
Libertas coughed awkwardly under the passionate stare of Marcus. Quickly glancing downwards, Marcus ceased shaking the hand wildly back and forth. Then he began laughing dryly. Seeing this, Libertas broke out laughing too. Nevertheless, they still held each other hands….

After a while, they finally released each other hands. Subsequently, while rubbing the hands against each other, Marcus asked, "Well, are you hungry?"

Promptly on the cue, both of theirs stomachs growled loudly. Hence, they broke out laughing once more. Smiling at each other, Marcus inquired, "Shall we go now, or do you still have some other things to do?"

"No, let us go…. Not yet. Can you wait a minute, please? And can you tell me where the toilet is?"

While listening to the first part, Marcus happily turned around, only then for him to hear that they couldn't go now. Was he taken as a joke? Stiffly, he had spun a full circle around himself. However, when he heard the reason, he burst out laughing. Cackling loudly, he could barely raise his hand to point at a door beside the exit.

Scratching his head awkwardly, Libertas swiftly walked towards the door and entered it. Instantly, he was stunned. Wasn't this a modern bathroom? How could this all be here? Wasn't this a fantasy world with medieval technology?

Beside him was a hand dryer. A bit further away was a washbasin with soap laying at the side, above it was a mirror. Even further ahead was the toilet. At the end of the bathroom was a douche. Did the founder implement the technology here from the earth?

However, he quickly moved on due to the urging of his pressing bladder. He exhaled, after it was finally done, and quickly washed his hands. Then he laid his hand under the hand dryer. Surprisingly, it didn't blast hot air against the hands. Instead, strange silk fell down on his hand, and shortly afterwards, it burst in flames.

Frightened, Libertas swiftly jerked his hands back, only to notice that the silk had already burned up to ashes. Amazed, he gawked as the hand dryer still sucked the ash in after he had pulled his hands away. Then he stared astonished at his hands. Strangely, the skin was still milky white. It didn't seem like something had just burned on top of it.

Still, a bit flabbergasted, he finally walked out of the bathroom. Immediately, he felt a piercing gaze at him. Following a voice sounded, "Why are looking at your hands?"

Libertas looked up from his hand. Then he awkwardly scratched his head before saying, "Well, I was surprised by that hand dryer."

Promptly, Marcus sighed in annoyance, "Come on. Isn't that common nowadays? Speaking like this, you just sound like my dad!"

Shrugging with the shoulder, Libertas opened the exit door. Then he asked, "Who cares? We can go now. Where should we eat?"

Similar, after quickly shrugging the shoulders, Marcus walked after Libertas before he swiftly took the lead. Smiling, he told Libertas, "Let's go to my dad. There will be delicious steaks and other types of meats!"


Soon they leisurely walked down a road with Marcus taking the lead. Occasionally, he introduced the one or other things to Libertas. When as Marcus had both of his hand behind his head, he curiously inquired, "I never saw you here before. Did you go to another school? Which one?"

Libertas looked puzzled at Marcus. Slightly tilting his head, he asked back, "Isn't this the first year?"

Marcus frowned before he shook his head, while he said, "More or less. Although there are two years of preparatory classes, they are usually not counted as you don't learn anything about magic there. Only in the first class will it truly be taught to us. Anyway, you didn't go to one?"

"Well, you can say it like that."

Hearing this, the frown on Marcus' face deepened. Rubbing his hands against each other, he questioned, "Strange. Shouldn't that be obligatory for us? Well, it doesn't really matter now. Anyway, if you don't understand something, then just come and ask me. I will teach you about that!"

Libertas smiled relaxed before he replied careless, "Really? Thank you. Although I do doubt what you can teach me, please do tell me what you can teach."

Annoyed, Marcus raised a fist in anger as he snorted with a raised chin, "If you don't want to learn from me, just say it. There is no need to hit around the bush. Aren't we friends after all? Anyway, besides the school subjects, I still can teach you butchering too!"

Stunned, Libertas blinked his eyes, "Butchering?"

Smiling mischievously, Marcus began running as he shouted, "Well, now interested? Too bad that I won't teach you any more. What a shame! Well, if you catch me, I will maybe teach you more about that! Now, come quickly! Catch me, if you can!"

Seeing this, Libertas couldn't help himself, but shaking his head. Nevertheless, he still burst out laughing at the end. It was nice to be a kid again. Chuckling, he shouted before he quickly ran after Marcus, ��Hey! Wait for me. Don't just run away!"

Later, they leisurely walked down a shopping street while they quarrelled with each other. Marcus grumbled annoyed at Libertas who was holding his shirt like a leash, "Can you now let me go? I am not a dog!"

