Chapter 4: Joining the 3rd Division

AN: Hey everyone thanks for all the reviews, favorites, follows, and reading. I forgot to mention what a Denreishinki is last chapter. Perhaps you guys know already or I suppose you could google it but starting now I'll put in the AN descriptions of things that I feel you all might want more info on. I'll probably also start putting down the Kido list as well at the end of each chapter if there was any Kido used so you can see what it translates to. That is if you all are interested in stuff like that.

-If at any point in the story you see this: "888" it means there will be a scene change.

Reading the story:

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

-Denreishinki (Soul Pager): Basically like the Shinigami version of a phone with a few various other applications. Tracking Hollows, getting missions, etc.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 4

6 Months Later

Kishin yawned as he stood in line behind Kinji who simply shook his head at his friend's lax expression.

"Oi, Kishin. This isn't a time to be sleeping you know."

Kishin lazily rubbed his eyes as he replied, "But I'm bored."

Kinji could only let out a sigh of defeat. "You know that your exam is different from ours right? Right now we're performing the end of the year proficiency test, but you're taking the graduation test. That means that the qualifications for you to pass are different than us. We merely have to perform a series of low level Kido since that's the skill level that most of us are at right now after just 1 year at the academy, but you have to perform mid-level Kido with proficiency. Stay focused will you."

Kishin smirked and smugly replied, "Kinji oh Kinji, that's right. I've only ever used low-level Kido in class huh? About performing mid-level Kido, there's no need for you to worry about it. I'm not even worried about it and I'm the one who has to perform said spell."

Kinji rubbed his temples. "Haaaaah...I wish I could be as confident as you."

"What? Your specialty is Kido. This will be a cinch for you."

"Well I know that. I was worried for your sake, but I suppose if you're taking it so easily then you must really have this in the bag."

They were interrupted from their conversation as Kinji was called next to the field leaving Kishin to his own thoughts. this day I still have no idea why Aizen planned that attack on Lieutenant Jin and why he decided to lure me over to district 57. Was it to test my skills? To see what my true capabilities were? Is that why he somehow got 20 Hollows to attack that day? And on top of that I'm pretty sure he had something to do with the reason why I couldn't sense that damn Gillian when it ripped a hole through space to get behind me. Luckily R&D was also notified of the attack at the same time we were so they sent backup. Obviously Gin was sent. It was his division after all. I heard in my past life that Gin was actually not a bad guy...but how exactly? Anyways I suppose I was lucky that Rukia and Toshiro appeared when they did.

He was brought out of his thoughts after Kinji performed several low-level Kido spells and one mid-level Kido spell allowing him to pass onto the next test. It was now Kishin's turn as he stood on the field. A different proctor that judged those who wished to take the graduation requirement test stood up and watched intently. The proctor then said, "Chigetsu Kishin of Class-1. Exam type, graduation. Give us a performance of the best Kido you can use. I shall judge you based on the power and execution of your technique."

Kishin nodded and placed his right palm in front of him saying, "Bakudo #37: Tsuriboshi." A blue light flew from his hand onto the field and created a giant elastic net as he then said, "Hado #54: Haien!" He swiped his hand in the direction of the elastic net causing an ovular crimson energy blast to crash into it. Immediately it was lit aflame and burnt away until nothing of the elastic net was left. As a large plume of smoke rose in the air from the burning he then placed both palms out and said, "Hado #58: Tenran!"


A large gust of tumultuous wind blew from his hands and instantly dispelled the smoke as if it were never there. Kishin grinned at his work and waited for the proctor to say something, however he took note of how deadly silent the entire exam field was at that moment. Everyone's jaws had dropped to the floor and even the proctor couldn't believe his eyes.

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders and asked nonchalantly, "Is my test over or should I do more?"

His question snapped the proctor out of his daze as they replied, "Ah! Err, right. T-That was e-enough. Ahem. You may take your leave and head over to the next exam site."

Kishin nodded amiably and left a still completely stunned and shocked room-filled proctors and students. As he made his way over to the Hoho training site he took note of Kinji about to perform his proficiency test in Shunpo. Kinji stood on the starting line as before him was a long field with markers set every meter apart. As the examiner gave the signal to start Kinji immediately used his Shunpo.


In the end his one Shunpo landed him at the 10 meter mark. He let out a sigh and walked off the field catching sight of Kishin so he dashed over.

"Hey, so how'd your Kido test go?"

Kishin put on a pondering look before replying nonchalantly. "Hmmm...pretty good I think."

Kinji just gave a questioning glance as he watched Kishin walk to line up. Once again when it was his turn a proctor for the graduation requirement exam stood forth.

