Victor Augustus

Anthony took startled a further step back. Nevertheless, he still clenched his fist and swung it at the rushing Marcus. In next second, they would collide against each other, but a loud clapping resounded through the class. Instantly, a blue wall appeared between Anthony and Marcus.

Without touching a single hair of Anthony, Marcus crushed against the blue wall. Promptly, he plumped limply to the ground and began coughing heavily. On the contrary, Anthony's punch got gently cushioned until it ceased to swing at Marcus.

Seeing this, Libertas jumped angrily up and shouted, "Mr Culpatus! What-"

In mid-sentence, a bell rang, interrupting him from finishing the sentence. Immediately after rung subsided, the teacher spoke, "Libertas, bring your friend to the infirmary. I will let you stay here, even if it is only for now. You can thank Maria for that. However, if you cause trouble, you can forget to remain here. Anyway, next time, you shouldn't just shout in the room. Besides that, rein your friend in. It isn't a good habit to arbitrarily assaults other students. The class is over now. You can now go to attend other lessons. Then, farewell. We will see each other tomorrow morning again."

Promptly, after saying all that, Mr Culpatus swiftly left. Vexed, Libertas clenched his fist while he inwardly cursed at the teacher. Then he quickly walked anxiously towards his friend.

Marcus had already stopped coughing, but he was still laying weakly on the floor. A frown emerged on Anthony's face as he looked down at Marcus. He took his fist back and crossed his arms. Subsequently, he stepped back when he saw Libertas approaching them.

Kneeling beside Marcus, Libertas shook him worried. However, he didn't wake up. Hence, he bit anxious on his lips and looked up. Seeing Maria behind Anthony, he hastily asked, "Do you know where the infirmary is?"

She shook her head. When Libertas saw that, he bit harder on his lips. Anxiously, he looked around. Whenever his gaze wandered, the students there would look at their feet or somewhere else. Some of them even swiftly left the room without throwing another glance at them.

Then, unexpectedly, Anthony stepped forward amongst all of the students. He freed arms and laid them casually behind his back as he spoke, "I can lead you there, but him, you need to carry him unfortunately yourself. I won't touch him."

Libertas frowned as heard that. Unwittingly, he bit even harder down at his lips, and a little bit of blood had stained them. Clenching the fists, he stared doubting at Anthony. Why would it be him of all the people here? He had done all this, and now he wanted to help? It was suspicious, but he had no other choice except that.

Hence, after a while of staring, Libertas drooped his head unwillingly and said reluctantly, "Thank you. Please show me the way."

Anthony nodded indifferently and told Maria, "Maria, please tell the teacher that we would come a bit later due to Marcus. Take care of yourself during that time. Thank you and see you later."

Maria softly nodded with her little head back while her eyes were still staring at Marcus. Only after a while, did she absent-mindedly reply, "En. Take care of yourself too."

After a deft swing of both arms, Libertas swiftly carried Marcus like a princess. Then he hastily followed after Anthony, who was already going through the door. Maria gazed concernedly at the backs of the boys. Subsequently, she looked at the students in the surrounding before she stamped vexed on the ground. Pouting, she left the class while she grumbled, "Bad teacher! Bad students! Bad class! I don't like it at all! Daddy is an evil liar. Always lying to Maria!"

Libertas glanced anxiously at Marcus. Then he gazed at Anthony. Libertas frowned as he saw Anthony still leisurely walking along the corridor. Hence, he asked exasperated, "Can you go faster? Why are we going this slow?"

After hearing that, Anthony turned around. He raised one of his eyebrows as he saw Libertas easily keeping up with him even while carrying such a fatty. As such, he shrugged with his shoulders and quickened his pace. Then he turned his back again towards Libertas before he casually replied, "I will go faster as long as you can keep up with me."

After a while, he looked behind him again. He raised once more his eyebrow before he quickened pace. Then he looked back, only for him to shortly after quicken his pace once more. Annoyed, he looked again at Libertas, sighed, and began to jog.

Later, he was on the brink on tears. Why did he have to say he would go faster as long as Libertas can keep up? Even with him running as fast as he could, Libertas could keep up with him while carrying a fat someone. How could a human child do that? Was he in truth a demon?