Shrugging with his shoulder, Libertas released the shirt. Then he said, "Who knows? Maybe you will run again?"

Snorting, Marcus retorted with a raised fist before he pointed at something, "To where could I possibly run? Our goal is just in front of us. We will eat there!"

Following the pointed finger, Libertas saw a butchery. Grandiosely written on a plaquette was, "Brutus Brute Butchery". Puzzled, he remarked, "I really wonder why the school build all of this on the school ground. How rich does it need to be to do that?"

"Don't we need to eat too? Where else should we get the food if we aren't allowed out?"

"Shouldn't the school provide it?"

"They do, but I don't like their food. Maybe I will show it to you next time. Anyway, I like it how it currently is."

Libertas smiled dryly at Marcus before he glanced at the butchery in front of them. Subsequently, he asked with uncertainty once more, "Are we truly going to eat in a butchery?"

Ignoring him, Marcus had already pushed the door open and shouted, "Dad, I am back!"

Immediately after a crisp jingle from the bell fixed to the door, a deep voice sounded behind another closed door, "Welcome back! Luckily, you didn't forget me! Or else I would have to search after you and spank your little butt!"

Promptly blushing, Marcus glanced towards Libertas. Rubbing his hand against each other, he coughed loudly, "Dad, stop that. A friend is here with me!"

The once closed door opened, revealing a man with a white apron. A thick beard on his face covered a gentle smile. The ponytail hanging loosely from his head wriggled around with each of his heavy steps. His thick chest hair burst out from the side of the apron. Besides the apron, he wore a brown leather pant and held a blood dripping cleaver.

Seeing this, Marcus slapped his hand against his forehead. Embarrassed, he shouted out loudly, "Dad, not again! Wipe your fucking cleaver after you have butchered. Why do you have to show everyone I brought here, a fucking bloody cleaver?"

The butcher quickly raised his hands. Another drop of blood fell to the ground as he spoke, "Calm down. Calm down. Son. This time, it was truly a mistake!"

After smiling gently at his snorting son, he quickly turned around. Following he came back with a rag and cleaned the floor from the bloodstains. Marcus smiled apologetically at Libertas as he rubbed his hands against each other. Then he said, "Sorry. My dad is always like that. He shows his priced cleaver to everyone. Yeah, I am sorry for that."

Sighing, Libertas slapped Marcus' shoulders. A loud bang. Quickly the butcher looked up with a frown before he swiftly devoted himself back to scrubbing the floor with a big smile. Nevertheless, a dissatisfied expression soon covered his face, and his body trembled in rage.

With a stern voice and grave face, Libertas spoke, "For what are you sorry? Did he kill my family or my friends? No! Then for what are you apologizing? For the embracing sight of your father? Never mind that, in the future, I will see even more embracing sights from you. Shouldn't we then laugh about that as friends?"

Seeing that the mood had turned a bit heavy, Libertas pointed at the butcher. A mischievous smile slowly crept on his face as he joked, "Look at your father. Although he did show his bloody cleaver out, isn't he now pathetically crawling at the ground, scrubbing it? Now if I am standing in front of him, wouldn't it seem like he is kneeling to me? Didn't he say he would spank your butt? Couldn't you do that to him now that he is kneeling to me? Think about that quickly! His body is already shivering in fear. Don't apologize again to me due to your pitiful father, but kick his butt while he is down!"

Marcus glanced at his father still kneeling at the floor. The shivering did seem like that his father was trembling in fear. Unwittingly he imagined how he kicked the butt and was standing triumphantly over a tyrannical butcher. Promptly, he laughed evilly loud out.

Exasperated, the butcher jumped up and threw the rag angrily to the floor. Raising his fist, he loudly cursed, "The heck! Is that how you should treat your elders?! Do kids nowadays don't have respect for their elders?!"

For a second Libertas' expression soured. However, he quickly covered it up with a bright smile. Smiling and laughing, he stated righteously, "I do respect them! Even wholeheartedly!"

"You respect me? Good, do you think I would believe that? Anyway, I won't quibble with a little kid like you. Just go now, I will prepare the meal in the meantime. Have fun until then."

After the butcher said that, he decisively turned to another door to the left. Swiftly opening it, he disappeared behind it. Oddly enough, his steps were light, and his body relaxed. It didn't seem like he was angry….

Seeing this, Marcus quickly shouted after his father, "Dad, don't forget to make the steaks!"

A loud shout sounded behind the door, "Scram!"

Without caring about that, Marcus laughed out happily while he slapped at Libertas' back. Grinning, Libertas began laughing too, although it sounded a bit hollow. However, no one noticed that.