Chapter 3: Aizen's Ploy


-If at any point in the story you see this: "888" it means there will be a scene change.

Reading the story:

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 3

3 Months Later

Kishin stood in the training field as Kinji stood opposite him. Both of them with their swords drawn. Everyone was currently practicing their Zanjutsu skills with a sparring partner and Kishin's partner was Kinji. Over the past couple months they had gotten to know each other pretty well being desk-mates and all. On top of that they also shared a dorm room together alongside one other person, however their third roommate named Raiga wasn't placed in Class-1 like them. He was instead placed in Class-2.

As Kinji attacked Kishin slashing left and right, up and down in a series of ferocious strikes, Kishin lazily gripped his sword and with minimal effort, he blocked, parried, and deflected each attack.

Ting! Cling! Clang! Clink!

The training was too easy for him. Kinji wasn't truly skillful in Zanjutsu, rather he was more skillful in Kido. The only reason he sparred with Kinji at all is because Kinji asked and they were on good terms. In truth it wouldn't have mattered to him who he sparred with. The skill level of everyone's Zanjutsu in the class was subpar at best even if this was Class-1. Not to mention he had skilled members in the 13th division to train against every single day for the past 5 years therefore he found his classmates quite lacking. Kishin continued to parry and block as he split his mind's focus in two. Defending and thinking to himself.

Sigh...the academy is sort of boring. For the first month everyone only practiced controlling their reiatsu. This is obviously important and I can obviously still use some more practice controlling all of my reiatsu, however the level of my control over my reiatsu was already at the 3rd seat officer level when I first entered. After a month of strictly training just reiatsu control I'm pretty sure I've raised it to at least the Lieutenant level. Then we learnt about the duties of what Shinigami do and history and whatnot of Soul Society which I learnt all about already after reading the complete collection of books in the 13th division. Once the second month came around we began learning and practicing Kido, Hoho, Hakuda, and Zanjutsu all of which, while in the accelerated program, was still too slow for me. I ended up just doing my own things. It's at least nice that Captain Ukitake sends me new books to study regarding these subjects so I have something to do other than listen to the boring lectures. Third month seems to be much of the same. Sigh...well, I hear that the instructors are going to put together a list of students that they think are ready to visit the human world for practical experience as a Shinigami on the job. Hopefully Gengoro-dono puts my name down. I can use a change of scenery. The one thing that bothers me is that I found out Aizen is a professor here at the academy teaching calligraphy. Hopefully he just keeps to himself. I'd rather not meet him if I can help it.

Kishin was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the whistle prompting everyone to finish up their sparring practice. Kinji huffed and puffed as he fought to steady his breath. His back drenched in sweat.

"Kishin...huff...did I...huff...improve?"

Kishin looked to the sky for a moment in contemplation before simply replying in his relaxed tone. "Yeah, not bad. Your strikes feel like they have a weight behind them now. Not as floppy and flimsy as a month ago."

Kinji smirked in triumph. "Alright! If you say so then it must be true."

Kishin smirked and grouped up where the other students were. Gengoro waited for everyone to gather before clearing his throat to get everyone's attention. "Ahem. Next is Kido practice. Today I'll be assessing everyone's combat skill in Kido. You will be facing one of your fellow classmates in a one on one matchup. Only the use of Kido is allowed. No Zanjutsu, no Hoho, and no Hakuda. Chigetsu Kishin. You're first."

"Okay! Gengoro-sensei." Kishin replied amiably as he walked out on the sparring field, however everyone else in the class fidgeted uncomfortably. Over the past three months they had witnessed Kishin's skill in Kido and only one word could describe how everyone rated it.


When everyone heard that Kishin was first, no one wanted to hear their name be called second, but they had no say in the matter. Gengoro shook his head at the class noting their growing anxiety. He knew that no one else in the class could match Kishin's skill in Kido but he had no choice. He needed to grade everyone in the class and he couldn't just decide to give Kishin special treatment and have him skip out on the test. Everyone had to go through it and so, that's why he chose Kishin to go first. To get this outlier of a student out of the way so the rest of the students wouldn't be anxious about whether they'll be the one's facing him during the rest of the test.

In the end Gengoro pointed to Kusumioji Takaki and said, "Alright. Takaki. You're second. Go on ahead."

Takaki's face paled at the realization that he had been the one chosen to face Kishin. Their relationship didn't have a good start as the very first time they met he had ordered his henchmen to attack Kishin. In the end Kishin had made a fool out of him and his men. Gengoro smirked silently to himself as he watched Takaki gloomily make his way on the sparring field.

Heh. This kid Takaki is too proud. He boasts so much about his skills and talks too much. He picks on the weak and makes fun of others just because he's from a high ranking noble family? Hmpf. Having him face Kishin might humble him a bit.

Kishin smirked amusedly as he watched Takaki slowly stand opposite him on the sparring field.

"Oh! If it isn't...errr...who are you again?" He remarked sarcastically.

Takaki clenched his fist in anger and irritation but he kept it in. "Y-You...ahem...Takaki."

With an innocent looking expression Kishin nodded and replied, "Right right. So you're called Y-You ahem Takaki. I remember now. Sure got a strange name."

Takaki was incensed once more, however he again swallowed his anger.

T-This bastard! He's doing this on purpose! He knows exactly who I am!

Their banter was cut short as Gengoro gave them the signal to start. Immediately Takaki placed out his palm and started the incantation for Hado#: 31. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and fle-"

However Kishin lazily performed a swiping motion in front of him with three fingers and said, "Bakudo #1: Sai."

Immediately Takaki widened his eyes in shock and felt his arms lock behind his back interrupting his incantation. Before he could free himself, Kishin placed his hands together and said, "Bakudo #4: Hainawa." A crackling yellow ball of energy gathered at his palms before he thrust out his hands causing a yellow rope of energy to fly through the air and wrap itself around Takaki binding him in a tight hold. As Takaki struggled with all his might to try and break free, Kishin slowly walked towards him and drew red symbols in the air reciting an incantation, "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini. Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat. Bakudo #9: Geki."

