( Rose POV) Poff ...Rose knew immediately what happen Don transformed . She stoped kissing him pulled away to look at everyone in front of them . Everyone but his family looked shocked. People stared yelling HE A DEMON! Stuff looks like this could turn bad. She turn to Don at the same time he turn to look at her there eyes interlock both with worried and scared of what about to come .
(Don POV) He wanted to run and in his Fox form he could move fast too but he couldn't leave Rose to deal with all that all on her own. He got in his got in fight stance he was ready for the worst . It didn't take long for Rose side to start yelling at Don side it turn into big charade . Jane got up yelling at Marie saying there family is demons and they trick her daughter to marry there evil son next thing you know fits went flying.
Don family all transformed it was about get Nasty . Rose watch in horror as there family fights . She turns to Don we got do something got stop them. Just then Marie about to claw Jane . Don tock the flip off running as he could got there right before she clawed her push Jane out the way at the same time Tj looked up to see his mom being pushed to the ground he went to attack Don for attacking his mom . they wrestled around a little until Tj was on top . He look around and saw a steak knife he pick up it up and went to stab him when Rose yelled STOP TJ he stopped intentionally being cought off grad she push him off Don laid on top of him and stated busting into tires don't hurt him I love him. TJ said Rosey how can you protect that Demon he pushed mom to the ground He Acted her . Jane came up said TJ he pushed me so I won't get hurt he saved me . Don got up pick up Rose and carried her to the front and said loudly EVERYONE STOP . I understand I am a Demon but I am not a monster or anything to be scared of. I love Rose. Rose added I love him it doesn't matter to me he Demon he sweet, kind , loving and treats me like I am a princess . He makes me laugh ,drives me crazy and is just perfect. he Don no matter what he looks like he still the same guy you all loved just a few mins ago . Don said me and Rose are married now we together is being deamons and humans together . tou guys can be part of our family if you want or walk away and never come back but no more fighting who stands with us ?
Lee and Leroy came up by there side next was Ted and Noel Shockley Jane went up and she said she was scared and quick to judge said hateful stuff to her now new family that she got along with earlier and being ignorant started this whole fight when she was about get messed up bad it was Don who saved her she realize that he was a good man who loved Rose deeply when she said what she said it bc she thought she was protecting her baby Rose she thought the worst happen and went into momma bear mood now she can see it was all for nothing she gald have a demon fox as a son inlaw and after that one by one everyone join in they was finally one big happy family.