Back at the hotel Rose was fully having a panic attack . I am a Royal? I am like you but my powers been suppressed ? I don't understand . We literally went to get answers for Alexander now we got more questions. What do we do now ? Scould I just Anor the power and we continue living our lifes or scould I figure out how to bring the powers out ? What if I cant control it ? what if I hurt you?
Rose! Rose! Rose ! It ok frist we got decided if you want your powers ........ I do I want them I want be like you and the kids . Are you shure Rose? Yes more then anything. Ok we can call Lee I never wanted to scare you but she a witch and WHAT !
My best friend is a witch ? Yes don't freak out. babe that so cool she such a bad ass so you think she could bring out my powers ? Maybe I dont know cents we might need the elders again . I gonna get her to come here. No way I am calling her she gots some explaining to do and I got to be the one to tell her about me .
(rose point a view) It seems like everyday someone not who I think they are and there more to this world then I thought frist demons and now witches what else is out there? Oh right I got call Lee ! She better pick up too! ring ring ring Hello wifey how is it going? How is Alexander? Tell me everything. god how I missed her . Oh right I am mad . How about you tell me how you is a witch and been my best friend for years and never told me . Lee said I am going to kill him when you guys get home he wasn't spost to tell You. Will....... I didn't know until we got in high school and I turn 16 at that time you ran away from Don for showing you he was a demon. I didn't want you to be scared of me or think I was a freak and stop being my friend or something so I hid it. Lee why didn't you tell me after you found out I accepted Don? I was afraid you be mad at me like you is now. ofcourse I am mad your toldly bad ass like we could had so much more fun pluse your my best friend I love you if you have powers or not I heard Lee laughed and could help but join her .
So wifey you didn't tell me about my god son is he ok ? Yss but you wont bleave it they said he a true blood because I am a Royal. NO WAY! Yes way but I gust my powers being suppressed or something Don thought maby you could come here maby help me bring them out . Can you ? Big bet wifey I can try I would have to get a good look at your l your your aura and see if I can see it and what holding it down . Book me a room and I will be on the next flight out. I need of a break from Leroy anyway . What's wrong with you and leroy ? Lee said I will tell you when I get there got go pack talk to you later wifey by .Rose response with by wifey see you soon.
I went to pick up Annabelle who was now crying bc she was hungry Alexander was resting still and Don was feeding Ariel. Don look at me with them beautiful bkue eyes still tock my breath away when we locked eyes . He ask in his sweat voice is she gonna come? it tock me a min to anwear as I was completely lost in his eyes I said she jumping on the next flight .