What is this feeling ?

Rose was laying in bed trying to go asleep thinking about the day she just had with Don. She had a lot on her mind she decided to call her best girl friend Lee . She called Lee who answered ofcourse . Lee said girl it late are you ok ? Rose said yes I just spent the day with don and a lot on my mind I was hoping you would talk to me and help me get my head straight. Lee knew already that Rose was confused about how she felt about Don and need her and even thow she was tireder she told Rose she always had time for her and ask what was on her mind ? Rose knew she count on Lee .She flashed back to the day she meat Lee .She was late to class running in the halls and bump into Lee. Both fell to the ground at frist Lee was pissed and started going off she look down at Rose who started to cry and this trew Lee off . Lee bent down to help Rose up and said sorry she thought she ran into someone else then tells Rose about boy name Leroy who been bothering her. After talking to each other they found out they both moved a lot and had a lot in common and been friends cents . Rose was shy, kinda of nervous and hated people because she thought everyone was fake and dramabut was loud when she wanted to be. but she like Lee . Lee was head strong, independent ,smart , and was loud too and didn't like people eather because of the same reason. they got along great when Rose moved . She called Lee all the time telling her what was going on and about Don and what they was missing. Rose didn't talk about alot people and spent alot time with Don it wasn't long before Lee realized Rose like Don but it didn't seem like Rose knew it ... Hello ! Lee said bring Rose back to earth. Rose asked Lee is it normal to think ur friend is hot ? Lee said sometimes. Why do you think Don is hot ? Rose blushed and said a little . Lee hold back laughter. Rose starts telling Lee how he is always on her mind , How she wanted to hold his hand and she was confused . She went from hating him to being friends with him and now she gets these wired thoughts and feelings when she was around him. She ask Lee what was happening ? Lee couldn't hold it in anymore she busted out laughing she knew she couldn't explain over the phone and told Rose she will come over tomorrow for a girls day Don wasn't aloud to be there and she would Explain everything tomorrow to go to bed and she hung up . Rose trusted her friend and went to bed thinking about what she was gonna do with Lee tomorrow and what was Lee gonna tell her she couldn't say over the phone . Before she knew it her mom was walking her up telling her Lee would be here soon. She rush to get ready she was excited to see her best friend it been a while cents they hung out. She had the day plain fiuger she would find out what Lee tought was wrong with her at dinner before she had go home . Lee got there and the hug each other excited to see one another .They ran off to do all that Rose had plain for them having a good day . Dinner came and they eat in Rose room. Rose knew she had to ask now or she would never know . She said Lee what wrong with me that you couldn't tell me on the phone. I am so happy you came but I am really worried . Lee busted out laughing she loved how innocent her friend was . Ler asked Rose do you think about him lot? Rose said yes . Lee ask do yoy dream about him ? Rose said sometimes. Lee ask do you think about kissing him and holding his hand ? Rose said yes but he my friend I dont understand why or why I cant talk to him with out getting nevers what wrong with me? Lee grab Rose by shoulders look her in the eyes and said Rose I think you love him ! Hearing this made Rose eyes open wide . ,She step back thought about it dose she loved him? She never been in love before is that what this feeling was ? Oh My God it hit her . It made complete sense why she was attracted to him, How she wanted kiss him and stuff, Why she tought about him all the time . She was in love with him ! oh no ! This ain't good ! She really loved him and alot they was spots to br close friends. She couldn't stay friends with him now she knew how she felt about him . She might mess up and do something weird. She would get mad if he gets with a nother girl that not what best friends do but she didn't want tell him eather what if he doesn't like her back and stop being her friend becuse things gets wired . What if he gose back to hating her like he did before. She couldn't stand that if it happens . She got all worked up and started panicking and cryed . Lee went to her held her and whip the tears away she told Rose to go to the bathroom and get clean up that she would help make everything better they will fiuger everything out together .