Face-Off - 2

"Sorry, wrongly asked, Can you divorce my mother? so you both can free from this as you both were already separated for years and those papers didn't matter but if my mother liked someone, wants to marry then this small things will be bigger problem with this problem solved you can also marry anyone you fancy so you should just divorce my mother so, you both will be happy in your own world not disturbing each other as you both don't love each other" Asav said it with ease as he was talking about weather not fu****g his marriage and this little imp is his own blood son who was a symbol of his and Maya's love

And this little imp dared to say that he don't love Maya, is this little boy really unbelievable, if they both didn't love each other then how can he be here taunting and acting all mighty to his father, even dared to say divorce, is this boy's any screw is loose or something, he can't believe his own son want to divorce his wife, his Maya,

I think he need some serious discipline, if not his son really going out of hand and also at five years he has this much intelligent then as he grows may be it will be hard for to control him and more important task is now that to take his son on his side because his son can help him to win his Maya back

"You little devil, do remember I am your biological father who gave you birth" Hruday said with disbelief

"Oh please, even though I am five I do know that my mother was the one who carried me nine months and gave birth to me, in all this what you did is just spent some sp-" Asav was going to continue but suddenly Hruday closed his mouth

He really have to be careful with his this next generation because he is really fast and he was even loudly saying these words oh my god who teaches him all this at least not his Maya or should call Aanya, even he talked like this she will ran away instant with blushing face

How shameless is his son, who he took after, at least not after his mother she is so innocent and pure and his father me, I am not that shameless

'Are you sure?' Hruday's subconscious mocked him

He grimaced when his subconscious poked him and he really felt may be he took after him

"What the hell!! How can you talk these things you are just child, you shouldn't talk about this all things, who taught you this, If I find him I will really going to break his bones" Hruday gritted his teeth

Asav was just held candles for his uncle Aarsh and his father -in-law Manav, if most importantly his mother find out about this talk with his father Hruday then he will be finished and he planned to make scapegoat of this two after all they were the one who always talked these things in front him

Asav didn't say anything just standing there after a second he suddenly asked,

"So.....you are not going to divorce my mother right?"

"Yes I am not going do that and stop asking also if you have any funny ideas about that you should just drop them because if you did something like that I am going to discipline you, like like ...spanking" Hruday annoyed

Asav asked,

"Really Mr.Patel, are you thinking I am still the baby who only know how to eat his fist no I am mature and grown up enough to understand all about happening between my mother and you

I am not like those child who still clings to their mother for everything I am grown enough to have my own judgments and I will never let my mother to be in any disadvantage, I love my mother so much to see her in pain

and I don't think I will be able to accept you as my father this early because all my life when ever looked up I only have seen my mother who struggled to make my life comfortable and also balancing the responsibility of both parents, I don't think I will let anyone to enter in my world this early

If my mother still loves you then I will try to accept you but not now because I can't suddenly have a family and be happy with them, I have seen world enough to understand not let your guards down because anytime you can get hurt just like my mother who was in this Country few years back"

Asav just let out all the frustration and most shocking thing is that he can understand and talk all this things which even a man have difficulty to understand

Hruday's mouth opened and closed like fish, he was speechless, truly he don't have words to say something after hie son's bursting

He always felt that his son is the one kind who matured early and he thought that because he was not there as father so his son matured early but he thought wrongly even if he was in his life he couldn't really let his son to have Disney childhood there everything is fairy tale

Suddenly his eyes became moist, because he understood one thing that both his wife and son have grown in these years and he wondered that what happened in their life that they both have changed and his wife became more reserved and matured, her innocence lost in those cold eyes without any feeling and his son at the age of five he can confront his father and left him speechless

He thought that he have to know what his family went through these years which made them like this where his wife is like cold and detached, here his son asking him to divorce his wife

"Asav, I don't know for what you are saying all this hurtful things but I am sure about one thing I am never going to let my family leave me not again because I love your mother, my wife so much that I never be able to bear seeing her leave me and now you are my son is here how can I let you go? Never" Hruday said

Asav irritated that his work didn't go as planned just left,

"Suits yourself"

Hruday chuckled as he saw his son stomping in ward while making face, after all he is still child no matter what there will still be traits of child