"Chigetsu-kun, the requirement to pass is to reach the 30 meter mark in one go."

Kishin nodded and unconcernedly stretched his legs as he stood before the starting line. Once the signal was given to start he immediately turned into a blur before reappearing in the distance right at the 30 meter mark. His speed was so quick that the proctor was still gazing at the starting line. It took them several seconds to realize that Kishin wasn't there anymore prompting them to turn their gaze to the field causing them great shock.

"S-So fast!" Everyone exclaimed in shock.

Once again Kishin just shrugged his shoulders and walked away as he asked, "So, what now?"

The proctor cleared his throat. "Ahem. That is all. You have completed the exams for the general knowledge portion, reiatsu control, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kido, and now Hoho. Your final grade shall be released tomorrow where you will be told whether or not you passed."

Kishin nodded amiably before walking off with a stunned Kinji behind him.

"Y-Y-You're that fast?! A-Are you planning to join the Onmitsukido? Or perhaps division 2 under Captain Soi Fon?"

Kishin shook his head. "First, those two groups are essentially the same now. And to answer your question, not really. Or maybe? I mean I wouldn't mind division 2, but Captain Ukitake was the one who took me in and taught me. Plus they're missing a Lieutenant. I was thinking of earning some merit so I could fill in that position for the Captain to help alleviate his burdens a little. Even though there are two 3rd seat officers in the 13th division helping out I don't know how well it's working out for them. Maybe after helping Captain Ukitake for awhile I'll see whether or not division 2 is right for me. And besides, once I graduate I'll have to take another exam to join the Gotei 13. Then once I'm accepted into the Gotei 13 I don't even get to choose my first division. They'll technically place me wherever they see fit and I'll serve in that division for a bit before I can choose. I might even end up serving under multiple divisions first before I end up as a Lieutenant for Captain Ukitake. Then again if Captain Ukitake makes his request of me directly then I can skip all the trouble of serving under different divisions and go straight to the 13th division. In the end I haven't completely thought it through yet."

Kinji couldn't help having his jaw drop to the ground at Kishin's response. "Y-You're pretty confident that you're gonna graduate huh? And you said 'once' you're accepted, not 'if' you're accepted meaning you don't think getting into the Gotei 13 will be difficult at all right?"

Kishin smiled lazily. "You tell me. What do you think my chances are at getting in?"

Kinji didn't even have to think twice as he replied, "They'd be idiots not to let you in."

"Heh, see? Even you think so."

Kinji could only let out a sigh in defeat. "Who am I supposed to partner up with now Kishin? Once you leave I'll be left all alone."

Kishin simply patted Kinji's back. "Oi oi, don't be like that. You're more sociable than I am. People are less afraid to approach you than they are to approach me. You'll be fine."

Kinji could only nod as he lamented the fact that Kishin wouldn't be in the academy with him anymore. The next day Kishin checked his score for the graduation exam and was notified that he had passed becoming the 3rd person in all of Soul Society's history to graduate in a single year. Afterwards he applied to join the Gotei 13 and passed the entrance exam with no difficulties so he awaited his division placement. He sat in the waiting area of the Gotei 13 exam building and simply observed the other people around him who had also taken the test. In less than 20 minutes he was received by another Shinigami, however Kishin was slightly surprised at who it was.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't keep you waiting very long. I got here as quickly as I could once our division was notified that you were placed in our ranks. Let me introduce myself. I'm Kira. Izuru Kira. 3rd seat of division 3 under Captain Ichimaru. Pleasure to meet you, Chigetsu-kun."

Kishin was a bit dazed as the realization hit him that he was placed in division 3.

This was...definitely Aizen's doing. He didn't want to make it seem suspicious and place me directly under his watch so he put me in division 3 to have Gin report on me. That's it isn't it. Not that he would suspect me of suspecting anything. But it makes him seem more trustworthy if something troublesome happens around me giving him the opportunity to step in and help. He can play it off as him not being directly involved with me yet was kind enough to help me. He'll probably want to try and gain my favor this way. Then once again he'll probably plot to try and show me his Kyoka Suigetsu. I avoided it once but the key is can I do it again? If I avoid it too many times he may start to actually suspect that I know of its powers. But why me? Why is he so interested in me? Tch. It's definitely because I happened to avoid his Kyoka Suigetsu that one time. If I had just fallen under his spell he probably wouldn't even bother paying attention to me anymore, but because he failed he's been slightly intrigued. Damn it. And going back to the topic of placing me in division 3 he knows that I fought alongside their members before so he thinks that I'll just feel it was the natural choice of my placement. To think that Aizen has this much control even over the small aspects of division member placement.

