
"Asav, I don't know for what you are saying all this hurtful things but I am sure about one thing I am never going to let my family leave me not again because I love your mother, my wife so much that I never be able to bear seeing her leave me and now you are my son is here how can I let you go? Never" Hruday said

Asav irritated that his work didn't go as planned just left,

"Suits yourself"

Hruday chuckled as he saw his son stomping in ward while making face, after all he is still child no matter what there will still be traits of child

Then he turned his gaze towards window once again,

'Maya, I think there is more than you are letting me see, in your every move you left many clues but those clues always came to dead end, every time when we followed those leads it is like those clues arranged for us like the information about your identity of Amaya in Country A and also letting us know about Aarsh Singh Raizada picking you in airport but all those only let me more questions than solving the problem, what are you playing Maya and why?

And our son, he is really one of kind, you really raised him good, I am really happy to see that at this young age he can distinguish right from the wrong and also he can observe the people and their personality this makes easier for him to achieve success in future also he is very filial to you but he really has temper even in front of his father

Maya I want us to be together happily ever as we once promised,now we have our first child and I want more and our home to be filled with their laughter and happiness and I want us to be together in every situation until we die and I want you to back and I will always have you back in my life and we will live just like what we dreamed of

I always thought when you make me promise with you about all those cheesy things like trust,loyalty and love, I felt at that time you are foolish but now I know that the foolish one is not you but me because I know when I didn't believe you and let you suffer all those things, you started to giving up on me and our relationship

I was foolish enough that in our relation I didn't give you anything other than pain and our sinking marriage which is any time would have been broken but you tried to hold and you did everything to hold tightly but I was really a bas***d to not working hard to save our marriage

May be you really don't want to reconcile with me but I am unable to live life without you, all this years I tried to find you so after gaining you forgiveness we will be able to live happily but now seeing you again I know I will never be able to gain your forgiveness easily but I will work hard for us and for our family'

Hruday was determined that if he want his wife back then he have to convince his son first then only he can move forward because he can see in all the matter the big hurdle is his own son who is guarding his wife like bodyguard every minute so first he have to pass this hurdle which is harder than signing business deal

Someone came from behind when he heard footsteps he turned only to see Rahul who was trying to control his twitching lips

When Hruday saw him like he only stared hardly at Rahul

Being stared Rahul couldn't control and laughed loudly so loud that people who are walking in the corridor staring weirdly at them then some nurse came and warned him not to disturb the patients so he tried to control after much of controlling he can stop his laugh even so one can see his lips twitching

"What" Hruday asked irritated

"Hruday, you really lost in your own son's hand ,Hahahaha Oh my god it's really hilarious Hahahah...you really played in the hand such a small kid, ohh my..Haaahha" Rahul really couldn't control his act

"Shut up" Hruday gritting his teeth

"But Bro, your son is really smart and he know that what he want and what to do, he really miniature of you, I am happy that you have such a son and Maya really raised good son he was really awesome" Rahul said sincerely

Hruday seeing his friend praising his son he became proud

"But I think your son doesn't seem to like you much and he even asked you for divorce he is really daring but you know what I am really satisfied that there is someone who can control you" Rahul said in normal tone but one could notice the obvious gloating in that voice

"You don't have to worry about me but I think I should talk with your parents, Aunt always thinking about your marriage and I have perfect candidate for you to marry you know the girl who proposed you last week I think that girl is pretty good match for you" Hruday said with serious tone

"No no bro th....that girl no I am really sorry, please don't tell anything to my mother, I am your best friend you can't betray me and if my mother always listened what you say and she will definitely marry me with that girl even without doing any background check please, you know I can help you in coaxing Maya after all I am also her best friend" Rahul said with terrified look and he even used Maya to shield him because he can't marry, he is waiting for the one just like Maya who is the one for hruday, he want that type of love even though now they are apart but anyone one who has eyes can see that they both have each other in their heart

Also the girl who was mentioned by Hruday have left deep impression on Rahul which he couldn't help shudder every time he remembered those memories because that girl almost got him sleep with her


Other side Misha got conscious after doctor checked her and gave her medicine but also they reminded them that she have to be here resting for two days and also they are waiting for x-ray reports because they can't see any fracture where she got hit but they want to be sure

Mina called her family, after learning about this both of their parents came running, their mother Mrs. Vimal Khanna is crying badly

"How can anyone hurt my baby, look she is so pitiful, that witch I will never leave how dare she? who she think her self, she is really thinking herself as daughter-in-law of Patel's humph even so I will never leave her, she has hurts my baby, that time I let her off but now I will never leave her to see another day"