Chapter 7

Zoe and Steve were sitting together and were laughing while talking to each other and in middle, Zoe was placing her hand on him.

He went towards them but listening to Zoe saying-" Ok l am going for my lecture... see you bye.."

Steve" bye..."

Zoe went and Alvin said-" What is this Steve?"

Steve turned and said-" what?"

Alvin-" you and Zoe... together..."

Steve-" then... what is your problem?"

Alvin was unable to say anything.

Steve-" you know what Alvin... Zoe is a nice girl... and she deserves to be happy... to be loved... and is there any problem with you... if I am with her... coz you don't love her..."

Alvin-" yes I don't..."

Saying this, he went from there and Steve smiled.

Once again, in the evening, Alvin saw both of them near the college gate. They are side hugging each other and after bidding goodbye, Zoe turned to go.

While she was placing a book in her bag given by Samuel suddenly Alvin came and held her hand. He forcefully dragged her towards a corner.

Zoe jerked him and said-" leave me..."

Alvin-" why are you doing this?"

Zoe-" what?"

Alvin-" sticking with Steve... talking to him in a close manner... you want to feel me jealous right..."

Zoe(loudly)-" excuse me Mr. Alvin... when you are not in love with me... then there is no need to feel jealous... and if l am with Steve... then what's your problem..."

Alvin-" you first asked me about our marriage and now..."

Zoe-" now I changed my mind... and Alvin I'm not that girl who is there in your mind...I hope you understand... now move aside.."

She went from there and Alvin to move towards his house angrily.

At Zoe's house;

Zoe reached her house and threw herself on the couch thinking-' oh me....l am unable to understand that what l am doing or going to do is right or wrong...'

Voice-" hey.."

She looked and saw Elsa standing at the door.she got up and said-" hey sis..."

Elsa sat on the couch and Zoe said-" how was meeting..."

Elsa-" perfect and successful..."

Zoe-" you go to your room and relax...l will bring coffee..."

She went into the kitchen and Elsa thought-' what happened to this girl... why is she upset... need to know...'

At Alvin's house;

Alvin was in his room. He prepared a drink and was about to take that when a voice came into his mind-' promise me that you won't drink...'

He threw the glass on the floor and at the same time, he heard a voice-" Alvin...."

Alvin turned and saw Simon.

He immediately hugged him and said-" brother.."

Simon was shocked but he said-" is something wrong, Alvin? ..."

Alvin-" l did a big mistake brother...very big mistake... l should not do like that with her..."

Simon separated and said-" who..."

Alvin looked at him and said-" sh..she..."

Simon-" speak Alvin..."

At Zoe's house;

Zoe was setting her bed when Elsa came in.

Elsa-" what happened zoe..."

Zoe-" nothing sis..."

Elsa held her arm and said-" you became that much big that you are lying to me...."

Zoe hugged her and started crying.

Elsa-" Zoe... please tell me..."

Zoe-" sis..."

Zoe told her everything and Elsa was shocked to hear this.

Zoe(sobbing)-" I am telling the truth...I don't know that Alvin ..."

Elsa hugged her and said-" are you loving him..."

Zoe nodded.

Elsa-" then what you are doing is right..."

Zoe separated and said-" but sis... Alvin is not loving me..."

Elsa-" Zoe... you are right... but see... Alvin will soon realize that he loves you..."

Zoe smiled a bit and said-" I think you are saying right.."

Elsa wiped her tears and said- " now stop crying and go to bed... good night..."

Zoe-" good night sis..."

On the other hand;

Simon was shocked to hear what Alvin said.

Simon-" Alvin... you... why you did like this..."

Alvin-" I don't know Sy why I did like this... just don't know..."

Simon(angrily)-" don't know... Alvin... you spoilt the life of Zoe and you are saying you don't know... I know that you spoiled but l didn't think that you spoiled this much.."

Alvin (crying)-"I'm really sorry... I know that l did wrong with her... forgive me brother please..."

Simon melted seeing him like this.

He kept his hand on Alvin's shoulder and said-" are you loving her?"

Alvin rubbed his tears and said-" no brother... I am not loving her...but I know I did wrong with her..."

