Rose went into the bathroom. (Lee POV) meanwhile Lee was chilling in Rose's room when she hard Rose's phone go off . She looked and it was Don. He texted Rose asking how her day was with Lee ? Lee grow a big smile on her face .She had the most wonderful ideal . She knew exactly how to help Rose . She pick up Rose phone and called Don ......
He answer right away thinking it was Rose was a little disappointed when he hard Lee voiced instead . Lee said Hello Don I got something to tell you ok ? He said ok what's up ? Lee said Rose likes you like really likes you like wants to be your girlfriend. Right at the point Rose came out the bathroom Hard what was going on and freak out she ran to get the phone from Lee but Lee was faster as she was running from Rose and dodging stuff that was being trewn she said Don listen I don't know if I can stay on mutch longer but I needed to know do you like Rose ?
(Don POV) He thought long and hard . What if this was a trap ? what if it a joke ? How he hared Rose acking he assumed it had be real So he said yes he really liked her too . Lee like that's great to here so will you be her boyfriend ? Rose stop to here what he would say and Lee put it on speaker phone and clear as day Don said yes the girls freak out , screamed and hung up him .
(Rose POV ) Rose screamed. Did he said yes ? He liked her too ? For how long did he liked her ? Was he her boyfriend now ? Oh my god ! She couldn't bleave it . She was so happy then she turn to Lee . Rose said Lee! what did you do ? Lee said I got you a boyfriend your welcome. Rose hug Lee and said your the best friend ever then her face turn white she grab Lee showers and sock her Lee ! I never had a boyfriend . What do I do ? How do I ack ? Help me ! Lee laughed ask to stay the night and grab a 12 pack of Mountain dew . She was in for a long night she ask her shelf what did I do .
They did each other hair , make up and nails . Lee look at Rose all you need to do is be your shelf. He likes you for you it just like when you was friends but now you get to kiss him and stuff. Go slow and let him make the 1st move . If he ever makes you cry let me know and I will fuck him up set him straight and send him back .
Lee feel asleep and Rose figured she better call Don they need to talk . Don once again pick up right away . Hello Rose said shyly Hello said Don . Rose said Don do you really like me like as a girlfriend? Don said to be honest I do and I liked you for a long time . Is it ture u like me ? Rose blushed and shyly and quietly said yes I gussets we are boyfriend and girlfriend now? ask Rose and Don said I guess and laught he liked the sound of that. He said go to bed and get some rest and I will talk to you tomorrow girlfriend with that he hung up the phone Rose fell asleep with a big smile on her face .