Kishin quickly shook himself out of his thoughts and shook Kira's hand as he replied, "You can just call me Kishin."

"Oh? Very well then you can just call me Kira. It's actually quite an honor to have you join our squad as you're the 3rd person in all of Soul Society to ever graduate from the academy in a single year. The other being Hitsugaya Toshiro and of course our Captain, Ichimaru. Your skills are excellent and have been recognized by the Gotei 13. You've also accomplished some incredible feats even while you were at the academy so you've automatically been given a seated officer position of the 4th rank in our division."

"4th seat huh? That was quick."

Kira then began walking off as he said, "Follow me. I'll show you to the 3rd division barracks."

Kishin nodded and followed as he couldn't do anything about his placement except accept it for the time being. "Kira-senpai, did you serve under multiple divisions before you were placed in the 3rd division?"

Kira nodded. "Actually I did. I was first placed in the 5th division before being transferred to the 4th division. And then I finally moved to the 3rd division. I started out at the 5th seat but moved my way up to the 3rd seat. By the way Kishin, I wanted to thank you. About 6 months ago during that incident when you joined some of the members of the 3rd division in patrolling the 50th-60th district of east Rukongai you saved many of my fellow division members. I've heard of your amazing feats from them and they have been eternally grateful ever since."

Kishin let out a sigh as he recalled that day knowing it was all set up by Aizen.

"There's no need to thank me. In the end I was lucky and was saved just in time. My condolences about Lieutenant Jin's passing."

It wasn't long before they made it to the 3rd division grounds where Kishin was immediately greeted and swarmed by the members who had survived that fateful day. They began to give words of thanks and praise here and there that it was a bit overwhelming for him to take in. They were then interrupted by the sound of Gin's voice.

"Ohya ohya, it's Chigetsu-kun."

Kishin turned and greeted nonchalantly, "Captain Ichimaru. We couldn't properly get introduced all those months ago. Thanks to you destroying that Gillian we made it out alive."

Gin observed Kishin's frame for a moment in careful consideration before replying in his own nonchalant tone, "Not at all. In fact it should be me thanking ya' for saving the members of my division. If ya' weren't there I'm afraid the casualty count may have increased."

"Well it would have definitely increased by one more, myself, if you hadn't come when you did. Captain."

"Hahaha. You're quite humble aren't ya?"

"Actually it's quite the opposite. I simply speak my mind."

"Oh? I see I see. I hope being placed in the 3rd division won't be too hard on you as I know ya' didn't have a choice in the matter."

"Not at all. I'm here to gain experience. And I'm already acquainted with some of the members. I already feel like one with the team."

"That so? Then I'm glad. Ah, right. Congratulations on obtaining the 4th rank officer seat. Another testament to your prowess."

"Thank you very much Captain. I'll ensure not to shame the rank I was given."

"Mn. I trust that you'll do just fine. Oh, I should also congratulate you for graduating in a single year at the academy."

"It's fine Captain. It wasn't very hard. Of course you would know all about that. After all, you were the first to graduate from the academy in a single year and paved the way."

"Ohya ohya. I wanted to praise ya' a bit more, but it turns out I'm the one being praised instead."

Kishin just smiled without responding prompting Gin to smile back. The both of them had secretly been trying to probe what the other person's kind of character was throughout their conversation, however they both came to one single conclusion.

He's secretly very cunning and doesn't give too much away about himself. It's almost like I'm talking to myself.

All the division members who watched this conversational exchange between the Captain and Kishin couldn't help but feel extremely awkward. To them it seemed like they were watching two blades carefully dance around the other. One would attempt a jab but the other would deflect and in the next moment they would counter with a slash. That's what the conversation looked like to them, however even if that's what it looked like it didn't feel like it was dangerous at all. On the contrary to put the metaphor back in perspective it felt more like the Captain and Kishin were dancing around and sparring with flimsy plastic swords. That was a more apt description. In the end Gin pulled out some hoshigaki, which were dried persimmons, from his haori and tossed it to Kishin who caught them.

"A greeting gift. From me, Chigetsu-kun." As Gin walked away he waved his hand in the air and said, "I look forward to working with you."

Kishin stared at Gin's retreating form in the distance and smirked amusedly to himself as he took a bite out of the hoshigaki in his hand. "Mn. Not bad."

