Ancient Cultivation Family

At some point in time, the other students surrounding Marcus had panicky left their seat. Marcus looked forlorn at his feet while he rubbed his hands against each other. He was alone again. Despair gripped him as tears welled up in his eyes. Nevertheless, he unwilling to let them fall. He didn't want to appear weak now. He must be strong now!

Hence, he bit bitterly on his lips while he barely kept the tears inside his eyes. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder and whispered into his ear, "Don't listen to him. Stay with me here."

Stunned, Marcus quickly looked up, and instantly the tears began gushing out. He wasn't any longer alone! He realized that he had now a friend!

Libertas flinched his hand back as Marcus suddenly began to cry. Anxious, he bit on his lips as he looked around. What should he do now? When as noticed that the student laying on the ground opened his mouth again, he only grew angrier. Hence, he clenched vexed his fist. He really had the strong urge to hit that student, but he held it back.

In the meantime, the student already stood and was now slowly retreating. Nevertheless, he still pointed while trembling with his finger at Marcus. He continued to shout hysterically, "What? Crying now? Are you still a baby or what? Then scram to you mummy! Leave! Why are you not le-"

Exasperated, Libertas yelled, "SHUT UP!"

Then Libertas turned towards the teacher. He frowned. The teacher stood there, idling with his arms crossed as if this had nothing to do with him! Indignant, he questioned loudly, "Mr Culpatus, what do you think you are you doing? Why are you standing there and doing nothing while someone here insults my friend arbitrarily?"

The teacher clapped in his hands as a cold smile crept on his face. Shortly after that he ceased to clap and replied, "I apologize if I offended you somehow, but you can't really expect me to protect your friend for his whole life, right? I could do it this time and even next time too, but what if they attacked him when I am not there? I couldn't do anything then. As such, it would be better if he learned how to deal with it now, as I can still protect him now from others harming him too severely. Have you understood at least this?"

Although he asked a question, he didn't bother to wait for an answer. Immediately after asking, had he turned his attention to the rest of the class. He quickly glanced through the whole class as if he was counting something before continued speak, "Anyway, it is enough for now. Everyone, please calm down. If you don't want to sit beside him, then you can still choose another seat. However, unfortunately, we don't have enough seats. Would anyone volunteer themselves to sit beside them?"

Silently, all of the students around Marcus moved a seat further away. Even the hysterical student left quietly to fight for a place further away. Seeing all that, Maria stood annoyed up and left. Immediately, the rest of the students, who still haven't found a seat, pounced at her chair, fighting for it.

Anthony shook his head with disdaining eyes. Then he similarly left his seat before scoffed softly, "Pathetic cowards."

Despite everything that had just happened, Marcus wasn't sad. Strangely enough, he instead appeared happy, even with the tears and snots on his face. He turned around to face his friend, only for him to chuckle, "Why are you angry? If you are like this, doesn't it appear more like they are shunning you instead of me?"

Libertas looked at Marcus. The frown was still present on his face. Indignant, he clenched his fist as he replied, "Aren't you angry? A teacher shouldn't have acted like this! He just dismissed it like it was nothing! It just annoys me like hell!"

At this moment, Mr Culpatus clapped in his hands again. Then he spoke, "Everyone has sat down except you two. Please sit down now and introduce yourself. You are the last one now."

Libertas glared grumbling at the smiling teacher before he reluctantly walked back to his seat. As Marcus saw that, he sighed faintly, but his lips unwittingly formed a wry smile. Sitting down, he wiped the snots and tears away with a handkerchief. Then he stared curiously at his friend and rubbed his hand against each other. He looked forwards to know which background his friend had.

Pressing his hand against the table, Libertas glanced around the class. Surprisingly, the hysterical student had fought for himself the seat of Maria. As for her, she was currently sitting in front of him while she stared at him with sparkling eyes.

Beside her was the prince, indifferently leaning against the backside of his chair. However, now he didn't appear that unpleasant towards Libertas' eyes. Then Libertas looked at Marcus before he immediately gazed away. There was a weird shine Marcus' eyes….

Hopefully, he wasn't gay….

Anyway, Libertas closed his eyes to calm his rage and took a deep breath. Then he said, "I am Libertas, and besides that, I don't have anything else to tell you all."

