The elders

Don and Rose walked into the room there was a long table full of people mostly old and just a few young 1s stating at the head of the Table was the oldest man Named James Hawk a older man with deep brown eyes looks just a lil could over no hair dressed in a nice looking suit next to him his son and right hand man Alex Hawk deep brown eyes that aloud him to see the color of people most fox daemons color was purple wear most human was blue with a haed full brown almost back hair that stop at the top his ears he had a lil bit of a mustache and bead too but it was all cut nice and responsible looking he wore a short sleeve black shirt and a nice pair looking Jean's

next to him was a nother older man Jackson Watson he had ocean blue eyes and dark brown hair with a military cut and also was wearing nice looking suit on but his was blue next to him was his Daughter Wilma Watson she had ocean blue eyes that aloud to see the future a little and because the future is always changing she could be wrong or see different versions she had dark brown almost black hair a price on her lip she spost take out dearing meeting but she didn't care she had on a dress shirt she was forced to wear and hid under her lover hoodie and a nice pair pants

next to her was older man named Paul holiday he had a small patch of brown hair deep blue eyes you could get lost in dimples and strong body he be super cute if it wasn't for the fact he was 70 next to him across from him was a older women name maple corner she had gray hair that went down to her butt dark green with a hint of blue in them dressed In long sleeved dress

next to her was a nother older woman named Nala penten she had light brown hair and light brown eyes wearing a beautiful short sleeved blue dressed next was Don and Rose seats.

ofcourse don and Rose tock there seats and Alexander was being held by Rose . Don spoke frist Mr . Hawk we are here today because of our son he was stop there Starr spoke up I knew why your hear and honesty I dont want be want go home get why from all those old people before I go insane so

Alex tell us if mom has any purple in her at all Alex raise his eye brow look at her for a quick second smile a lil and laugh the girl isn't a purple but pink and dosen't even know Rose looks at Don then Alex what is Pink ? This made him laugh harder . Nala said are your shure yes it clear as the sky is blue Rose burst out what is PINK Nala walks over to her grap her hands and looks deep into her eyes saids A Royal shape sheffer instead of like don just being a fox u can be any animal it super rear only happens in 2000 child rose said but both my parents is human yes child once u had deamon blood in your family and powerful one but after all the mix breading it died out but cents your the 2000 child it coming back the problem is yours is there but not showing like it being surprised anyway that explains Alexander being a true blood mom a Royal dad a full blood fox deamon what I don't understand how your daughters ain't allsuded Wilma said I saw it the future they are full blood it comes later for them now that over fuck u guys I am out and she was gone in a blank of a eye she was gone Rose was so confused and over whiled Don ask for the meating be over with and Elders agree Alex handed Rose a number he said it was Wilmas to send her text she said she can more questions for you and ways to help you ok by I got plans play games at home with my son I cant be late .