A new life together

Don got together with Leroy to buy a big country style house . It was 3 story's big and had 8 bedrooms . They was gonna start there Coven here it had a beautiful kitchen with a nice island in , movie theater and spa room and a man cave and a woman Lounge everything the four of them wanted. It was in the country they had five Acres of land . All fence with a privacy fence a deck with a hot tub in it and a pool out in the yard it was a perfect for there new life together .

To Rose it all felt like a dream . Married to the man of her dreams lived with her best friend Lee who was with a man like hers ( Leroy) and they had a house that she thought would only be in her dreams . Life was perfect! She would spend the mornings with Lee until it was time for dinner . They would all eat dinner together like a family and then they would turn in there room spending the Evening with the ones they loved coukd it get any better ? That night she feels asleep thinking life was perfect.

When she woken up she went downstairs to the kitchen . There she saw Don and he was all ready making eggs and backen all her favorites . When it was done he put it on the plate and sat down for them to eat together . Just then a bullet flown pass Don head missing him by a inch. He flewin into Rose pushing her to the ground to protect her as the mystery shooter keeps firing at there kitchen he looked down at Rose and she was cryed and scared out her mind it was a look he would never will forget .