Eventually, they reached the infirmary. Anthony finally halted in front of a door while he was heavily panting. While gasping after the fresh air, he glanced towards Libertas. Then he secretly cursed at Libertas, 'Fuck! How could he run that fast? Didn't he realize that he is carrying someone possible wounded? Furthermore, how did he not collapse by now due to carrying such a fatty?! Is he even a human?!'

Resigned, Anthony sighed and shook his head. Then he quickly remarked under his panting breathing, "We are there. Take care. I will leave now."

Libertas nodded at Anthony while his chest heaved rapidly up and down. He gazed worried at Marcus before he looked at the door in front of him. Then he cursed inwardly at Anthony, 'Hell, does he need to go without even helping me to open a fucking door? Can't he see that I am carrying someone?! And why the hell did he run? Although I did say he should go faster, does he need to run?! I am after all carrying a fucking unconscious someone!'

After grumbling, Libertas sighed before he glanced at Marcus. Subsequently, he stared at the door like it was his mortal enemy before he kicked it lightly. Following it was a long silence. Seeing no response, Libertas kicked it once more, but this time, he kicked it stronger. Again, there was no response.

Vexed, he kicked it once more. A loud bang sounded, and an annoyed voice spoke from the inside, "If you want to come in, then come! There is no need to tear the door down!"

Hearing a voice from inside, Libertas laughed awkwardly, "Ehm, could you help open the door? My hands are full…."

Promptly, the man inside jerked the door open. He had an annoyed expression on his face as he scratched on his stubble beard. Subsequently, he glanced at Marcus, frowned before he roughly told Libertas, "Come in. Lay him on the bed. Quick. I am busy!"

Then he turned around while putting his hand in the white coat resembling the one worn in labs. Libertas quickly followed the man inside before he looked around.

The infirmary had altogether four beds which were separated by curtains. Above each of the beds were tilted windows, providing fresh air for the patient. To the right of the beds stood writing desk with several folders on top of it. Behind the desk was another door, leading to another room.

Swiftly, Libertas laid Marcus on the nearest bed before he looked at the man. Subsequently, he hesitantly asked, "Ehm, how is my-"

The man interrupted instantly, "What? He is fine. Now go to class!"

Seeing that Libertas still didn't leave, he sighed. Then he walked to the writing desk and sat down at the chair. Following that, he threw his legs on top of the table before he resumed to speak, "You don't have to worry. It was Culpatus, right? Well, of course, it is him! If it isn't him, who else could it be? He is an arsehole and goes rampant in this school due to his relationship with the deputy principal. Unfortunately, he isn't stupid and only bullies the weak while he sucks up to the strong."

He opened a drawer and took a flask. Then he began to sip on it. Gradually, his face reddened as he slurred said, "Well, maybe he can't kill you or even wound you severely openly. However, he can easily do something like that. In the end, he justifies this as just only a little punishment and nothing more. Without any background, no one will care about you! That is our world. It isn't fair. Just accept it and go out of his way."

Hearing that, Libertas stared stunned at the man. Following a frown emerged on his forehead. He really didn't like his new teacher. That teacher didn't perform in any way the responsibility a teacher should do. All the responsibility was thrown to the ground and trampled over. What now? He didn't like that teacher, but what could he possibly do?

Libertas clenched his fist as he asked, "You know all this, but why are you not doing anything?"

All of a sudden, the man laughed out loudly, "Haha, what a joke! What could I do? I already offended him, and now, I am here? What did I get? Nothing except humiliation! Boy, do whatever you want, but don't drag me into this."

The man took another sip from his flask before he hit it loudly against the desk. He didn't care at all that Libertas' expression soured. He continued to speak hoarsely with a resigned expression, "However, if you truly want to do something against him, I will at least do my job. As such, if you are wounded, just come here. I will treat you. Or if I am not here, just go and search for me, alright? My name… is… Victor Augustus…."

Libertas' expression softened as he muttered faintly, "Thank you."

In the next second, he chuckled wryly. No one had heard him saying that. Victor had slumped back into his chair and fallen asleep. Shaking his head, Libertas quickly checked in which room his next class is before he walked out of the infirmary.

Hopefully, nothing will happen here. Although Victor was here, he didn't seem very reliable….