The days and weeks passed on quite peacefully during his time in the 3rd division, surprisingly. The 3rd division didn't really have a specific task or role other than to protect Seireitei if it was attacked, so for the most part he had plenty of time to himself which he completely dedicated to training. As he was currently practicing some of his Zanjutsu skills in the training field he took note of Kira's presence so he paused momentarily.

Kira walked over to him with a look of admiration on his face. "Kishin, your Zanjutsu skills are amazing!"

Kishin looked down at the katana in his hand and simply shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose I'm alright. Anyways, Kira-senpai, did you need me for something?"

"Right, did you know that Captain Aizen of the 5th division is holding a lecture today at the 5th division barracks. It's free for anyone to attend and he'll be covering topics like Kido, Zanjutsu, calligraphy, poetry, and literature. I was wondering if you'd be interested in attending. Me and some other division members are going there now."

Kishin raised his eyebrow curiously. "What about Captain Ichimaru? Is he going to be here in the barracks?"

Kira simply shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not really sure. To be honest we don't really know where he is most of the time."

Kishin had a pondering look as he simply replied, "I see."

"So? Interested in tagging along?"

Kishin smirked as he turned around and swung his sword. "It's alright. I'm fine here. Perhaps next time. I was going to pay Captain Ukitake a visit today anyways."

Kira had a look of disappointment but nodded his head. "I-I see. That's too bad. You'll be missed at the lecture."

"Mn. Tell me how it goes."

Kira could only let out a sigh in defeat. "Alright. I will."

Kishin turned around and stared at Kira's retreating form until he disappeared. It was then he felt an eerie, subtle, watchful eye on him so he smirked and said, "Captain Ichimaru. So you were on the division grounds today. No one knew where you went."

Gin smiled as he walked out from behind a tree and praised, "Yaaaa, not bad not bad. Your reikaku sensing is pretty good."

Kishin shook his head as he turned around to face Gin. "Just a little."

Gin took a moment to carefully study Kishin unsure of what to think before asking, "You're not interested in Aizen's lecture? I hear they are quite popular. Even the class he teaches, calligraphy, at the academy is always overfilled."

"That may be, however I planned to visit Captain Ukitake today. I haven't seen him since joining the 3rd division."

"Oh? Hmm...why not go tomorrow? After all, Aizen doesn't give out free public lectures like this everyday."

"It's fine. If I have questions I can always ask you, right Captain? Besides, I just graduated from the academy. I'm not really interested in hearing any more lectures for a while."

"I see. So that's how it is. Well, that's fine. If you ever have any questions then you can always come to me, though I can't guarantee I'd be a good teacher."

Kishin watched as Gin walked off before he furrowed his brow and sheathed his sword, slowly leaving towards the 13th division.

Heh. They really wanted me to attend Aizen's lecture huh? He's going to be lecturing on Zanjutsu as well? I'm not an idiot. Another one of his ploys to make me see his Kyoka Suigetsu. He'll probably release its power to show the others trying to incorporate it into his lesson when he really is just placing everyone under his hypnosis. He's quite crafty coming up with so many indirect ways to place people under his control without them ever realizing it.

Kishin snapped out of his thoughts as he finally reached the 13th division grounds. As he walked in he was amiably greeted by the familiar faces of the division members including one Kuchiki Rukia.

"Kishin? What are you doing here?"

"Hm? Senpai, what do you mean? I came to visit of course."

"O-Oh, right. I was just surprised is all. I'm sorry I couldn't come congratulate you when you passed the entrance exam for the Gotei 13. So, how are you liking the 3rd division?"

"It's fine Rukia-senpai. It's not a huge deal."

"What do you mean it's not a big deal? Entering the Gotei 13 is a big milestone."

Kishin just shrugged. "It was to be expected."

Rukia let out a sigh and face-palmed. "Right...haha...where do you gain so much confidence?"

Kishin smirked. "Ability."

Once more Rukia let out a sigh. They were both interrupted by the sound of Jushiro's voice. "Oh?! Shin-chan! You're here!"

Kishin waved and greeted, "Captain Ukitake!"

"Ahahaha, your presence has been missed. You're the only one who Rukia-san seems to be able to relax around."

Rukia let out a choking cough at Ukitake's comment prompting Kishin to comment, "Really? I don't know about that. It seems Rukia-senpai is warming up to you Captain."

Rukia cleared her throat and interjected, "Ahem. Don't speak as if I can't hear you."

"Ehhh? But senpai, I'm speaking because I want you to hear me."

"Y-You, are you taking into account how I feel?"

Kishin put on an innocent look and asked, " do you feel?"

