Chapter 6

Next morning;

Zoe woke up and saw Alvin standing near the window. She smiled remembering the previous night, wrapped the blanket around her, and went towards him.

She hugged him from the back and said-" good morning..."

Alvin loosen her grip and turned towards her.

Alvin-" good morning..."

Zoe smiled and asked-" Alvin... when we are getting married?"

Alvin took a deep breath and said- " we are not going to marry?"

Zoe smiled and said-" are you playing pranks in the early morning?"

Alvin-" I am not doing any pranks... I am saying the truth... I don't love you..."

Zoe's smile faded and she said-" what are you saying...then what about yesterday's night..."

Alvin-" what l did yesterday... it was an act of revenge..."

Zoe(stunned)-" revenge... why?"

Alvin-" for slapping me and for insulting me in college... what you thought I will forget all those things..."

Zoe was shocked to hear this.

Alvin‐" you don't have any place in my life... and from yesterday's night... I'm sure that you understand what will happen if you insult Alvin?.."

She smiled a bit and said-" l am a fool that l believed you... and thought that you changed... but you..."

Alvin-" now you understand... I will never change..."

She instantly slapped him and said-" get out of my house... now..."

He moved away and she sat on the floor with a thud.

Zoe(crying)-" why... why..."

She cried a lot remembering her and his moments...

Here, Alvin came to his house and saw the door opened.

He entered in saying-" Steve ...why you came this much early in ..."

Steve got up from the couch and said-" first you speak... where are you....whole night?"

Alvin moved towards his room but Steve held his wrist.

Steve " where are you at night?"

Alvin turned to him and said- " what you mean..."

Steve-" l mean Alvin... answer me..."

Alvin told him everything after listening to which Steve was shocked.

Steve-" are you mad... why you did like that?"

Alvin jerked his hand and said-" I did what I felt right.."

Saying this, he went into his room and Steve said-" okay... now what l feel right... I will do that..."

After sometimes at Zoe's house;

Zoe was sitting on the couch and was sobbing saying-"how stupid l I believe him... how..."

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

She wiped her tears and went to open the door and was surprised to see the person.

Zoe-" Steve... you?"

Steve-" aahhmmm!.. can I come in?"

Zoe smiled and he entered and sat on the couch.

Zoe-" wait...l will come..."

Steve" Zoe l need to talk to you..."

Zoe-" what?"

Steve-" I know about you and Alvin..."

Zoe(cutting him)-" oh...he ruined my life ...and now his friend came to provide sympathy..."

Steve " no zoe... I need to talk to you..."

Zoe(teary)-" but l don't want to listen to anything..."

She turned but Steve said-" Zoe Alvin is in love with you..."

Zoe turned to him and said-" you are thinking that I am a fool..."

Steve-" no Zoe... l understood that you are the only person who can show him a righteous way...he. stopped drinking because he promised to you... in fact, he went to Simon and asked for forgiveness... but his ego..."

Zoe-" l don't need to bother about those things..."

Steve-" you need to bother Zoe... if you left Alvin at this time... he will never change in his whole life..."

Zoe-" what should l do then..."

Steve-" listen to me once..."

Zoe looked at his pleading face and said-" what..."

Steve smiled a bit and told something.

Next morning;

Simon and Elsa were returning to their house and in the middle, they stopped for coffee.

Elsa sat on the chair and Simon brought the coffee.

He forwarded one to her and sat adjacent to her.

Simon-" I'm happy that meeting was successful ..."

Elsa-" oh Sy!... you don't have any topics except work..."

Simon-" means..."

Elsa-" means whole night during the journey you are talking about meeting and now also... if you again talk about meeting, then ...l will throw this coffee on you..."

He smiled at this and Elsa said-" why are you laughing?"

He pulled her cheek and said-" you are looking so cute..."

Elsa blushed despite being angry and said-" stop.. stop fooling me..."

Simon-" l forgot... one minute..."

He took out something from his pocket and said-" this is for you..."

She was surprised to see the gift in his hand.

Elsa-" what is this?"

Simon-" open it and see..."

Elsa opened the gift and saw a watch.

She smiled and said-" this is very cute.."

Simon-" one minute..."

He pressed a button on the watch and a voice came-' I love you...'

Elsa smiled and said-" I love you too Simon..."

Simon side hugged her and said-" it was one more feature..."

Elsa kept her head on his chest and said-" what?"

Simon-" if you press this button then in my watch a beep sound will come... and from that, I can know where you are?"

Elsa smiled and said-" then you are doubting me..."

Simon too smiled and said-" not like that Elsa... I have trust in you... in case of emergency... like if you are in any such cases..."

Elsa-" You are very good Sy..."

Simon-" I know..."

Elsa-" and that's why I love you..."

Simon-" I love you even more..."

Elsa separated and said-" ok.. come on.. let's go... we need to travel seven hours more..."

Simon-" of course... you go and sit l will pay the bill and come..."

She nodded and went towards the car.


Alvin reached the college and as he was not in a mood to attend the lecture, he went towards the canteen.

There, he saw a scene that almost shocked him.