
He can only pray that his sister should never be betrayed again because this time will have more bad impact, she may not hold any faith in happily living.

Everyone are talking when Aarsh came and said,

"You all should go and take a rest"

"Okay, you also should go to bed," James said politely

After bidding good night everyone went to their own arranged room in flight, but Aarsh sat there thinking about all the things about his this little sister

Flight attendant came to ask him,

"Sir, is there anything you need?"

"Nothing, Leave" Aarsh waved in dismiss

Then sighing he went to his room for rest for while,

then the flight attendant came knocking on the door as they are arriving at Capital of Country M sometimes

As he went out saw everyone is returned to their seat buckling their seat belt so he went to sit in his seat which is beside his sister Aanya

"Had enough sleep?" He asked in a teasing manner

"Yup, I feel refreshed," Aanya said with a smile as she seems relaxed

"Are you ready to go back and take hold of your life for which you have put pause" Aarsh asked suddenly getting serious

"Hmm, I am," Aanya said in determination

"I have already wasted so much time but now I can't be selfish to think only about myself, I have thought thoroughly and already decided that after going back I will take my responsibilities I am sorry to make you all worried all these years Brother" She again said in confident

As they were talking the pilot announced about landing, after slight turbulence the flight came to land, then everyone got ready to go out

When they went outside everyone felt happy, it's refreshing and pure air to breathe,

"Finally, I am here. I am thrilled ohhh" Bella happily talked hugging James

"Welcome back home Anu," Aarsh said happily patting Aanya's head

Aanya only smiled and took a deep breath just to enjoy this moment she murmured,

"I am back"

"Let's go, there is a welcome party at home for you, everyone is waiting eagerly for you to come back," Aarsh said backing them to get in the car

As everyone sat in the car, the car started to move,

Aanya said to everyone in reminding,

"You all remember that here you should call me Aanya or Anu okay if we are in private you can call me Amy"

"Okay cool" Everyone nodded their head in agreement

The car moved towards high-end area where all rich families staying, passing through that area there came another area which is only for those family who have history and power, in this area, there are not many families stays but whoever has a house here are the real power and historical strength which can overpower the whole Country

Seeing outside, everyone is happy but when they saw the area where is not many houses are build but those houses are like large tree

Everyone is astonished to see, Bella asked in an unbelieving tone,

"Amy oh sorry Anu only a few houses are here and those are so huge whose house is this? It's like a palace"

"In this area, only those families stays who have a power and historical background like some families here are founding families of nation" Aanya explained

"Ohh..... that's amazing, I think I can see that Capital is really beautiful and so lovely better than our Countries Capital also it's very much advanced I like it here, Can we go to see around and for some shopping also" Bella starts to blabber

"Okay, After all we will stay here for a long time so we can go anywhere you want okay, no worries" Aanya Assured

"Here we came home" Aarsh announced loudly

Aanya stiffened when she heard 'home', but others are very much happily going out of the car, she slowly got out of the car

In front of her standing a huge and palace-like mansion which shows its history and power it has and position which have in this Country

Standing in front her lips curved she said,

"I am home"