Rukia was at a loss for words as she didn't know how to respond. She hoped Kishin would just intuitively know how embarrassed and awkward she felt at that moment, however she kept her expectations too high. No, rather she knew that Kishin knew, but he was doing it on purpose. In the end Rukia excused herself as she was heading off to the Kuchiki manor leaving only Kishin and Jushiro behind. As the two of them sat down on the side of the courtyard drinking some tea Jushiro asked concernedly, "Kishin...are you being treated well in division 3?"

Kishin replied nonchalantly, "Mn. No worries there. I find Captain Ichimaru quite...interesting to say the least."

He then picked up a piece of candy from the pile that Jushiro placed on the table between them and popped it in his mouth. Jushiro smiled happily as he watched.

Sigh. It's a shame that he wasn't placed in the 13th division. He could technically apply for a division after a year of serving in the division he was placed in. With his abilities, despite his young age he would make a good Lieutenant. The 13th division is missing one. As Captains have the ability to choose their Lieutenants I could ask him. But what if...he doesn't want to? If he were to become my Lieutenant he'd have to do not only the work required of him as a Lieutenant but my work as well due to my health.

Jushiro was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Kishin ask, "Captain Ukitake, what can you tell me about Captain Aizen?"

Jushiro was a bit taken aback at the question but gave it some serious thought. "Captain Aizen huh? Hmmm...I suppose...he's very nice. He is very good at calligraphy and likes to help others in need. He's good at giving lectures and teaching. Oh, by the way that reminds me, he's holding a lecture today. How come you didn't go? Or did you not know?"

Kishin shook his head. "I know about it. I'm just not interested. I graduated from the academy not too long ago and have had enough of lectures for now."

Jushiro nodded understandingly. "So, why are you so curious about Captain Aizen?"

Kishin thought about how to answer as he popped another piece of candy in his mouth. "Well, everyone seems to really like Captain Aizen so I was just wondering what he was like."

"Oh? Hehe if you really want to know wouldn't that be all the more reason for you to sit in on one of his lectures?"

Kishin shook his head. "No. I think I'd rather come to you for advice and pointers if I ever have any, Captain Ukitake."

Jushiro felt his heart warm inside at Kishin's straightforward answer and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Ahhh...hahaha you flatter me. I don't know if I'm that good of a teacher but I'll do my best."

"Don't worry about that Captain. It was because of your teachings that I'm currently so skilled in Kido and Hoho. But on the topic of Captain Aizen...does he give you a strange feeling sometimes Captain? Like...he's perhaps too nice? Or too friendly?"

Jushiro thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "Well, I haven't really thought about it. We Captains don't meet too often these days. While Captain Aizen and I are on friendly terms we don't go out of our way to visit one another. The only other Captain that I see most often is Captain Kyoraku."

"I see...well, I just thought I'd let you know. I just have a feeling that something is off about Captain Aizen. I can't really place my finger on it. Call it a kid's hunch."

Jushiro tilted his head sideways in curiosity. "A kid's hunch?"

Kishin grinned and nodded. "Yeah. You know what they say. Kids pick up on things that adults can't. They just have...feelings you know. Like they can tell when someone has a terrible personality or when someone is very nice or when someone is very sad. Stuff like that."

Jushiro blinked his eyes even more curiously as he asked in amusement, "Then...Shin-chan...are you calling yourself a kid? Hahaha! Good! Shin-chan I was worried that you were growing up too fast but I'm glad that you wish to be a kid a little longer."

Kishin inwardly sighed and rubbed his brows in defeat. "I-I wasn't exactly trying to say that…"

Jushiro just continued to smile amiably and placed more candy on the table to which Kishin didn't mind. He picked one up popping it into his mouth. "Captain, I'm being serious here. Anyways, I just wanted you to know. Even if you and Captain Aizen are on good terms I don't get a good vibe from him so you should at least be more cautious around him and his actions."

Jushiro stared at Kishin for a moment and noticed that Kishin was actually very serious so he furrowed his brow and nodded. "Alright. I'll keep what you said in mind then."

They both sat in silence for another few minutes before Kishin broke the silence. "Captain Ukitake. Have you ever thought about looking for another person to fill in the position of Lieutenant?"

Jushiro flinched a bit in surprise as he was thinking about that earlier. He nodded and replied, "Actually I have…"

"What do you think about me Captain?"

Jushiro was momentarily shocked.

D-Did he read my mind? Or perhaps he wanted to become the 13th division Lieutenant for awhile now?

"Ahem. Actually I did think about you. Umm...did you actually want to fill in the position?"

Kishin stared down at his cup of tea for a moment in silence as he thought about it. "Captain. I would like to eventually fill in the position of Lieutenant if you would have me. You were the one who helped me learn and grow so I want to help you in return."

