Talk - 2

So thinking this is a chance she also slipped without anyone's knowledge but Asav and guards saw that and Asav just looked at one guard as order to follow her aas what she will be doing then that guard left without any sound so no one got to know

Misha directly followed Hruday and saw him gazing outside so she went near him.

Whenever she is close to Hruday she always has the feeling of giddy and she always wanted to be top of the world also wants handsome husband all this criteria passed by Hruday so she always behaved as proper lady or one of first lady of upper class with all etiquette and all proper upbringing

Even she always thought at the end she will be the one who will be Mrs.Patel so she always acted like one even from the college days but everything changed one day that one day made her dreams to crumble and her dream castle was like thrown into fire to turn into ashes

When Aanya saw this she also noticed one of her guards following Misha and stand hiding in one of the pillar, when he saw her looking at him he nodded then she made motion from her hand so that only understandable by her own people so that guard nodded and took his mobile to message someone after a minute another guard came so I just give him some orders like keep an eye on everyone also keeping safe Asav and The Nandh's and if operation completed then call her also said that let someone to be here as she will talk with Hruday and allow no one near to them when they are talking

After hearing all this orders, he send some messages then went on hiding, so Aanya just standing there to listen what they are talking and the best thing is she isn't on the range where both of them can easily find me because from where I am standing only I can see them even I can hear better but they can't see me without their full attention

Misha unaware of someone hearing her she just stand there like love sick puppy then Hruday suddenly turned around only to see the person who he never wanted to see but he was always been a very good at hiding his expressions and very few people can bring the emotions from him but in that there is no place for people like Misha

After knowing this she never really did acknowledged this because she was confident that he will one day surely love her but now it was just her whole imaginations which hurts her badly with that thought tears filled her eyes and she pitifully called Hruday,

"Hruday I-"

"Misha I really don't have time or patience to talk with you and here I am waiting for someone so you should leave now" Hruday just lifter his hand to stop her what she was saying with out glancing at her

Now it really hurts her so badly that she was thinking that she really want to die other side Aanya was as indifferent as ever like she is watching just some live show

"You! how can you say that Hruday we were engaged for more than four years with you and now you are treating like me as I am some trash that is also at the time that the cancellation of engagement is not properly handled, even if I am not your finance, at least treat me as friend who I am" Misha cried softly and pitifully

Many passerby saw this and really felt pity for her, I just shook my head because of human nature it really felt funny, even if they don't know the situation then also they will be judgmental about everything just because they saw it or heard it, but really they never try to understand the real situation

But Hruday never cared about this , he was really sharp mouthed person he spare none if they really offended him and without taking action with only his mouth he can defeat anyone, In the past if anyone offended him just with few words he would make them feel that why they are born? it was really funny and also he always did for Aanya when she was with him

"Misha, I think you really have big misunderstanding about all this, I was never remember never your fiance and that was just a deal for both of us as you wanted to be actress so for your backing you and your father asked me to help you as they will spread rumors about I am engaged to you so for the deal I really didn't say anything but that doesn't mean that I will really marry you, you also should know that I am married and even I have child that is the age of five years and also I should correct you that you and I are no friends only we were in the same class of college and your family asked us help not with the some so- called friendship which really didn't have even between us or with our family you should understand this" Hruday really slapped her with words

Those words will hurt her really badly that she will never dared to approach him within 10 m near him even Aanya is surprised by how is tongue improved over the years because he didn't even want to be aggressive but with just few words in soft voice that seems harmless but really death warrant

"Hruda-" Misha choked

"Please leave Ms.Khanna, I don't really need your company as MY wife is here to accompany me and don't let this repeat because if I become annoyed, may be I will never really tolerate anything" Hruday cut-of her before she can speak and for the first time he did turned to see Aanya because even talking with Misha he didn't spare any glance Misha and he emphasized on the word 'MY' to show that he is still in the relationship and not want any other person to be third wheel

And Aanya got to know this is all about her and he already sensed her present and she was walking out of the hiding cursing in her mind

Was he werewolf or vampires that he can sense me, are you kidding me? he already know that I was eavesdropping and he didn't expose but waited because he wanted her to listen all the things he was saying to her she felt it's really shameful that all her hiding exposed in front of everyone