Simon's POV-' you will not admit this that much fastly...'

Simon-" Alvin... first you stop crying and go to sleep... hmmm...good night..."

Alvin nodded and said-" brother l kept the food in the fridge... you eat... good night..."

Alvin went into his room and Simon said-" well... he has some care about me..."

Simon smiled a bit and went towards the kitchen.

Next morning;

Elsa was sitting in her cabin and was in deep thinking when she heard a voice-" good morning..."

She came out of her thoughts and saw Simon standing.

Elsa-" good morning... why are you standing... sit..."

Simon sat down and said-" I need to talk to you..."

Elsa-" actually l too want to talk to you..."

Simon-" tell me..."

Elsa-" no.. you first..."

Simon-" actually l want to talk about Zoe and Alvin ..."

Elsa-" me too..."

Simon-" Elsa... look I'm sorry for what Alvin did to Zoe.."

Elsa(cutting him)-" Sy... why are you saying sorry... I mean you didn't do any wrong..."

Simon-" l only did wrong Elsa...(he got up and went towards the window) if l have spent some time with him... he can learn the difference between right and wrong... l should give him ethics along with money.. it is all my fault...l should have taught him..."

His voice stuck in his throat.

Elsa came to him and made him face her and wiped his tears.

Elsa-" Simon... stop crying... if you are becoming weak then what will happen to me... speak..."

Simon instantly hugged her and said-" Elsa... you know what... with this incident l thought our relationship..."

Elsa separated and said-" our relationship is not that much weak Simon... right.."

Simon smiled and nodded.

Simon-" now what should we do?.."

Elsa" is Alvin loves zoe?..."

Simon-" he is saying no... but I know... he loves her... the only thing is he need to admit it..."

Elsa-" we didn't have to do anything..."

Simon(confused)-" why?"

Elsa told him about Zoe and Steve's plan.

Simon-" cool... now we don't have to do anything..."

Elsa- not we... but you..."

Simon(confused)-" what?"

Elsa-" smile ..."

Simon smiled and said-" you are the best Elsa..."

Elsa- " I know..."

They laughed and hugged each other.

Elsa-"I love you, Simon..."

Simon-" I love you too..."


There was an event organized in the college and Steve and Zoe took part in the dance competition.

Zoe was standing in the room when Steve came to her saying-" start... Alvin is coming..."

Zoe smiled and said-" okay.."

She played music and they started dancing.

Same time, Alvin crossed from there but stopped seeing them.

They were dancing smoothly and pretended that they were lost in each other's eyes.

Alvin got a bit hurt but didn't say anything.

He was about to go when he saw that Steve twirled Zoe and she was about to fall and Alvin instantly rushed and saved her by holding her waist.

Zoe was so scared that she closed her eyes tightly and held his shirt.

Alvin (softly)-" Zoe..."

Zoe slowly opened her eyes and saw him and they shared a cute eye lock.

Eye lock continued till they heard a voice-" Zoe are you okay..."

They came to reality and saw steve.

Zoe immediately freed herself and said-" ya I'm okay....come on let's start practicing..."

They started practicing again and Alvin went from their hurt and teary.

Alvin's POV-' Zoe why are you doing this... and why l am feeling this much bad.. l am really.. no no no is not like that... then why this pain... l am unable to understand...'

After a few days;

Steve and Zoe continued to make Alvin jealous and they were succeeding in it.

One day, Elsa and Simon were leaving the office.

Simon-" come on Elsa...l will drop you ..."

Elsa-" Simon... I came in my car... I will go..."

Simon- but I want to drop you ?"

Elsa smiled and said-" today l came in my car..tomorrow you pick me and drop me at home ..."

Simon-" okay..bye..."

Elsa-" bye..."

Elsa sat in her car and went towards her house.

In the middle, her car stopped and she said-" what happened to this?"

She got down and started checking the car.

Suddenly, two boys came p on their bikes.

Boy1-" oho... madam's car gave trouble..."

Boy2-" madam ... l can lift you... I mean l can give lift..."

Elsa ignored them and continued her work.