He placed his hand on Takaki's shoulder just as he finished his incantation causing a red light to glow off of his body and envelope Takaki, completely paralyzing him.

It was then they heard Gengoro shout, "Stop! The match is over. Victory goes to Kishin."

Kishin grinned and began walking away from a still restrained Takaki who yelled out, "O-Oi! Y-You can't leave me like this! O-Oi! I'm ta-"

Kishin cut him off as he interjected, "Ahhhh! Seriously so noisy. Fine fine. Your voice itself is a powerful Kido. You could annoy the enemy to death." He then snapped his fingers causing the yellow rope made of energy to dissipate around Takaki freeing him from his bind. Takaki by now was filled with rage to the boiling point at Kishin's comment so without warning he pointed his finger at Kishin's turned back and shouted, "Hado #4: Byakurai!"


A blue lightning beam shot straight at Kishin causing Gengoro and the other students to widen their eyes in shock. While many didn't like Takaki they didn't take him for a person who would attack someone so brazenly like this with their back turned, especially in front of an instructor. Takaki was after all, a member of a high ranking family and therefore his actions partially reflected their image.

Before Gengoro could intervene Kishin placed his palm behind him and said, "Bakudo #8: Seki."

A light blue energy sphere appeared behind him intercepting the blue lightning strike and repelled it completely. Takaki immediately realized his mistake and panicked, however Kishin turned and glanced back at him with a dark gaze reflected in his eyes. He pointed his finger at Takaki and replied very calmly, but to Takaki it was as if he had seen the devil.

"Takaki. Very bold move. Hado #1: Sho."

Takaki panicked and shouted, "Wait! I'm Sorr-"


Before he could finish his sentence a small amount of energy gathered at Kishin's fingertip before discharging with a powerful force and knocked right into Takaki's chest. The force of the small energy thrust was powerful enough to send Takaki crashing to the ground and rolling for a few dozen feet before coming to a stop. He groaned in pain and was still conscious, but otherwise didn't get up for fear that Kishin would strike him once more. As Kishin turned back around to face the class he was met by the look of a frustrated Gengoro.

Gengoro let out a sigh and had everyone practice Kido individually while he took both Kishin and Takaki to his office.

"Haaaaah...Kishin...Takaki. Do you two realize what you did wrong?"

Kishin had a look of indifference as he replied, "I defended myself."

Gengoro let out another sigh. "Haaaaaah...but in the end you attacked back right?"

"Gengoro-sensei, are you familiar with the phrase an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth?"

Gengoro could only rub his temples in frustration.

Sigh...Do I punish Kishin or do I not punish him? As for Takaki...although he comes from a high ranking family his actions today reflected poorly on the Kasumioji name. Still, in the end I'll likely have to leave his punishment to the Kasumioji family to decide upon. However Kishin is quite astute. He probably also knows this as well and knows that most likely Kasumioji won't be punished appropriately. Most likely he'd get a light scolding and that'd be all. In fact he'll probably be scolded for losing rather than for attacking a student from behind. Hmmm...well since no one got seriously injured…

"Ahem ahem. Here's what's going to happen. Takaki, I'll have to give a report to your family about this incident. You were in the wrong and your actions reflected poorly upon the status you hold. I hope you recognize this and work to improve on this in the near future. As for Kishin, you'll receive a warning this time. Although you were attacked from behind, you also shouldn't provoke people too much. Since no one got seriously injured we'll leave things at that."

Both Takaki and Kishin could only nod in agreement and just as they both were leaving Gengoro asked Kishin to remain behind.

"Gengoro-sensei, did you need me for something else?"

" Hitsugaya Toshiro you are a very rare generational genius. Please try to restrain yourself. Just a bit. You're leaps and bounds ahead of the other students here at the academy already. Any skill you use is potentially dangerous to the other students here. I understand that you couldn't let Takaki's actions go unanswered, however...I hope that next time you would trust that I will handle the situation."

Kishin clicked his tongue unhappily and crossed his arms but agreed. "Tch. Very well."

Gengoro once more rubbed the temples on his forehead.

Sigh...perhaps I shouldn't have matched those two up. Ahhhh...each genius has their own extreme and unique personality don't they...Captain Ichimaru was cold, distant, and sarcastic. Toshiro was serious and stern. And now Kishin. He's mischievous, lax, and cunning. But each one was undoubtedly a genius on a different calibre than all the others.

Gengoro was brought out of his thoughts by Kishin's voice. "Sensei, did you need me for anything else?"

"Ah...ahem. Right, actually I wanted to ask if you were interested in being one of the students to attend the field trip to the human world to get some practical experience."

"Eh? I wasn't on the list already?"

Gengoro stared completely baffled at Kishin's question.

T-This kid! He was that confident huh? He just naturally expected to be placed on the list without the need for his input. Sigh...Truly...geniuses indeed have unique personalities. I can't ever get a good read on him. He treats Kinji well and doesn't bother most of the other students, however if you get on his wrong side you'll pay the price dearly. I wonder if I'm listed on his good side or bad side. Wait wait wait...I'm a teacher. Tch. Why do I need to contemplate whether I'm on his good side or bad side?

"Gengoro-sensei? Are you alright?"

Gengoro rubbed the back of his neck apologetically realizing he had spaced out. "Ah? Ahahahaha...uhhhh right, right, sorry. Where were we?"

Kishin smirked amusedly. "I give my consent to be part of the group heading to the human world."

"Oh! Right. Mn. Very well then. The field trip happens a month from now."

"Okay, then I'll be off. Gengoro-sensei." Kishin replied amiably as he began to walk off.

