, I am sorry Hruday I may let you down but this is for the flesh and blood of ours, for our son'

As she was thinking tears starts to slide down from her closed eyes to her cheeks, Aarsh came to sit beside her seeing tears sliding down his heart starts to ache to see her keeping everything in her heart never letting go, He hugged her tightly

He promised himself that he will protect his sister and his nephew from everything that will harm them, he knows she never let anyone to take revenge on her behalf because she wants to do it herself, he always felt she has bottled up every pain inside her so much that it made her cold, unfeeling, ruthless woman in everyone's eyes but he know this change is because she wants to protect herself and her loved ones

When everyone saw this they said nothing but they also felt the changes in Amaya's temperature, her aura become so strong that shocked them

They never saw their friend Amy who was always calm, collected even in a time of crisis but now she is a completely different person.

What the hell is happening? What they are talking about? Why is Amy like this?

This type of questions start to surface in their mind but they didn't dare to voice out

On the other side.

When Bella and other's family are getting ready to leave the airport and go home, at that time two people suddenly rushed in, that startled everyone,

The guards who are standing not knowing what to do now seeing their boss coming they sighed in relief, so they went in front of them

Then suddenly Hruday roared in a hurry " Where is she?"

"Sir, She left" The guard trembled

"What" Hruday furiously asked his eyes are blood red and all he can see is red

"We tried but--" the guard stammered

"But what?" Rahul asked not wanting to anger Hruday more

"But.. but behind her the top class guards were there, they were like death gods like they have fought hundreds of wars and assassination, we can't fight with them" the guard omitted whatever he has to say

Then Rahul thought this is important so they all left from there to their villa in this Meadon that they bought after knowing Maya is here, they all went to secret room,

"What!! guards? Did you see whose organization is that?" Rahul asked frowning and he also believed that those bodyguards from some organization not her personal

"Sir, they are I think personal bodyguards of their family not from some organization" The guard answered as he is the leader of all guards here so even if he didn't want to face the wrath of his boss he had no choice

"Then do you know which family is that" Hruday asked after calming himself down because even if he roared and punished guards there is no gain and she will not going to be back because of this

"No Sir, we don't know from which family they are but I can confirm that they are not from Country A because there is no prominent family like that other than the top families but these guards are not from any top family," the guards said in tone that he is hundred percent sure