Although the teacher kept a smile on his face as he saw Libertas sitting back down on his chair, his lips twitched a little. Then he opened his mouth, speaking, "Welcome to the class, Libertas. However, you forget to tell us about your family. Even your friend has told us something about his family. Why don't you do that too? Please tell us something about your family. For example, what are your parent doing for a living?"

Hearing the question, Libertas stood up again. Sullen, he glared at the teacher for a moment before he sighed. Then he reluctantly replied, "Mc Culpatus, this is a part of my private life, and I don't wish to disclose it to anyone here."

While still smiling, the teacher retorted, "I understand that a secret shouldn't be disclosed to anybody. However, to tell everybody here about your family isn't a secret that can't be disclosed. Everyone here has told you something about theirs. There is nothing to be embarrassed about-"

Suddenly, Anthony interrupted the teacher, "Mr Culpatus, stop it. There is no reason for you to force him to tell us about his family. At most, it can only be something like an insignificant aristocrat family or something similar to that."

"Yes, you are right."

After saying that, the teacher turned towards Libertas and bowed slightly. Then he said. "Well, sorry. I shouldn't have pressed you for an answer as you are most likely too embarrassed to tell everyone your background. Anyway, someone like you with such a background isn't fit to be here as you will likely only pull the progress of others down. As such, please come with me after class. I will assign you to another class a better fit for you. Now, let-"

Once more, someone interrupted the teacher. Standing up, Maria shouted indignant at Anthony and the teacher, "NO! He can't! He is more than fitting to be in this class! If he isn't fit to be here, then no one is fit to be here! He can't go to another class!"

Hearing this, Anthony rolled his eyes and scoffed. However, just as he opened his mouth, had Mr Culpatus asked, "Oh, really? Which qualification could he possibly have?"

Vexed, Maria stomped on the ground. Then she pointed at Libertas before she continued to yell at them, "He is the true heir of an ancient cultivation family! Without his family protecting our world, we all would be dead long ago! He is more than fitting!"

The whole class broke out laughing. Chuckling, Anthony reprimanded, "Maria, didn't I tell you that you shouldn't believe in him? He is only a liar! You shouldn't trust anybody who just told you something like that! It is a ridiculous lie!"

The teacher clapped in his hands. Soon, as the class calmed down again, Mr Culpatus then said, "Maria, there isn't any ancient cultivation family in this whole world. You shouldn't believe in such fairy tales. As for Libertas, he-"

"WAIT! Wait a moment!"

Again, had someone interrupted the teacher. Annoyed, he glared at Marcus. His smile was slowly fading away from his face. Grumbling, he questioned bluntly, "What do you want? It isn't a good habit to interrupt your teacher in mid-sentence. This is the last time I hear something like this from you, understood? Anyway, why did you interrupt me?"

While disgruntled, Marcus nodded his head. Then with a frown, he asked back, "How can you say there isn't any ancient cultivation family? Because you have never seen one?"

The teacher opened his mouth to answer, but Marcus didn't let him answer. Instead, he continued to speak, "Does that mean, if I don't see your brain, you don't have one? However, if you don't have a brain, how can you think? Maybe I can't see it with my own eyes, but I am not stupid enough to say, you don't have one! On the contrary, I say you have a brain! It is the same as the ancient cultivation family."

Raising the chin even higher, Mr Culpatus looked from up there, down at Marcus. Leisurely, he scratched his beard as he grumbled in displeasure, "What is your point? Just tell it without beating around the bush!"

Marcus took a deep breath while he rubbed his hands nervously against each other. Nevertheless, he still answered determined, "I mean, only because we have never seen it, it doesn't mean, it doesn't exist. Just like your brain, we don't see it, but we all know it is there! I believe that an ancient cultivation family exist somewhere out there in the world! The world is big, and you can't have seen it all!"

Instantly, after saying all that, Anthony broke out in loud laughter. Wiping a tear away from his eyes, he scoffed, "Stop joking around! As the second prince in this kingdom, how could I not know anything about one? Even if I don't know and there really is one, do you truly believe he is part of-"

Exasperated, Marcus shouted, "SHUT UP!"

Startled, Anthony took a step back before a confident smile emerged on his face. With a puffed chest, he spread his arms and provoked, "What? Do you want to fight? I don't fear you! But I don't fight with madman and liars like you!"


With a loud cry, Marcus jumped up from his chair and rushed at Anthony.