"Oh, Kishin."

Kishin paused in his step and turned his head as he asked, "Yes?"

" should I put this...for the next month try not to do anything...troubling."

Kishin smirked as he walked off and nodded. "Okay, no worries sensei. As long as I'm not provoked."

Gengoro just let out a defeated sigh as he watched Kishin's retreating form. "As long as he's not being provoked he says...Haaaaah...Kishin oh Kishin. Are you sure it's not the other way around?"

As Kishin returned to the training field where the rest of the class was he noted that Takaki had already returned. Kinji jogged over to him and curiously asked, "So? What's the punishment?"

Kishin shrugged his shoulders disinterestedly. "Nothing."

Kinji raised his eyebrow in disbelief. "You're lying. Was it an embarrassing punishment?"


"'re serious about there being no punishment?"

Kishin smirked. "Yup."

Kinji could only stare at Kishin in awe. "Man. How do you do it? I mean, Takaki was definitely in the wrong, but still for retaliating and getting no punishment. How can I be more like you?"

Kishin shook his head. "I don't think you want to be more like me. You might just get into more trouble than it's worth."

The rest of the class day went without incident. As Kishin walked off towards his dormitory he heard a voice behind him. A voice he wished he didn't hear.

"Chigetsu-kun. So we meet again."

Kishin turned and fakely smiled. "Captain Aizen. I didn't see you walk by. My apologies."

"Not at all. How are you finding life at the academy?"

"'s alright I suppose."

"I see. I hear from the other teachers that you're the number 1 student and have a high chance of graduating within the year. Congratulations."

"Thank you. If all goes well, that is the plan."

"Is that so? Did you know that there will be a field trip sanctioned by the academy to the human world next month?"

Kishin inwardly frowned but kept an outwardly amiable appearance.

Aizen is definitely up to something. The way he brought it up sounds like he's expecting me to go. What kind of trouble is he going to cause while we're there. Damn him.

"I heard about it from Gengoro-sensei. Why do you ask?"

Aizen just smiled with his all too innocent looking expression. "I was just curious is all. I'm sure you will be one of the students chosen to attend."

Kishin was about to answer but he took a momentary pause.

Aizen...I see. You brought up the topic just incase I didn't know about it so I would be aware and ask for more details from Gengoro-sensei. You probably also hoped that I would ask permission from Gengoro-sensei to attend. And if that didn't work out you probably would have pulled some strings to make it happen. Your acting is quite good. If I didn't know your true nature beforehand it would have truly been difficult to know you were a traitor. What are you plotting?

He was snapped out of his thoughts as Aizen said, "Well, I better get going or I'll be late to my calligraphy class. If you're ever interested in calligraphy then do stop by. Your presence would be welcomed anytime."

Kishin nodded as he watched Aizen walk away.

During the rest of the month classes continued to go smoothly. Luckily no more incidents like the one with Takaki happened. Everyone continued to hone their skills until finally the day of the field trip arrived. Kishin arrived by the large Senkaimon gate along with many of the other students who were attending the field trip. The trip was being led by three students, two male and one female whose names were Arashi, Boga, and Kasumi. They were in their 6th and final year studying at the academy and had experience going to the human world several times before. As Kishin waited for the senior students to finish their speech his ears perked up at one small detail they had given.

Did they just say that at some point during our trip one of the teachers at the academy will join us in the human world to assess how everyone is doing? Don't tell me...Aizen…

He was snapped out of his thoughts as the gate finally opened the portal allowing everyone to cross over. As Kishin followed everyone through he could only resign himself to the fact that there was a high possibility the teacher joining them later would be Aizen and that he had most definitely set something up. As they stood in the sky looking at the town below Arashi began his explanation.

"Alright everyone. We've arrived in Karakura Town. We'll split up into three groups. One led by Boga, Kasumi, and myself. We're going to show you all how to perform the Konso ritual and help souls in this world pass on to the Soul Society. Then, if possible some if not all of you will have the chance to perform the ritual yourself. Don't forget about safety. There are chances that Hollows could appear. While not all the time it does happen. It is a Shinigami's duty to then also get rid of these Hollows. We'll meet back here in two hours. Understood?"

"Yes." Everyone acknowledged.

After splitting up in three groups Kishin dashed along behind Kasumi as he was placed in her group. She took a careful look at him before commenting, "Not bad. I heard you were some sort of prodigy but still, your Shunpo is pretty good to keep up with mine."

"Oh? Is Shunpo one of your strong suits, senpai?"

Kasumi nodded proudly. "Heh, you could say that. I happen to be the fastest of all the year 6 students."

Kishin raised his eyebrow a bit intrigued. "Oh? Now I'm curious."

Before she could answer she spotted a soul so she directed everyone towards it. She showed everyone how to perform the Konso ritual after a lengthy talk convincing the soul to pass on before they moved on. This continued for two hours before they returned to the meeting point. When they arrived it had already been quite late into the evening so now it was completely dark. The moon shone in the sky and the stars illuminated the night, however Kishin frowned at this moment.

Something feels off…

It was then the loud cry of a Hollow could be heard. Everyone turned their attention towards it as Boga said, "It's a Hollow. Looks like just one. It'll cause trouble for the other souls in the area."

Arashi nodded. "Boga, if you and I go together we can take care of it pretty easily."

Kasumi nodded in agreement. "I'll stay here and supervise the others."

Kishin frowned as he felt that it wasn't that simple, but Boga and Arashi had already left. Everyone watched as they easily dispatched the Hollow in a mere minute before returning. The students breathed out a sigh of relief as Arashi and Boga returned proudly, however in the next moment another cry of a Hollow was heard.

"Another one?" Kasumi exclaimed in confusion.

Just as they turned to look where the cry came from they heard another cry. Then another and another and another.

"W-What?! So many!" Kasumi exclaimed in shock.