Jushiro raised a curious eyebrow. "Eventually huh? that means not right now then right?"

"I'm currently stationed in division 3 but that might not always be the case. I hear that it's common for division members to transfer to multiple divisions before sticking to one place."

Jushiro nodded in agreement. "True. Does that mean you're expecting to transfer or are you planning to apply for a transfer to another division?"

Kishin nodded. "I am. I plan to remain in division 3 for a year and then try to transfer to other divisions. I want to gain some more experience first and see what the other divisions are like before settling in."

Jushiro nodded his head approvingly. "Mn. That's actually very mature of you Shin-chan. Then does that mean after you're done gaining the experience you want you'll become my Lieutenant?"

Kishin nodded. "Captain Ukitake. I do have a request though."

"Oh? What is it?" Kishin picked up a piece of candy from the table and said, "If you ever hear me say that I want to try a different kind of candy, then regardless of which division I'm currently stationed at, I would like you to immediately make me your Lieutenant. Is that possible?"

Jushiro flinched in confusion and curiosity. He studied Kishin carefully for a moment before responding. "What do you mean?"

Kishin looked at the piece of candy in his hand for a moment before smiling and replying amiably, "Hmmm...I believe it's called a secret."

Jushiro felt like he got cold water dumped on him as he was expecting a serious answer. Then again after knowing Kishin all these years his current answer wasn't a surprise either. "Uhh...ahahah...wait, can you really not tell me?"

Kishin popped the candy into his mouth and chewed. "It wouldn't be a secret otherwise would it?"

Jushiro could only awkwardly laugh. "Hahaha...I see."

"So Captain, is it possible? I don't mean to pressure you. I know I said it's a secret but...the truth is you would really be saving me a lot of trouble."

" if I ever hear you say that you want to try a different kind of candy then that should be when I ask you to be my Lieutenant...alright. I can do that. Although it feels like I'm being pulled into one of your pranks."

Kishin smiled after hearing Jushiro's acceptance of his request. "Don't worry Captain. It's nothing like that. Ah, right. Can you keep this a secret between the both of us? Please don't tell anyone about this. Not even Captain Kyoraku."

Now Jushiro was extremely curious about what was going on, but elected to leave it at that as he didn't find that keeping this secret would bring anyone any harm so he nodded his head. "Very well, I promise not to reveal our secret to anyone."

Kishin inwardly grinned and also inwardly let out a sigh of relief.

Phew. Great. I've taken my first countermeasure against Aizen. For myself at least. I know he must have played a hand at having me placed in the 3rd division. I know he's secretly observing me. Probably for some messed up entertainment. After today learning that he was giving a lecture and one part was going to be on Zanjutsu I knew he was definitely aiming for me. Maybe not just me, but I'm sure I'm included in his list of targets to place under complete hypnosis. Since he has some authority over where I could be placed it's possible he'll eventually have me placed under his direct supervision in the 5th division. Tch. Like I'd just sit around and let you toy with me Aizen. If I'm placed in the 5th division I'll just tell Captain Ukitake our code and he'll ask me to be his Lieutenant. Then I'll accept and leave the 5th division permanently and this will prevent Aizen from transferring me to a division under his control. Aizen always plans 5 steps, 10 steps, 100 steps ahead. If I don't want to be played in the palm of his hands then I have to start building shields and redundancy plans for myself just as far ahead.

Kishin took a sip of his tea before he thought of something else. "Captain, what can you tell me about Central 46? I remembered reading about them in some of the books but...are they truly absolute in their rulings?"

Jushiro pondered for a moment at the question before letting out a sigh. "Haaaaah...well...Since you've read about them before from the books in our division then you already know that Central 46 is composed of 40 wise men and 6 judges appointed from all over Soul Society. The power and control they have was a right and privilege granted to them by the Soul King. They also set certain laws in place that should one break, they shall be judged by the Central 46. The punishments can be quite harsh."

Kishin nodded and chimed in, "If I recall, the Soul King exists in a different dimension than Soul Society, the Human world, and Hueco Mundo."

"That's right. The Soul King doesn't govern the Soul Society itself. Central 46 does in its stead. That is why Central 46 has such power and authority. Not even the Captain Commander can go against their ruling. But why are you curious about them?"

Kishin stared at his cup of tea in deep contemplation for a moment. After a few moments passed in silence he continued, "I was just curious Captain. After all, there wasn't too much information on them and they are an integral part of Soul Society's function. I just wanted a better understanding."

Jushiro nodded. "Mn. It's good that you want to learn more."

