You are?

The butler smiled warmly at Libertas, who has just entered the small room again. Sincerely, he stated, "Welcome back."

Then he glanced towards the crystal embedded on the wall. As soon as he placed his hand atop of it, it shimmered weakly in a blue glow. However, it quickly dissipated, and the room rumbled. Gradually, it fell back down to the ground.

Libertas was still panting as he slightly wobbled around. As the butler saw that, he chuckled and bowed towards Libertas, "I am sorry. I don't know what she has done to you, but I am sure she hadn't any evil intention. Although she is already an old lady, she is still as immature as a young girl. I truly hope you won't resent her for whatever she has just done to you."

Hearing him speaking like this about the founder, Libertas was taken aback. Shrugging it off, he sighed, "Is she not your master? Is it alright for you to speak about her like this behind her back? Anyway, don't worry. I don't hate her."

Although Libertas didn't like her very much, he didn't hate her. In the end, she had only meant good for him. Nevertheless, he still hoped that he would never meet her again. It was similar to how an adult dislikes looking after troublesome kids. They were innocents, pure, and cute. However, they were just too bothersome to look after. Hence, the dislike for this particular deed.

The butler sincerely smiled as he said, "Thank you very much for your concern. If you want you too can speak about her like this behind her back. As long as she doesn't notice anything, everything will be fine. However, if she did notice, it would be time for you to write your last will."

Was it truly fine to speak like this behind her back? While wryly chuckling, Libertas' mouth twitched. Then shaking his head, he gave the sheet over to the butler. The room ceased to fall, and the door opened automatically. However, none of them moved. One was quickly reading. The other was silently waiting.

Soon the butler looked up from the sheet with a smile. His eyes squinted as he stated, "Welcome to the Magic Academy. Please follow me. We have now to register you in the Administration."

Libertas nodded his head as he quickly to the side of the butler. They walked out of the tower, into the forest. Then by following the road back, they swiftly walked out of it. Curiously, the butler inquired, "Don't you have any further question you would like to ask?"

Wearily, Libertas shook his head while he answered, "No. It was enough for today."

"I understand. After all, a lot has happened to you today. Then let us quickly finish the registration, and you can then take rest."

Soon they reached an intersection further down the street. One led to somewhere unknown. The other led to a gate made out of shimmering gold. At each side of it was a soldier standing guard. On their chest armour, was the insignia of a blue planet. A silver plate was attached to the top of the gate.

The butler swiftly took a turn to the road leading to somewhere unknown. Libertas glanced absent-mindedly at the two soldiers. The insignia was actually indeed the earth. Sighing, he quickly walked after the butler.

A building appeared in the distance. The butler halted his steps in front of its entrance before he turned towards Libertas. Atop of the entry was a silver plate, printed on top of it was, "Administration". Slightly bowing, the butler spoke, "Please wait a moment. I will prepare everything for you."

After he said that, the butler swiftly entered. Only after a while did he exit with a young lady beside him. He gestured with an open hand towards her as he said, "This is Ms Angelica. She will lead you now to your dorm. It was nice to meet you. I hope we will meet again."

The butler bowed once more before he quickly left. The young lady took out a badge and presented it to Libertas with both of her hands. She smiled as she told, "Please take it. It will show your identity as a student at the Magic Academy. Furthermore, it will be your unique identification in school, and you can interact with school-net through it. Hence, please have it always by your side. Your school uniform and other materials will soon be sent into your room. Now, then please follow me."

Libertas nodded and followed absent-minded after her. His head buzzed a bit in pain as he inspected the badge. The front depicted a white dragon on an ice cliff. Above it, a display showed the number ten. After he turned it around, he saw a clip at the top. In the middle was a pure black lens, and a bit under it was a button.

"Sir, we have reached your room. Please use your badge to open the door. If there is nothing else, I will be leaving now."

He nodded his head as he looked at the door. Strangely, there wasn't a knob or handle to open it. Instead, there was only a flat metal plate. Puzzled, he held the badge in front of it and the door opened on its own. After seeing this, the lady bowed as she said, "I wish you a happy school life."

Then she left. After shortly glancing at her, Libertas stepped sluggish inside the room. Automatically, the door closed on its own. A faint light shined through a single window on an empty table laid in front of it. At each side of it was a bunk bed. However, only one of the four beds seemed that someone was using it. The others appeared to be clean and untouched. Nevertheless, for now, Libertas didn't care.

Wearily, he dragged his tired body past a door at the side. Then he walked by two lockers before he reached one of the clean beds and plumped on top of it. Even as his stomach protested with a growl and his head buzzed in pain, he still fell slowly asleep. His grip loosened, and with a clack, the badge landed on the ground. Soon peaceful snoring sounded in the room.

The time passed in tranquillity until the door opened again. Angrily, someone kicked the door as if it was opening it to slow. Noisily it banged against a wall. Instantly, it revealed a little fat boy covered in bruises. A little bit of blood trickled down from his lips. Ruggedly he wiped it with his little hand away.

Stepping inside the room, the boy loudly grumbled, "Fuck them. How dare they still pick up a fight with me? And they even fucking ambushed me! Have I not taught them enough lesson? To hell, if they still dare to do it after today, I shall force them to-"

Awaken by the loud noise, Libertas had sat up to look at the fatty. Then he blinked stunned his eyes. The fatty froze for a second before he raised his hand, clenching it to a fist. With the other hand, he pointed indignantly at Libertas. Exasperated, he yelled, "The heck! After I beat them to a pile of shit, they still dare to appear in front of me! Fuck off now! Or I will beat the shit out of you! Scram!"

Libertas raised his hand defensively and stood up. Subsequently, he said soothingly, "Calm down. I definitely wouldn't leave here, if you are saying it like this. Furthermore, where do you expect me to live if I left here? On the streets? At least I don't want to live on the streets. Calm down. Let us sit down and speak about that? How about that? Isn't that better than hitting?"

The boy seemed taken aback. Incredulous, he stared at Libertas. His fist gradually lowered. Nonetheless, he was still pointing his finger at Libertas. His mouth agape as he asked disbelieving, "You, you are… my… my room-,… mate?"

As the fat boy saw Libertas nodding his head, a smile slowly emerged on his face. Elated, he jumped up and down as he loudly shouted, "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

Then the fat boy quickly pounced at Libertas. Stunned, Libertas took a step back, but in the end, the fatty still clutched him firmly between the arms. Glancing at the happy face, Libertas relaxed his stiff body. Following, he hugged the fatty back with a smile.

After a while, the boy took embraced a step back. While rubbing his hands against each other, his eyes darted flustered to the ground. Subsequently, he faintly said, "Ehm, sorry for just now. I was a bit overexcited. After all, you are my first room-mate after a very long time. Yeah, and sorry that I cursed at you. I just fought with a couple of others. Just a little quarrel! Don't worry. I ain't the gangster type! Even if I am, I will protect you. You don't need to fear me. Let's be friends, alright?"

Libertas chuckled with a smile. Then he stretched out his hand without any hesitation and spoke, "Let's be friends. I am Libertas, and you are?"

The boy looked up. His eyes shined hopefully as a big smile appeared on his face. Vigorously, he took the hand with both of his. Then he shook the hand wildly back and forth. Elated, he almost yelled it out, "Let's be friends forever! I am Marcus! Pleased to meet you!"