Arashi frowned in seriousness. "15 in total. We have to get out of here. Now!"

Just as they prepared to open a Senkaimon gate one of the Hollows leapt with great speed right at Arashi. Before it could strike him down Kasumi Shunpo'd next to him and pushed him aside, however she was now in the reach of the Hollows attack. Her heart skipped a beat as she knew it was the end. She shut her eyes and waited for the pain to hit her, however it never came. She was snapped back to reality when she heard a familiar voice.

"Senpai, are you alright?"

As she opened her eyes to look she stuttered in shock. "K-Kishin?! How?"

Kishin smirked and awkwardly set her down as carrying her taller frame in his currently small body looked a bit strange. He then replied smugly, "You said that you were the fastest Shunpo user in year 6 right? I guess you could say that I'm pretty fast myself."

She just stared at Kishin's small back in disbelief. "Y-You saved me with S-Shunpo? From that distance?!"

Kishin looked over his shoulder and gave her a wink. He then turned his attention back to the Hollows. "Seniors, I don't think that these Hollows are going to let us open a Senkaimon gate so easily. We should draw open a path for the other students to escape and one senior student should go with them to open a gate. I'll stay behind with two of you. Together we may be able to draw their attention and buy enough time for the others to leave. Then those of us remaining simply need to escape."

Arashi grinned with nervousness and determination as he stood by Kishin's side. "You're gonna stay behind huh? Heh. As your senpai I can't let you stay alone. Allow me to join you."

Boga nodded as he too stood by their side and said, "Kasumi. Go. Take the others with you and escape. We'll be fine."

She wanted to retort but Kishin didn't wait to listen as he shouted, "Hado #33: Sokatsui!" Just as a Hollow jumped down from the sky he fired a powerful pale blue fire right at its mask.


The mask was instantly crushed and the Hollow dissipated into thin air. All the students including the senior students stared in amazement as the same thought ran past their minds.

He performed a mid-level Kido without the incantation and it was actually strong enough to take out a Hollow in one shot?!

Kishin cracked his knuckles as he said nonchalantly, "Kasumi-senpai. Go."

He then unsheathed his sword and disappeared in a flash with Shunpo. His speed was so quick that none of the other students could follow his movements. Kasumi stared in awe but quickly returned to reality and ushered the students away in the distance while Kishin, Boga, and Arashi kept the Hollows focused on them. As two Hollows rushed towards Kishin from the front and the back, he quickly said, "Bakudo #21: Sekienton!"


A red plume of smoke immediately covered the area around him causing the two Hollows to lose sight of him. This allowed him to mask his movement and snuck up on the Hollow behind him bisecting the creature right down the middle. He then turned and pointed his finger to where the other Hollow had stopped and said, "Hado #33: Sokatsui!" Once again a powerful pale blue fire roared through the air and passed through the red smoke that he created earlier right into the unsuspecting Hollow destroying it.

Kishin smirked. "Mn. I've been wanting to put my skills to use to see how I'd hold my own. Not too bad eh."

Just as a Hollow arrived behind him and struck out with its large fist he disappeared with Shunpo and arrived right behind its head.

"Arara, you missed."

The Hollow turned its head at the sound of Kishin's voice, however the moment it did Kishin slashed its mask apart effectively killing it.

"Four down, eleven to go."

He turned his attention to see how Arashi and Bago were doing, however he frowned as he watched them struggle. Just as they were on the ropes defensively Kishin placed out both his palms and said, "Bakudo #4: Hainawa!"


Arashi and Bago were shocked when they saw a yellow energy rope wrap around them. Just as a Hollow attacked them Kishin gripped the rope tightly and pulled them all the way to his side before dispelling his Kido. Both Arashi and Bago panted heavily as their strength was draining from the drawn out battle.

"Kishin...huff...thanks!" Arashi said out of breath.

Bago nodded and commented out of breath as well. "You're...huff...a...huff...lifesaver."

Kishin noted that Kasumi and the others were just about to leave through a Senkaimon gate when another Senkaimon gate opened up right before them. One person stepped out from it causing everyone but Kishin to rejoice.

"Aizen…" Kishin whispered under his breath with a frown. He watched Aizen easily dispatch a Hollow that dashed straight for Kasumi and the others before he Shunpo'd with blinding fast speed arriving right before Bago, Arashi, and Kishin.

"Oh? This many Hollows have appeared here in Karakura Town? Are you three alright? You did well to hold out this long." Aizen praised in his soft amiable voice.

Arashi and Bago saluted Aizen as Kishin simply nodded. Aizen stepped forth and pulled out his Zanpakuto causing Kishin to inwardly flinch. Alarm bells rang in his head as he heard Aizen say, "Hm...with so many Hollows to deal with at once it leaves me no choice."

Kishin knew immediately what was going to happen so right before Aizen released his Zanpakuto he took a step back just making it into Aizen's blindspot and squatted down to rest on the air. He pretended to look lax and tired and closed his eyes right as he heard Aizen say, "Kudakero, Kyoka Suigetsu."

Right after Kishin confirmed that Aizen had finished his initial release of Kyoka Suigetsu he opened his eyes and took note that Aizen had killed all the Hollows.

Tch. I knew Aizen was up to something. So...was it because I drew too much attention? Being called a prodigy or genius at the academy probably placed me under his radar. He probably did the same to Toshiro when he heard that Toshiro was a genius at the academy. Then that means that the field trip, the Hollows, it was all a ploy for him to make me see his Kyoka Suigetsu. He wanted to make its release seem natural and not forced so I wouldn't be suspicious of him. Hmpf. That bastard. How crafty. If I wasn't aware of its abilities beforehand I would have definitely fallen for his trap. The problem now is that I'm not actually under his illusions so he'll know once he tries to manipulate my senses. Hehe...Aizen oh Aizen. Unfortunately you're not the only cunning one around. I squatted down and put on a tired expression for a reason. I'll pretend that I was tired from having to stall against the Hollows and this will give me an excuse for having closed my eyes and hence not falling under your spell.

