
"Please leave Ms.Khanna, I don't really need your company as MY wife is here to accompany me and don't let this repeat because if I become annoyed, may be I will never really tolerate anything" Hruday cut-of her before she can speak and for the first time he did turned to see Aanya because even talking with Misha he didn't spare any glance Misha and he emphasized on the word 'MY' to show that he is still in the relationship and not want any other person to be third wheel

And Aanya got to know this is all about her and he already sensed her present and she was walking out of the hiding cursing in her mind

Was he werewolf or vampires that he can sense me, are you kidding me? he already know that I was eavesdropping and he didn't expose but waited because he wanted her to listen all the things he was saying to her she felt it's really shameful that all her hiding exposed in front of everyone

Thinking about this she really got angry as it feels like he was the one watching show rather than her and she felt her anger bubbling as she thought he was playing her she cursed out audibly,


Then she gave them most well formed and professional innocent smile,

"Hello, as you both were in the serious discussion so I thought to give some privacy so you both can reminisce about your past"

Seeing Aanya coming out from her hiding Misha's face turned between red and blue because of humiliation as she know that Aanya heard every single thing which left her without ounce of dignity as Hruday already ripped piece by piece

Hruday can hear her sarcasm because he knew his Jaan now is not one to be played and he did so he could only wait for her throwing tantrums but much to his dismay she really didn't bring about this again or accused him for playing her but he can sense her walls are again raised high and strong that she really closed off for everyone

It really saddened him that she really stopped trusting him or in their relationship, he asked himself

'Did he rally going to lose her?what happened that made her to built wall around her and be wary of all the people who were rather close to her when she was here'

Then he determined him self,

'No even if I have to start from the first I will never going to giving up on or relation and I will crumble every wall she has built around her'

He woke up when he heard Misha's snarling,

"What are you doing here bit**? Why are you interfering between us, You wit**, I will kill you, you s***?"

When she raised her hand to slap Aanya but her hand was stopped by Hruday and at the same time the bodyguards who are hiding also came but seeing someone stopped they silently went on hiding without anyone noticing

Here Aanay was standing there with her crossed her hands in front of her chest and standing lazily as the person who was supposed to be slapped not her

Seeing her like this Misha's anger raised to the point where her face turned red from anger, she starts to curse loudly,

"Hruday leave my hand, I am going to kill her, she is the reason foe every disaster happening in my life, she is curse, she always comes to ruin my happiness, if not for coming in your life, I would have been your wife and we would have been happily leading our life and now because of her my marriage was broken and now I also last my status in entertainment industry if not for her may be I wouldn't be humiliated or my family never be cornered, I will kill this bi***, Yo-"

Hruday turned her towards him slapped her hard and she was stunned to the death because she was slapped and that is also by her most loved person,

"You slapped me, you slapped because of her, you bi*** see because of you my Hruday slapped me I will kill you"

Saying this Misha ran towards Aanya with scissor which she snatched from the plate of operation tools which nurse was holding in high speed where Hruday also couldn't stop her and when guards are about move she stopped them

Misha was looking like beggar with her hair tousled and when she struggled to release her hand from Hruday her dress become messy and all that crying drama her mascara running down

When Misha was in front of Aanya she directly lifted her leg and kicked Misha's stomach with all her force before Misha can have chance to stab Aanya


Misha cried as she landed on the floor, when she tried to get up she couldn't do as she tried hard every time she was suffering from more pain and passed out

By listening her scream which is like pig was crying when it slaughtered Aanya really flinched and all of them who were waiting at the door of operation theater also came

Mina seeing her sister sprawled on the floor, she ran towards her,

"Sister, what happened? why are you lying here like this, wake up"

Then turning towards Hruday she asked while crying pitifully

"Bother Hruday, what happened to my sister, why is she hurt and also that is in front of you?"

At this time Aanya's son Asav and Rachel came beside her and Rachel murmured under her breath ,

"Here we go"

Aanya chuckled and waiting for Hruday that how he is going to answer

"I don't know" Hruday curtly answered without looking at her but his eyes are darting between Aanya and Asav

"Aah you don't know? how can it be, she was hear to talk with you and then she is lying here, how can someone hurt her when you are here and who can hurt her?" Mina still playing her pity card

This girl is really far behind in this games, she is really childish, she think if she can win this with her lousy acting but still she is far better than her idiot sister

The newcomers turned towards me and they are starting to murmur and I groaned

Mina turned towards me and her eyes dramatically widened I have to really give her Oscar, as she realized then suddenly turned towards Hruday and sobbed softly saying,

"Brother Hruday, how could you let anyone to hurt my sister, you are really heartless, you didn't even stopped her. how can you?"

Hruday started gets headache and he wants to end this so he can go back to wait for operation to complete, he really regretted he came here to talk but he have to see all this drama

Before he can say anything Aanya opened her mouth,

"Ms.Kapoor, I really appreciate your sister bond but I think you should really stop this drama, it is really getting bored and also if you really as close as you show here with your sister the first thing you would have been done was taking her for treatment not all this dramas really, do we look like idiot to you and I really don't have any ti,e for this if you really want to know what happened just go and find the footage you will know"

With that she left with her son and Rachel with guards on her toes then Hruday also left without even glancing down then his behind almost everyone left only some who have close relation with Khanna sister stayed and then they called for treatment

In all this Mina really ashamed even in making eye contact with anyone because of Aanya's word everyone are aware of her intentionally trying to trap Aanya but she failed