Family Trip

Don and Rose packed up the kids and headed to Don father old town to take Alexander to see elders. After a long 4 day trip stopping get sleep and food and bathroom breaks they finally made got a hotel and while Rose and the kids had a lovely bath and a nap Don set up a meeting with the Elders.

The Elders agreed to meat them the next day giving them planting of time to rest after there long tripped that night . Don and Rose was so worried about what the Elders was gonna to say about Alexander they couldn't sleep a wink. Then it was finally it was time to meat the Elders. Don and Rose dressed the kids in there best clothes and then got there shelf ready and head out the door .

They got to a old but beautiful mansion bigger then anything they seen before it like something you seen in a movie . A huge White House with lots windows and wrapped around porch and 2 beautiful oak wooden doors painted red and 2 door knockers that look like elephant but before they could even grap one to kocked two young men maby in there early 20s hansom men both tall and muscular short brown hair . The one on the right had his slick back wear the one to the left had his brushed to the side both blue eyes and a perfect smile with shiny white teeth look like twins only the hair stile was different in unisync they said welcome we been expecting you please flow us and just like that they was off they went back in side Don and Rose flowed .

Inside was more beautiful then the out side with wonderful pillars all had different animals craved in them. a beautiful staircase leading up and ofcourse a red carpet leading up there was a door to the left and to the right every wear was different craving of animals and pictures and even statues there was a beautiful white and black marble flooring with bear prints leading to the step the walls was egg shell white and the silling a beautiful sky blue and ofcourse had a a beautiful shiny Chandelier coming down from the ceiling.

The man on the left said please put Ariel and Annabelle in the room to the left in the nursery. Then man on the right said after bring Alexander and meat us to the room on the right both men said in unisync the Elders is waiting so Rose and Don droped off the girls telling them to be good they be back soon then hurried in the room to meat the Elders .