Kishin was brought out of his thoughts as Aizen sheathed his sword. He then turned back to look at Boga, Arashi, and Kishin, however his eyelid slightly twitched for just the briefest of moments as he carefully studied Kishin's current position and watched him yawn whilst rubbing his eyelid.

He...isn't under the effect of Kyoka Suigetsu's illusion? If he was he would have moved from his spot. I shifted his perception slightly and made the battle seem more intense than it truly was. I made it seem like a Hollow had appeared near him, but he looks completely unfazed and completely relaxed. In order to place him under Kyoka Suigetsu's hypnosis he had too see it right as I activate its release command. Chigetsu-kun. How very interesting. Were you truly feeling tired and coincidentally closed your eyes right as I released my Kyoka Suigetsu? Or was it intentional? Have you somehow discerned the abilities of my Kyoka Suigetsu?...No. That's not possible. After all there are only two people in Soul Society who know of the true powers of my Kyoka Suigetsu. Tosen and Gin and neither of them have yet to make contact with Kishin. Then he truly was just tired and it was coincidental? Heh. So all my planning to get him to see my Kyoka Suigetsu was for naught. Still. To think that he wasn't even curious at all what my Shikai would be. I have yet to meet a single person who was never curious to see what the abilities of a Captain's Zanpakuto were until now. Most people would force themselves to remain conscious or awake and watch intently at the release of a Captain's Shikai, however it appears that same logic does not apply to this youngster. Very amusing...and unexpected. Never once have I had to attempt to release my Shikai in front of someone I have specifically targeted more than a single time.

Kishin yawned once more before standing back up and stretched his back as he said with an innocent and fakely surprised expression. "Oh! The Captains of the Gotei 13 really are amazing. You must be one of the strongest Captains, right? Captain Aizen?"

Aizen kept his innocent and amiable smile plastered on his face and shook his head. "Not at all. I can only be considered average amongst the other Captains. Come. We should probably return to Seireitei."

Kishin nodded as he followed behind Aizen and the other students through the Senkaimon and back to Soul Society. After returning everyone quickly disbanded and went their separate ways. Kishin didn't want to stick around too long either, however he didn't want to leave too quickly and make it seem like he was avoiding confrontation with Aizen. In the end he remained for a few minutes showing that he was completely relaxed and unconcerned about the incident before heading off. As he made it back to the academy grounds he took note of Toshiro's presence in front of the entrance.

"What are you doing here?" He curiously asked.

Toshiro glanced over at Kishin and inspected him for a moment before he let out a breath of relief.

" you're back."

Kishin smirked knowingly. "So you heard about what happened already huh?"

Toshiro nodded in seriousness. "The Research and Development organization were monitoring Karakura Town as they knew students from the academy were heading there today on a field trip. They picked up on multiple Hollow signatures and sent out an urgent message to inform all divisions. In the end we were informed that Captain Aizen was supposed to meet up with you all there so the problem was left in his hands."

"Heh. I see. But that doesn't answer my question. What are you doing here?"

Toshiro embarrassedly coughed and looked away as he grumbled, "Nothing. I was uhhh...just passing by and thought I'd pay Gengoro-dono a visit."

Kishin shook his head amusedly and patted Toshiro on the back. "How nice of you to worry about my safety."

Toshiro became even more embarrassed. "I didn't say I was!"

Kishin let out a laugh. "What, can't be honest with your feelings? It's alright. I'd be worried about my friend's safety too if I were in your position."

"Hmpf. Who said we were friends." Toshiro pouted.

Kishin could only shake his head. "For all your talk about not wanting to be called a kid, you sure are acting childish don't you think?"

A thick vein popped on Toshiro's head as he glared at Kishin's smug expression. "Tch. To think I was worried about your safety."

Kishin watched as Toshiro stormed off so he called out, "See, you were worried. Was it so hard to be honest about it?"

Toshiro simply kept walking away as he shouted back, "Huh?! Who'd be worried about an idiot friend like you!"

Kishin could only shrug his shoulders as he watched Toshiro disappear in the distance. It was then he heard Gengoro's voice behind him. "Wow, I've never seen this side of Hitsugaya-kun before. He's always been so serious and mature."

Kishin turned around and yawned as he walked inside the academy. "Mature? He's more of a kid than you'd think Gengoro-sensei. You just have to know how to push the right buttons."

Gengoro watched Kishin walk off as he sighed to himself. "Push the right buttons huh? I think only you would know how to do that. Chigetsu-kun."

The next couple weeks went by without incident as Kishin sat in class. As he was about to get up and leave after the lesson was over he was stopped by a Shinigami who wore the Lieutenant's emblem on their shoulder. "You're Chigetsu Kishin correct?"

Kishin took a moment to observe who this was. They were male and of an average build and wore the standard Shinigami shihakusho with the only main difference being the Lieutenant emblem on their shoulder. They stood at a height of 178cm and were light skinned with short blond hair and seemed to be around the age of 18 in human years. After finishing his observation he simply nodded and replied, "I am. Your emblem, you're the Lieutenant of the 3rd division under Captain Ichimaru, correct?"

"That's right. My name is Jin."

"Oh, so you're Jin-senpai. Then, did you need me for something?"

Jin nodded as he replied nonchalantly, "Did you know that sometimes exceptional students are given the opportunity to join other court division squads on missions?"

Kishin nodded a bit warily. "I do."

"Good. Then I won't waste too much time explaining. You're listed as one of the top students in the academy and those listed at the top are given opportunities to gain experience with official division missions. As the Lieutenant of the 3rd division I extend to you an invitation to join us for a week long mission. We're traveling to the outskirts of Rukongai eastern district number 50-60. The research and development department has detected Hollow activity in that area. Incidents like this are rare but not unheard of. We heard that you defeated several Hollows on your own whilst in the human world and successfully protected the other students. What do you say, interested?"