They got down the bikes and came towards her.

Boy1-" mam stop looking at that car..."

Elsa(angrily)-" get lost..."

Boy 2 held her hand but she jerked it and slapped him.

Boy1-" you have that much courage..."

He caught her arms but she kicked him and ran from there but they followed.

Elsa(while running)‐ now what should l do... l left my phone in the car...dman it.."

Suddenly she realized about the watch.

She looked at it and said-" what button l should press...what button..."

She pressed all the buttons and in doing so, she hit a rock and fell on the floor.

Both the boys came to her and laughed saying-" now where you will go..."

She threw the sand on their faces and rushed from there and hid behind a tree.

Elsa(sobbing)-" Simon please... please come fast..."

She heard the voices.

Boy1-" where she went.."

Boy2-" you go that side... l will go this side..."

They dispersed in different directions and Elsa, after scanning, came out.

Elsa-" l need to go to car.."

Voice-" not that much easily madam..."

She turned and saw both of them.

She tried to run but boy2 held her waist.

Elsa-" leave me..."

Boy1-" this much anger... but I like it..."

Elsa(crying)-" chod does mujhe..."

They both laughed but suddenly someone punched Boy1.

Elsa smiled seeing the person and said-" Simon..."

Boy2-" ae romeo...youcame to save Juliet ..."

Simon didn't say anything but kicked him and they started fighting. Soon, both the boys got unconscious.

Elsa rushed and hugged Simon tightly.

Elsa(crying)-" thank god you came Simon..."

Simon hugged her back and said-" I thought that today something bad will happen.. but now everything is alright..."

Elsa hugged him more tightly and said-" I love you Sy... I love you very much..."

Simon kissed the top of her head and said- " I love you too Elsa..."

Next day;

The event was going on and everyone was performing their acts but Zoe was tensed.

Her friend Samuel saw that and said-" Zoe...why are you looking tensed?"

Zoe-" oh God... where is Steve?."

Suddenly her phone rang.

She picked it up and said-" where are you, Steve? How is aunty... is she fine... no worries l will cancel my name..."

Samuel-" what happened?"

Zoe-" Steve mon got bp to shoot up... he can't attend..."

Alvin was hearing her conversation.

Samuel-" oh no... Is aunty well?..."

Zoe-" the doctor said that it will take some time to get consciousness... no one is there at home.. l will cancel my name..."

Suddenly there was an announcement-" and the next one is Zoe and Steve..."

Zoe" oh no..."

Samuel-" what now?"

Zoe-" l will go and tell on the stage that I can't perform..."

Samuel-" okay..."

Zoe came on the stage and everyone clapped.

She was about to say something when suddenly she heard people saying-" Alvin. .."

She turned and was stunned to see him. He came towards her and music started...

(he held her waist and started dancing smoothly)

(he twirled her and hugged her from the back. Zoe kept her hand on him)

(Alvin picked her in his arms and twirled her a bit and they danced perfectly on the beats)

(they both remembered the moments when they were together)

The song ended while Zoe hugging each other. They separated on hearing the clapping. Zoe wiped her tears and immediately went from there. Alvin too went after giving a formal smile to all.

Same evening;

Zoe was sitting on the couch and was smiling remembering their dance.

Suddenly, she felt uneasy and rushed to the washroom.

Same time, Elsa came and was surprised to see Zoe like this.

She came out and Elsa asked," are you ok..."

Zoe-" ..nothing...vomiting.."

Elsa-" what you ate ?..."

Zoe-" minute..."

She again went to the washroom and Elsa said-" it should not be that... oh no..oh God..."

She went out and came after sometimes.

Zoe-" where you went sis?..."

Elsa gave her something and said-" Zoe... do the test..."

Zoe was shocked to see the thing and she said-" pregnancy test..."

Elsa-" Zoe do it..."

Zoe(teary)-" sis..."

Elsa-" Zoe..."

Zoe went into the washroom and did the test. Elsa was impatiently waiting for her.

Zoe came out and Elsa said-" Zo..."

Zoe(cutting her)-" sis... I'm pregnant... "

She sat on the couch crying and Elsa was unable to react.