
Marcus pointed at the room his father had just walked in. Excitedly, he dragged Libertas towards it before he quickly remarked, "Let's not stand around here in the shop. Our house is on the backside of it. Just take it as your own. Anyway, you have really done it. My dad had never been that speechless like today! Usually, he would have threatened to spank my butt! Haha! It is nice to see him defeated by you!"

In response, Libertas only smiled at him. Nevertheless, Marcus continued to prattle on and on. Eventually, they entered the room. There were a door at each side and a staircase at the front. In the centre was a table with four chairs. A white table cover laid atop of it with a red rose in a vase decorating its centre.

While pointing at the nearest chair, Marcus walked to the other side of the table. As they sat across each other, and after he laid his chin on one of his hands, he curiously asked, "To which class are you going?"

Shrugging with the shoulders and shaking his head, Libertas answered casually, "I don't know."

"How could you not know? Isn't that written on your profile?"


Marcus frowned slightly before sighed heavily, "Let me show you then. Take out your badge."

When as he saw Libertas fumbling around, Marcus couldn't help but slap his forehead. He had an awful hunch. Hence, he asked with a wry smile, "Did you lost your badge?"

While scratching the head, Libertas coughed, "Well, I didn't lose it per se. I just forgot to take it with me. It should be in our room, I think…."

Standing up, Marcus shouted at the door at the left side, "Dad, do it slower. We still need to take care of something!"

Promptly, the butcher behind the door shouted annoyed back, "Then you have to do it faster!"

Walked towards the door, he threw a puzzled look at Libertas. While he gestured Libertas to follow him, he questioned, "For what are you waiting on? We have to get going now if we still want to fetch your badge before the dinner is ready!"

Smiling, Libertas swiftly stood up and walked towards Marcus. Patting on his shoulders, he said, "Then let us go, but couldn't we do that after dinner too?"

"Of course, we could, but I wanted to show you the school after dinner. And without the badge, you can't enter the school."

"Alright, let's go!"

Later at the way back to the butchery. Libertas handed the badge over to Marcus, only for him to throw it back to Libertas. Staring puzzled, Libertas asked, "Didn't you want to show me my profile?"

Shrugging with the shoulders, Marcus replied, "Yeah, but I don't have your aura."

Hearing this, Libertas turned the badge to the backside. He pointed at a button under a black lens, while asking, "Well, should I press the knob?"

Although he did ask that, he was already pressing the button. Instantly, the black lens projected out a white light. They moved around as vivid colours emerged from it. Soon words and pictures formed in the air. Seeing this, Marcus snorted dissatisfied and complained, "Why did you ask anyway, if you have already pressed it?!"

Shrugging with the shoulders, Libertas retorted, "Why not? Maybe it was wrong? You could then have told me how to do it right."

Annoyed, Marcus waved defeated his hand in the air as he sighed, "Do whatever you want. It isn't my problem if you fall on your nose. Anyway, you should now be able to see your class. I am in class D. In which one are you?"

Libertas briefly nodded his head, after which he turned his attention towards the interface projected by the badge. Gracefully written at the top of the interface was, "Magic Academy". A shooting star was skilfully underlining it. Further down was a long line drawn, separating it clearly from the rest. Under the line was a picture of him that he couldn't remember to have taken. After frowning for a moment, he sighed deeply.

Beside the picture stood his name, age, gender, class, place of residence, and a long string of numbers he couldn't understand. Then was another long line drawn, dividing whole the interface into three clearly separate sections.

In the last section were three icons with a title each. The first was a heap of several symbols with the title, "Timetable". In the second icon were two swords clashing against each other. Under the clashing swords slept the same dragon as on the front of the badge. Written atop of the picture was "Missions". The last was a question mark with a loop around it. Its title was "School-Net".

As Libertas gaze flitted through the interface, a frown emerged as he saw the icon for the Missions. What kind of missions could little kids do? Slaying monsters and dragons? Impossible! With a heavy scepticism, he inquired, "What kind of missions do they mean?"