Kishin furrowed his brow for a moment lost in his own thoughts.

3rd division? Under Captain Ichimaru...sounds like another ploy by Aizen, however it doesn't seem like Aizen will be tagging along. Perhaps he wants to observe me a bit under the guise of having me join up with the 3rd division. Still, even though I know that Aizen is probably pulling some strings here the mission sounds interesting. Very well Aizen, I'll play along for now.

Kishin snapped out of his thoughts and nodded in agreement. "When do we leave?"

Jin smiled approvingly. "I can give you 3 hours to prepare. But we leave today."

"Eh? Wasn't that a bit too short noticed?"

Jin simply smirked. "Is that a problem?"

Kishin also gave an amused smirk. "Heh. Interesting. Alright, no need for the 3 hours. Let's go now."


In no time at all he joined up with the 50 other division 3 members who were going and followed them towards eastern district 50. As they were dashing through the air with their Shunpo the division members quietly chatted amongst themselves.

"T-This kid. He can actually keep up with our Shunpo?"

"I heard he battled against 15 Hollows in the human world and even managed to kill 4 of them."

"No way. It's probably an exaggeration. If any single one of us were to be faced against 15 Hollows I doubt we'd make it out alive let alone kill 4 of them. They were probably swarmed but Captain Aizen must have made it in time to save them."

"I don't know. Isn't that the reason why Lieutenant Jin asked him to join us? Because it's a fact that he killed 4 Hollows on his own?"

"Either way it's impressive enough that he hasn't tired out from the constant use of Shunpo."

"Heh, so what. He's still just a kid in the end. I heard he's only 75 years old and that he's only been a Shinigami for 5 years. Just how skillful can he actually be?"

"Right. It'd be enough if he doesn't drag us down during our mission."

The division members immediately shut their mouths as they met the glare of their Lieutenant. Kishin obviously overheard everyone's conversations but couldn't care less. After several hours of traveling they finally made it to the 50th district. Kishin took a casual glance at the division members and shook his head.

Tsk. They can talk-the-talk but it doesn't seem like they can walk-the-walk. Look at them. Nearly half of them are tired out already. And it took so long to get here having to travel at their speed. Out of the division members who came only the Lieutenant, 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th, and 13th seat can claim to have a pretty good handle at Shunpo.

It was then everyone heard Jin give his orders. "Alright, split into ten groups of five people. Each group will be responsible for one district all the way up to district 60. Once you have your group then pick a district and head out. I will personally lead a group to district 57. According to R&D that is where they picked up on the most recent Hollow activity. Kishin, you stay here in district 50 and help out the others. There's still the potential of danger, but you won't be in the midst of the storm. Everyone understand?"

"Yes Lieutenant!" They all responded.


In a dark room sat Aizen and Gin as they watched on a screen that was projecting the image of Kishin and the others out on their mission.

"Hm. What a shame. Your Lieutenant didn't bring Kishin with him to the danger zone." Aizen remarked.

Gin could only keep that unchanging smile on his face as he replied, "Jin's in command now. I don't have any say."

"Heh, is that so. Gin. Well, it doesn't matter. I wonder how he will handle stress and death on the battlefield."

Gin kept his indifferent gaze on the screen, however he inwardly cursed Aizen before asking. "Are you somehow planning to send him to the danger zone?"

Aizen smirked as an amused glint shone in his eyes. "You don't mind if your Lieutenant Jin dies do you?"

Gin inwardly flinched but showed no outward appearance that he cared. "Ahya, he did so well on the paperwork. Oh well. He can always be replaced."

"Is that so? Gin? Then I'm glad to hear that. Once he dies the other division members will know and rush in to assist. No doubt Kishin will be amongst them."

Gin gave a curious glance at Aizen. "Captain Aizen, why are you so intrigued by this boy anyways?"

"I simply find him amusing is all. Our plan takes time. In that time I simply found some entertainment. Did you know. Gin. That he fought against 15 Hollows and managed to kill 4 of them whilst at the same time as saving his classmates. Had I not shown up at all, who knows what the outcome would have been. Very likely he may have managed to kill all 15 of them, however I needed an excuse to show him my Kyoka Suigetsu so I stepped in to help. Yet, even then the unexpected happened. He closed his eyes right before my Shikai activated, avoiding my spell."

Gin was startled at this revelation. "That kid didn't watch you unleash your Shikai?"

Aizen grinned. "Correct. Amusing. Don't you think? Most people, especially the young would have an innate and involuntary feeling of curiosity towards someone's powers. Especially one of the Captain class, yet he behaved completely against all my expectations. I simply seek to understand his character more."

Gin stared back at the screen that was currently focused on Kishin's image. "Does he know about your Zanpakuto's power?"

Aizen smirked with confidence. "No. The chances of him knowing are next to nil. Only two people know of my abilities. You and Tosen. I have faith that neither of you have told him about it. Right. Gin?"

Gin felt a formless pressure weigh down on him, however he didn't show that he was affected by Aizen's passive aggressive threat and replied jokingly, "Me? Hahaha, surely you jest. Captain Aizen."

Aizen once more smirked and returned his attention to the screen. "That is why it is impossible for him to know of my powers, therefore it must be his character. He must simply be a carefree type of individual, hence I wish to observe his character a bit more if I am to succeed in placing him under my hypnosis."

Gin slightly furrowed his brow. "Captain Aizen, is it really necessary to have him under your hypnosis though? He's only a single person. You already have the Gotei 13 Captains under your spell along with all the Lieutenants."