"Captain, I know I already made a request of you earlier but I actually have one more."

Jushiro raised his eyebrow extremely curious as Kishin had never made requests of him before. Sure he's asked questions and for information but true requests outside the scope of teaching him, it was a first. And it wasn't just one request, but now two.

"Go on Shin-chan. If it's in my power then I'll do my best."

"Mn. Then, this one is about Rukia-senpai."

"Rukia?" Jushiro exclaimed, completely shocked.

Kishin nodded. "If there ever is a need to station someone in Karakura Town and Rukia's name comes up, please deny it."

Jushiro was completely baffled at this point.

I-I wonder what's going on?

" there something troubling you?"

Kishin could only take a sip of his tea before staring out at the sky. "Not really Captain Ukitake. You know how I am."

Jushiro scratched the side of his cheeks unsure of what to say. Kishin noted this and continued, " to put this. Ah, well it's more personal. You see Rukia-senpai and I are close."

Jushiro tilted his head to the side intrigued and nodded in agreement. "Right. Well I agree with you on that. You are the only person where I've seen she relaxes her guard around. So what does this have to do with not stationing Rukia in Karakura town?"

"Hmm...let's just say that it's a secret between Rukia-senpai and I. If she is to be stationed in a town then perhaps somewhere like Kagamino city. Anyways, if Rukia-senpai is one day stationed for Karakura Town, instead of her, request that I go in her stead. Or someone else in the division."

Jushiro was a bit taken aback by everything. "Well...I mean...I suppose it isn't outside the realm of possibility that Rukia could be stationed there. The 13th division is after all, in charge of overseeing Karakura Town. I don't believe she'll be stationed there anytime soon as she is still working on improving her skills, however to comply with your request I suppose I could choose not to station her in Karakura Town. The thing is I can't send you in her stead since you aren't currently a member of the 13th division. And the one caveat is that if it is a decision made by Central 46 or the majority rule during a Captains meeting then I won't have too much power over it. Of course if you are the Lieutenant of the 13th division during the time that Rukia is ever supposed to be sent to Karakura Town then it becomes easier for me to prevent Rukia from being stationed there. With a Lieutenant in place then Sentaro and Kiyone no longer have to be here to perform some of my duties and the duties of a Lieutenant. It would give me more options to work with. But...does Rukia-san really have a secret about not wanting to be stationed in Karakura Town?"

Kishin gave Jushiro a convincing smile and replied, "That is a secret between us. I hope this isn't too troublesome of a request."

Jushiro tilted his head in confusion and intriguement but nodded his head anyways. "I see. Hmmm...well, I suppose it isn't in my place to pry open secrets between friends. Hahaha! Having secrets between friends makes their bonds stronger. Mn. I'm glad Rukia-san has someone she can share her secrets with."

Kishin smirked. "Don't forget Captain Ukitake. We have a secret too so that means our bond is stronger now right?"

Jushiro nodded. "Mn. Don't worry I'll keep our talk about Rukia-san a secret as well. Although the probability for Rukia to be specifically requested as the one stationed in Karakura Town seems highly unlikely, I'll keep in mind your request."

"Mn. That's all I could ask for. Captain."

Thankfully Captain Ukitake is very accommodating. I've placed one countermeasure against Aizen for myself and one to help foil his plans from trying to steal the Hogyoku. If everything goes well Rukia will no longer be stationed in Karakura Town. Then she'll never transfer her powers to Ichigo. Then she'll never have to take in Urahara's gigai with the hidden Hogyoku. Then Aizen won't be able to get his hands on it that way. The question is...if it does go as I will Aizen plan only saves Rukia from the trouble...but there are so many ways that Aizen can still obtain the Hogyoku. I'm sure of it. He must have some redundancy plans in place. Though I have no idea what they could be. Tch. This is like playing chess against someone who's pieces are all queens. He can move them whichever way he wants without much care while I'm left with only pawns on the board and perhaps the occasional rook or bishop. Tch.

Kishin stayed and chatted with Jushiro for another hour or so before he returned to the 3rd division where he took note of Kira practicing his Zanjutsu on the training grounds. He walked over and greeted, "Yo! Kira-senpai."

Kira paused and wiped some sweat off of his forehead as he returned the greeting. "Kishin. You're back. How was your visit with Captain Ukitake?"

"Mn, it was nice. And how was Captain Aizen's lecture?"

"It was really eye opening. Captain Aizen is what you'd call a renaissance man I suppose. He has knowledge in just about every field. His poetry was also quite good."

"Ah...right. You enjoy writing Haiku's right senpai?"