While Libertas was still staring sceptically at the Missions icon, Marcus raised his fist angrily. After waiting for such a long time, this was the reply he got? Why would someone give him such an answer? Vexed, he hit lightly on Libertas' shoulders. Following, he snorted and quickly walked forward.

Promptly after the hit, Libertas looked up from the interface. Puzzled, he gazed at the sulking Marcus. Scratching his tilted head, Libertas swiftly ran after him while shouting, "Hey, what happened? Why are you angry? Why are you running? Hey! Why are you ignoring me?"

Panting, Marcus ceased to run. After taking a deep breath, he frustratedly yelled back, "Fucking hell! How the damned can you run this fast while shouting in my fucking ear? Are you even human? To hell!"

Smiling wryly, Libertas coughed, "Sorry. I am just not used to run and to talk at the same time. Well, why are you angry?"

Marcus glared at Libertas before he turned his head away and resumed to walk. With a tilted head, Libertas hurried to follow. However, before he could say anything, Marcus snorted, "Do you know what? Sometimes you really are one hell of an irritating fellow."

Hearing this, Libertas could only stare speechless at Marcus. How could he say that? They don't even know each other for more than a day! Nonetheless, Marcus didn't care and continued speaking, "Anyway, what missions do you think we could do?"

Under the silent stare of Libertas, Marcus could only resume telling with a faint sigh, "What could we possibly do? Only minor activities like feeding, teaching, help to mow the lawn, and so on. However, you will only get very few credits for that. Wait until we are in the third year, the more rewarding missions will be unlocked then."

Libertas looked once more down at the front of his badge. The display above the dragon still showed the number ten. Pointing at it, he questioned, "This should be my credits, right? For what can I use them?"

Promptly, Marcus slapped his forehead. With a pained expression, he asked back, "Are you stupid or what? Do you not know what money is? You can use to buy steaks or whatever you want! Have you-"

Hearing this, Libertas himself felt a bit stupid. About what did he even think? Some special store with unique items? Hence, he raised embraced his hand and interrupted, "Okay, stop it! I do know what money is!"

With a suspicious glint in the eyes, Marcus still questioned again, "Do you really know?"

Glaring back, Libertas waved his hand in the air. Then he remarked, "I am not that stupid. Anyway, which class are you?"

Instantly, Marcus' expression soured. Vexed, he rushed away, while snorting through pressed teeth, "D!"

Seeing this, Libertas sighed before he shouted, "Hey, why are you angry again? You know, we are in the same class!"

A while later, a door opened. Two boys walked inside a room. A butcher smiled as he sat in front of a table. Three piping hot dishes laid atop of it. He waved his hand at them, and he yelled, "What did you two take so long? Come eat with me!"

As Marcus saw the plated laying on the table, he began to drool. It was one of his favourite dishes, steak with mashed potatoes and champions sauce. Swiftly, he sat at a chair and grabbed the fork and knife. However, he didn't immediately begin to eat. He instead threw an annoyed gaze at Libertas, complaining, "Why aren't you sitting yet? Does standing there makes you happy? Anyway, come and eat!"

Somehow, seeing the sight in front of him, filled him with an indescribable joy. He finally realized, his life has truly begun to change. He wasn't alone any longer. He didn't need to eat alone any longer, like in his old life. Moreover, oddly enough, despite the hot steam blowing against his face, every meal felt cold and bleak.

Never mind this life. Although it was better, it still felt cold. There was an imperceptible distance between his father and mother. Nevertheless, it was fun to play with Caesar and to talk relaxed with Igor. Unfortunately, they aren't here.

Suddenly, Libertas felt a pang of sadness. He missed them. Maybe he and Igor weren't related by blood, but he trusted him more than anyone else. Maybe he and Caesar won't stand on the same heights, but they were still brothers depending on each other. Maybe he can now live here in peace, but did he want to do that?

Sighing, Libertas took heavy steps forward. Nevertheless, a bright smile still plastered his face. Sitting down beside the little family, he took the fork and the knife. Enthusiastically, he said, "Shall we eat now?"

This meal was much warmer than every other meal he had in whole life, but something still felt missing. A particular person he once took for granted wasn't there now.