"Don't mistaken me. Gin. I do not fear him nor do I fear his potential. I simply believe he's amusing. And with his latent potential he may become a prominent individual in Soul Society one day. Having him under the effects of Kyoka Suigetsu means I can amuse myself some more and have all of the Gotei 13 dance in the hand of my palm."

Gin could only inwardly frown.

Captain are indeed a frightening man.

"Captain Aizen, where is Tosen anyways?"

"He's there. Hidden within the 57th zone. To prevent others from interfering with my entertainment."

On the last and 7th day of the 3rd division's patrol in the area Aizen smirked and said, "This is it. Now, don't disappoint me. Chigetsu-kun."


Kishin stood on the roof of a building in boredom as he watched the five other division members walk around.

Sigh...nothing to do. The actions in the 57th zone, but from the reports we get from Jin it appears they already took care of the Hollows. Now everyone is just doing their own things until the mission time is over before returning. Isn't this a bit odd though? I thought Aizen was the one pulling the strings to get me on this mission, but maybe I over thought it.

Just as Kishin was about to sit down and close his eyes they received an urgent distress message through their denreishinki sent from a member in the 57th district. The other five division members panicked as they exclaimed aloud in shock.

"W-What?! What do you mean Lieutenant Jin was killed?"

"No! It can't be! All the Hollows were supposed to be wiped out already!"

"Wait! How many did you say appeared?"

"T-Twenty?! That's overkill! Why did so many Hollows appear at once?"

Kishin frowned as he took in the information. "Oi! Your Lieutenant just died and your other comrades are still out there. Are you guys just going to sit here and babble or are you going to get a move on? We're in district 50, the furthest from district 57. If you want any chance at helping your fellows then move out!"

Kishin's scolding immediately shocked the five division members he was with out of their panic and quickly nodded in agreement. Kishin smirked and stretched his legs before saying, "I'll head over first. Catch up when you can."

Before any of the others could respond Kishin disappeared in a flash so fast that their eyes and brain couldn't register his speed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Kishin dashed through the air as fast as he could as he contemplated what Aizen was trying to do.

Tch. What are you up to Aizen? 20 Hollows? Why attack the Lieutenant? I was sure he was targeting me and not Jin. Unless...he wanted to force me over to district 57? But for what? I can't tell what he's thinking right now. Is it because he realized he failed to put me under his Kyoka Suigetsu? Is he starting to question whether I know about his Zanpakuto's powers? No...he's too calculating for that. Every move he makes is done with finesse, precision, and control. He's a master manipulator. He doesn't like it when something happens that he can't understand so he always tries to formulate the most logical reason. At the very least, that's what I remember about him from my past life. And that's how other people described him as well. In that case...then he probably bought into the fact that I just happened to be a lax person and his failure to place me under Kyoka Suigetsu was just a coincidence. But if that's the case, what's the purpose of doing all of this?

In less than 20 minutes Kishin arrived on the outskirts of district 57. He took note that the members stationed in district 55, 56, and 58 were already here and also noted Jin's dead corpse on the roof of a building. Beside his dead corpse were also three other dead division members who were stationed here with him meaning all those who were stationed with Jin in this district had died except one person, but that one person was gravely injured. Just as several division members facing a Hollow were cornered a powerful blue lighting strike pierced that Hollow's skull killing it instantly. This caught everyone's attention as they turned to look where that Kido attack came from.

"UH? K-Kishin?!" They exclaimed.

Their momentary distraction kept them from sensing another Hollow that leapt up at them from beneath their feet, however in mere moments Kishin Shunpo'd just in time and intercepted it stabbing it right through the neck before slicing its head off.

"Oi oi, senpais. Why are you getting distracted in the middle of a life and death match? You can praise me later if you want." Kishin replied nonchalantly. His words broke the others out of their stupor as they refocused their attention.

"Senpais, how many of them are left?"

One of the members grit his teeth and responded, "16."

Kishin raised his eyebrow a bit astonished.

16?! After taking 20 minutes for me to get here not including the two I killed just now the rest of these guys only managed to get rid of two? TWO?! What the hell are they doing?

Kishin frowned and stared disapprovingly at the division members by him and remarked, "Oi, tell me you all have a good reason why all of you could only manage to take out two of them during this time."

They immediately felt flustered at Kishin's words but they couldn't deny that it was true. It was then the only individual who survived in Jin's group came before them and explained. "Be careful. While there are a lot of Hollows it isn't what killed Jin. There was a Gillian that ripped through the space for a brief moment and surprise attacked the Lieutenant. The chain of our command crumbled and that's why we were defeated."

Before anyone could respond to this revelation Kishin shouted, "Bakudo #4: Hainawa!" A crackling yellow energy rope shot from his hand and wrapped around the neck of an incoming Hollow. He then gripped the rope tightly and swung to his left causing the Hollow to crash right into another one. He then quickly pointed at them and chanted, "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. I hope you guys like fire! Hado #33: Sokatsui!"

With the complete chant greatly increasing the power of his Kido the pale blue flames crashed into not only the two Hollows he stuck together but it also crashed into one other Hollow behind them instantly killing three in one blow. He then shouted, "Bakudo #21: Sekienton!" A giant red plume of smoke masked their presence as Kishin commanded, "Retreat to Jin's body and regroup!"

Immediately they all Shunpo'd away just in time before a group of 4 Hollows dashed into the red smokescreen. Kishin stood off in the distance on the roof where Jin's dead body was and cracked his knuckles before he once again chanted the spell for Hado #33. The power of his pale blue flames crashed into the 4 unassuming Hollows that were still inside the red plume of smoke.


The force of the blow caused the red smoke to scatter. After the destruction of the technique came to an end 3 of the Hollows had died and the last was left badly mangled. The division members could only stare in disbelief and awe at how powerful and skillful Kishin was with Kido. Kishin didn't care nor did he wait for them to make a move. He smirked and felt adrenaline pump through his veins. He Shunpo'd right next to that beaten and battered Hollow and cut off its head.

