Wedding day

I gave my characters full name but it fake names I made up ok now to your story

(Don POV) Everything is together it all looks wonderful just how him and Rose had plain it. He stold down the alie by the light fire place waiting on the music to start to cue Rose to come out he was so excited . His dreams was coming true today. He heard the music start his heart almost popped out his chest . He look forward to see Rose as she came towards him with her dad by her side . she looked so beautiful . She looked just like princess right out book . He almost cryed but did his best hold it in . He almost ran up to her to get her hand he had stop him shelf from running and gracefully walked up to her to get her hand walk her to the pastor whisper to her babe your so beautiful she blushed so hard that made her so happy .

Don said his own vows he wrote for her it was Rose I known I loved you before I knew what love was . That frist day in frist grade when I laid eyes on you for the frist I knew I wanted you for my own and standing here today giving you my last name us becoming husband and wife will I think it safe to say I got what I wanted and your mind Rose I loved you then I love you now and 100 years from now I will love you still no matter what life brings us . It was Rose turn she said Don to be honest with you . you was a pain in my butt I did my best to avoid you but you keep popping up in my life and at one point I realized that your my destiny the more I saw the more I loved you the more I larn that there was so much wonderful things about you . Time went on I feel in love with you more and more everyday and standing here today I got to say your still a pain in my butt but I love you and hope you keep driving me crazy way into the future through think and thin helf or sick I will stay by your side and love you trew the good and bad .

The pastor said said Don Champion do you take Rose Williams to be your wife to have and hold forever until death do you apart and Don said I do . Rose Williams do you take Don Champion to be your husband to have and hold forever until death do you apart Rose busted in tires because she was so happy and coke out the words I do . The pastor said I now pronounce you husband and wife and you now can kiss the bride Rose lean in Don tock her in his arms gave her a big passionate long kiss everyone cheer Don was so happy he could hold it then the next thing he knew was ........ Poff

Oh ! No ! He transform infornt of everyone and he knows everyone saw him turned . He was in the middle of kissing Rose as husband and wife what was he going to do ? Rveryone was going to know he is a fox demon and Rose family pluse all there friends are going to freek out and ruding everything pluse he didn't want them to be mean to Rose