Kira grinned and nodded. "Mn. Oh, Kishin, if you're ever interested in Haiku's then come talk to me. I'm always happy to teach or share."

"I'll think about it. Anyways, you're back to training. Did you learn some new Zanjutsu skills after Aizen's lecture?"

"Heh, I suppose you could say that. Captain Aizen gave some pointers to everyone. Not just in Zanjutsu but in all forms of combat. What do you say, 4th seat, want to try me out?"

Kishin smirked. "Interesting. Okay."

He stood on the training field opposite of Kira and got in a battle ready stance. Kira sheathed his sword as he placed his fists in front of him. After a few seconds of observing one another Kira dashed with great speed right for Kishin, however Kishin simply grinned as he easily followed Kira's movements.

Bam! Boom! Wham! Whoosh! Fwish! Fwoosh!

As Kira attacked in a series of punches and kicks, Kishin easily blocked and parried each strike. As Kira's left fist struck towards his chest he easily knocked it aside before countering and thrusting a palm strike right under Kira's chin.


"Guuuh!" Kira groaned as some saliva flew from his mouth. He was flung through the air several meters away before crashing on the ground. Kishin smirked and commented, "Not bad senpai. Not bad."

Kira slowly got up as he heaved out a heavy breath.

Huff. Huff. Huff.

"Not bad you say...I never knew your skill in Hakuda was this good Kishin-kun."

"So, what else did you learn? Senpai." Kishin said amusedly.

Kira gritted his teeth and shouted, "Hado #4: Byakurai!" Just as the blue lightning was about to strike Kishin his body blurred into the distance with Shunpo easily evading the attack as he countered by saying, "Bakuda #4: Hainawa."

Kira widened his eyes in shock and quickly unsheathed his Zanpakuto slashing the yellow rope before it could ensnare him. He placed out his palm and shouted, "Hado #31: Shakkaho!"

Kishin countered by placing out his own palm saying, "Hado #32: Okasen."

A burst of red flaming energy from Kira's hand clashed against a burst of yellow lightning energy from Kishin's hand creating a loud noise and large smokescreen to appear between them. Kira immediately followed up by shouting, "Hado #33: Sokatsui!" As Kishin watched the pale blue fire arrive before him he countered by stretching out his palms and said, "Bakudo #39: Enkosen." A yellow spinning energy shield immediately appeared in front of him and negated Kira's attack. It was then Kira had Shunpo'd right behind Kishin and struck with his Zanpakuto, however in the next instant he widened his eyes in shock as he lost sight of Kishin.

Not a moment later he felt the cool touch of Kishin's blade against his neck.

"Mn. No wonder you're 3rd seat. Senpai. You're pretty strong."

Kira felt a bead of sweat drip down the side of his face. "I-Impossible...your Shunpo is that fast already?"

Kishin simply retracted his blade and placed it back in its hilt as he began to walk off. "Kira-senpai. Thanks for letting me win today."

Without waiting for a response he disappeared into a building leaving a completely stunned and baffled Kira. In the shadow of the training grounds stood Gin as he watched the entire fight.

Ehhhh? He's pretty good. He improves so quickly. His Shunpo is on the precipice of becoming as fast as a Captain's. His reiatsu control is Lieutenant level despite only being 76 years old. He's only trained as a Shinigami for 6 years. Not bad, not bad. To reach his level of Shunpo most Shinigami need to dedicate at least 20 years of practice. His Kido is also strong. Kira has been a Shinigami for at least 35 years now yet he lost to Kishin in every skill facet a Shinigami possesses. Zanjutsu, Hoho, Hakuda, Kido. If Tosen wasn't hidden in area 57 on orders of Aizen and secretly interfered that day I bet he would have succeeded in killing that experimental Gillian. I was able to get rid of the experimental Gillian before anyone could truly engage it in battle and realize that it was more powerful and stealthy than the standard Gillians of Hueco Mundo. If R&D didn't receive the distress signal that day I probably wouldn't have been forced to go. Aizen wanted to see Kishin fight that Gillian, however he sort of cheated by having Tosen interfere. In the end I couldn't tell what Aizen was thinking.

List of Kido Used:

Bakudo #4: Hainawa (Crawling Rope)

Bakudo #37: Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)

Bakudo #39: Enkosen (Round Lock Fan)

Hado #4: Byakurai (Pale Lightning)

Hado #31: Shakkoho (Red Fire Cannon)

Hado #32: Okasen (Golden Flash)

Hado #54: Haien (Abolishing Flames)

Hadow #58: Tenran (Orchid Sky)