
Aanya stiffened when she heard herself calling 'home', but others are very much happily going out of the car, she slowly got out of the car

In front of her standing a huge and palace-like mansion which shows its history and power it has and position which have in this Country

Standing in front her lips curved she said,

"I am home"

When everyone came in front of the home, there are two rows of maids and workers standing, when they saw coming Butler Uncle Ram came in front and loudly said,

"Welcome back home Eldest Young Miss"

Everyone followed the steps after Aarsh waved in the manner of disperse, then all maids and workers disappeared from the sight

Then Aanya asked Butler,

"How are you, Uncle Ram?"

"I am good, How are you, Eldest Young Miss?" Butler Ram asked with respect

"I am also good" Aanya replied with a smile

She respects Butler a lot because he was here from the time when Grandpa was in power even can say Uncle Ram grew underwings of Grandpa, Grandpa always treated him like family.

As she entered the home, she had a nostalgic feeling it's been three years.

When she went inside the living room, everything is black, no lights, nothing, as she entered suddenly all lights are on and there is a big board of 'WELCOME BACK', everyone is smiling,

seeing Mother, Father, Grandpa, Grandma, Sister and everyone so it felt like really good and her eyes are filled with tears of joy,

Then her little sister Aadya came running hugged her tightly,

"Sister, welcome back, I am happy to see you"

"I am also happy to be back Ayu, How are you?" Aanya asked hugging her little sister tightly

After letting her go she turned saw her family smiling warmly at her,

"Papa" Aanya called her Father hugging

"Good that you came back" Her Father smiled

"GrandPa " "GrandMa" She called hugging both elders

"Maa" Aanya called knowing that the person who is most disappointed in her is her Mother

"It is really good you came back, but never act this rashly again," Her Mother said hugging her

It means her Mother already forgave her for her decision

so as she went and hugged her family one by one after hugging everyone she starts to search for something

When everyone saw this, her father asked.

"What are you searching for?"

"Where is Asav? Why didn't I see him when I came?" Aanya couldn't help but to ask not seeing her son present

"Hmm that boy he is really angry, you should go and pacify him" GrandMa sighed deeply

That boy was really happy when he got to know that he can see his mother but now when she comes he is hiding, What boy!!

Aanya also helpless against her son because the most of the regret she had is that she was unable to spend her time with her son in his childhood, she always felt pain about these things as she is felt bad

"Okay I will go and find him and you guys make yourself comfortable here, I will be back in a moment, " Aanya said and went to find her son

Then all the family turned their eyes towards the guests,

Aanya's Mother said,

"Come and take a seat, it is just my daughter came back after three years so it's just so sorry come and have some refreshments"

"It's okay, we understand Ma'am, Sorry for troubling you by coming here," James said politely

"No, It's okay we always welcome you and also you are all my daughter's friends and she never have called over any of her friends to her family but she never bought any of her friends or I can say there are no real friends at that time" Aanya's Father said as he went in deep in memory

"Okay, I will let you guys rest so I will order a maid to show your rooms for rest and freshen up also we will call you for dinner until you all can rest," Aanya's Mother said

So with the help of the maid, they went to rest as everyone has their room that's also their rooms are adjacent to each other.