"Hahaha, is this the best you can do? Hollow?"

Hehehe, Hahahaha! Nice. Very nice. Young master. That's a good expression you have on. Just like that. Can you feel it? The adrenaline? The weight of your blade as it sinks into flesh and how light it feels the moment you cut off a head?

It was then that Kishin realized that he was losing control.

Oops...was I enjoying that too much? And this voice...I've heard it before.

Go on. Kill them. They're nothing but Hollow maggots. Can you feel the bloodlust in you? Use it! Control it! Master it! However...don't let it control you.

Kishin wanted to respond, however he didn't have time to formulate his own thoughts as a Hollow dashed right at him. He quickly Shunpo'd to his right before Shunpoing once more by its face and struck slicing its head clean off.

"8 to go." He breathed out slightly out of air.

What was that voice just now? Don't tell me it was m-

He snapped out of his thoughts as he took note of a Hollow jumping down at him from above with its mouth wide open. He pointed to its lower jaw and said condescendingly, "Your breath stinks. Hado #1: Sho."


The force ejected from his finger crashed into the Hollow's jaw forcing its mouth shut. He then performed an upwards slash bisecting the Hollow right down the middle, however he was momentarily surprised as right after he bisected the Hollow there was another Hollow behind it. Kishin only had time to place his sword in a defensive stance and guard the punch that the Hollow threw out.


Although he successfully guarded, the force of the punch still sent his small body crashing down towards the ground. It was then he noticed that he was falling straight towards 2 other Hollows that were waiting for him with their mouths open.

Shit, I'm falling too fast I can't stabilize my body in time to get a good footing for Shunpo.

He placed his left pointer finger on his left side and said, "Hado #1: Sho."


He discharged his own spiritual energy at his body causing him to shift horizontally through the air changing directions from where the Hollows were lying in wait. He then took that chance to spin several times before finally stabilizing himself and coming to a stop. He let out a breath of relief as he quickly Shunpo'd away. Instantly the other Hollow's lost sight of him, however he had appeared right by the two Hollows that were lying in wait for him earlier and slashed.

Swish! Schlick!

With two swings of his sword he successfully eliminated them.

"5 to go." He said smugly.

He took note of a Hollow charging at him from behind and one from the front so he directed one palm to each of them and chanted, "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat! Bakudo #9: Horin!" A yellow sphere of energy molded into a long yellow rope fluidly maneuvering itself through the air and captured both Hollows by the neck before dragging them through the air and stuck them together.

"Die! Hado #11: Tsuzuri Raiden!" A yellow electrical current discharged from Kishin's arms and travelled through the yellow rope before electrocuting the two bound Hollows until they turned to dust.

"3 to go." Kishin breathed heavily as he began to get tired. He widened his eyes in shock and quickly dashed to his right just as the ground beneath him shattered revealing a Hollow in hiding. He rolled on the ground a few times before getting back on his feet. He then immediately Shunpo'd away before he could be hit from behind by another Hollow. He breathed heavily as he felt his movements start to slow.

Damn..huff...these...huff...bastards. Heh. Damn you too. Aizen. How'd he do it? These Hollows are only targeting me even though I'm not the only one here.

It was then he widened his eyes in shock as he felt an immense pressure behind him. He quickly turned and saw the space rip open revealing a giant Gillian. The giant fist of the Gillian came crashing towards him giving him only enough time to place his sword in front of him defensively.


"GUUUH!" He spit out blood as his body was forced rolling uncontrollably through the air. He felt several of his ribs break from the reverberation of the punch against his sword. The bones in both his arms were also broken. The strength began to leave his body. As he began crashing towards the ground he could only muster enough strength to gasp and whisper, "Bakudo #37: Tsuriboshi."


From his badly broken palm gathered his reiryoku into the form of a blue ball of energy before shooting out behind him and creating a large elastic cushion that gently caught his falling body preventing him from crashing into the hard ground and buildings. He watched as the Gillian slowly made its way over to him and smiled self-mockingly.

"Damn. To think that it'd get the jump on me. How did it do it? There's no way I wouldn't have noticed something with that much reiatsu show up behind me unless there was some sort of interference."

He glanced to see what the current state of the other division members were, however he was shocked. "What the hell happened? Why are they all knocked out? Tch. This doesn't look too good for me."

Hahaha! Not too good indeed.

You! Your voice went silent. I didn't think I'd hear you again. And right now at that.

Seems you're in a pinch. Young master.

Tch. Young master? Then you really ar-

Oh? Seems you're in luck.

Kishin widened his eyes in surprise as he felt two familiar reiatsu signatures. Just as one of the remaining 3 Hollows jumped down from the sky to attack him he heard Rukia's voice shout, "Hado #33: Sokatsui!"


The sound of the pale blue fire struck the Hollow in the face before she arrived right in front of it and slashed its head clean off. And just as the Gillian was about to charge up a red Cero he heard Toshiro's voice shout, "Sit upon the frozen heavens! Hyorinmaru!"

Kishin watched as a giant blue dragon made of pure ice crashed right into the Gillian's face and froze it completely before he saw Toshiro arrive in front of him.

"Kishin. Are you alright?"

It was then Rukia also appeared by his side inspecting his wounds before letting out a sigh of relief. "Seems we made it just in time. Hang on Kishin. We'll get you out of here."

Clink. Clink! CLANK!

The ice that froze the Gillians face broke as it let out a roar in anger, however they all heard and saw the same thing in the next moment.

"Shoot to kill. Shinso."


A thin silver light flashed through the Gillian's head effectively killing it as the light then dissipated revealing a thin sword slowly retracting back to Gin's side. He then walked over to Kishin, Rukia, and Toshiro and asked nonchalantly, "Phew. Made it just in time. Is everyone alright?"