Skipping Class?

Libertas knocked on a door before he entered the room behind through it. Some students looked curiously up to know who had just entered. Then they lowered their head again to continue solving the questions on the paper lying in front of them.

After glancing at the students, Libertas nodded at the teacher. Then as he opened his mouth to explain himself, the teacher gruntled, "Be quiet. Sit down and wait. The others currently have to solve a test."

Libertas quickly nodded before he looked around for a free seat. There only a few free left, but everyone except Maria and Anthony had a begging expression for him to not seat beside them. Hence, he walked speechlessly towards the seats behind Maria and Anthony.

Once he sat on the seat nearer to the window, he sighed. There was nothing to do here. Unfortunately, he hadn't brought the book about the spirits with him here. Bored, he let his gaze wander freely around. However, most of the time, his eyes focused on the slow ticking clock.

Tick Tack, Tick Tack, Tick Tack….

It was only after a while he noticed that Maria glanced anxiously back at him. Puzzled, he whispered at her, "Hey, what is wrong?"

Seeing that Libertas had finally noticed her, she smiled in delight. She quickly glanced at the teacher before she whispered back, "How is that fatty? Is he fine?"

Chuckling, Libertas too glanced at the teacher before he replied, "Yeah, don't worry. The attending teacher said he is fine."

Hearing that, she sighed in relief. At that moment, Anthony remarked, "Didn't I told you that? You should just trust me."

Maria rolled her eyes and retorted, "Why should I? You don't even trust me! Furthermore, didn't you say, you left him at the door?"

Annoyed, Anthony opened his mouth, and the teacher shouted, "HEY! No peeking! Didn't I say you should do it all on your own!"

Promptly, Anthony stood up and bowed slightly. Then he spoke, "I am sorry, but I didn't try to peek. I was trying to do my work, but Libertas has distracted me from doing it."

Immediately, the teacher glared at Libertas, "Oh. First, you come too late, and now this? If you have enough time to distract others, you can do the test too. Remember, I expect everything from you. You still have ten minutes. Then you need to submit it to me."

Without waiting for a reply, the teacher slammed a sheet on Libertas' table. Then he walked back to the front of the class. Seeing this, the other student snickered at Libertas. Nevertheless, Libertas didn't care. He only glared at Anthony. However, didn't care about him and turned around to continue solving the questions on the sheet.

Annoyed, Libertas turned his attention towards the test and began solving it quickly. Faintly, he heard Maria giggling, which in turn, made him even more annoyed.

Later, after the test, the class ended. Following it was a short break before the next class will begin. Without any hesitation, Libertas rushed back to the infirmary. However, in the midway to the infirmary, he suddenly froze in his step.

Unexpectedly, a mature woman stood in his way. Her shoes clacked impatiently against the floor as the students in the surrounding walked around her. It was as if no one except him could see her. After approaching her, Libertas asked puzzled, "Founder, what are you doing here?"

She nodded smilingly at him as she replied, "Well, you are finally here. I have been waiting just for you for a long time. Anyway, I have come to tell you something. You have an art class next right? Don't attend it. It will only harm you. And… well, don't enter your Imaginary World. Anyway, see you next time."

Libertas stared stunned at the founder who was waving her hand at him. Slowly, her body scattered into a blue light until it entirely vanished. Did she come, only for her to tell him this? Why would it be harmful if he partook in the art class? Besides that, it was a pretty strange feeling that an adult to him to skip classes.

Following, he blinked his eyes puzzled as he only then noticed that the surrounding students gaze were fixated on him. Bewildered, he tilted his head and realized that they couldn't see the founder at all. Hence, he appeared like someone crazy talking to himself….

Embraced, Libertas blushed and swiftly rushed away….

Soon he reached the infirmary and stopped in front of its door. He frowned, only now did he notice how abandoned this place was. The nearer he came to here, the fewer students walked around in the corridors.

After a brief hesitation, Libertas stooped down to the floor and brushed a finger across it. Dust tainted his fingertip. He stood back up as his frown deepened. Then as he looked nearer at the door in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh. Fine cracks pervaded through the entire door.

Why was there such a difference between here and the earlier places? Carefully, he opened the door before unwittingly his frown relaxed. However, his mouth began to twitch. While shaking his head, he gestured at the duo inside and asked baffled, "What the heck are you both doing here?"

Laughing, Marcus threw a card on a messy pile of already thrown cards. Then he raised a cup with juice inside at Libertas before he chuckled, "What do you mean? Can't you see that we are playing cards? Anyway, do you want orange juice?"

Following, the teacher waved his hand at Libertas as he foolishly smiled with a beet-red face. Slurred, he spoke, "Yeah, come drink with me! After this round, you can join us!"

Laughing wryly, Libertas picked up a chair and sat beside Marcus. Subsequently, he took the cup from Marcus' hand and sipped on it. Speechlessly, he then inquired, "How did it come to this? Weren't you unconsciousness? Why are you now playing games with Victor? And you, Victor, weren't you asleep? And can you even drink during work hours?"

Victor threw another card on the table before he then his hand dismissively waved. Uncaring, he remarked, "Relax. Relax. As long as no one who cares knows, nothing will happen. Besides that, the school wouldn't even care if something happens here."

Grunting a little, Marcus drew several cards from an orderly stack of cards beside the messy pile before he threw a card on top of the messy heap. Sighing, he said, "Besides that, do you expect me to be unconscious forever, or what? At some point in time, I just had to wake up! Anyway, what do you think I should do while you were away? Doing nothing except waiting for you to come back?"

Rolling the eyes, Libertas retorted, "You could have gone to class."

As if Marcus had only now realized that, he slapped his forehead with a baffled expression. While throwing another card on the table, he replied astonished, "AH! I forgot that! I really could have gone to class! Well, why are you here? Shouldn't we have class now?"

Victor burped after he had taken another sip from his flask. Satisfied, he loudly exhaled before he answered, "We have a break-"

At this moment, a bell rung, interrupting him mid-sentence. Hence, after the rung subsided, Victor spoke anew, "Well, you had a break. If you want, you can go to the class now, or you can accompany me here a bit longer."

Chuckling dryly, Libertas remarked, "Should a teacher really encourage us to skip class?"

After throwing a card on the table and taking another sip from his flask, he retorted, "Who cares about class? They are anyway teaching mostly useless stuff. Moreover, if you want to learn, I can teach that too!"

Marcus took the cup out of Libertas' hand and quickly drank it out. Smiling, he put the cup back down on the table. Then he said, "Well, maybe but I am an honest student! Hence, see you in the next break!"

Victor's head drooped a bit as he softly sighed. Then he replied, "Well, then there is nothing I can do. See you then in the next break."

Nodding, Libertas chuckled, "Yeah, see you later."

Later on the way to class, Marcus wearily stretched himself as he inquired, "Do you know which subject we have next?"

Nodding, Libertas replied, "Yeah, we have an art lesson next."

Promptly, Marcus' eyes shined, and he asked again, "What? For real!"

Puzzled, Libertas tilted his head before he answered, "Yeah. Why? Is there something special about that?"

"You don't know?"

Marcus stared stunned at Libertas. When he then saw Libertas nodding, a mischievous smile emerged on his face. Subsequently, he immediately changed the topic, "Well, you will know it later. I won't tell you. Anyway, how did you found this place?"

Shrugging, Libertas retorted, "Why should I tell you this if you aren't telling me anything?"

With a coaxing smile, Marcus poked with his shoulder against Libertas. Then he spoke, "Don't be like that. Aren't we friends? Whatever you want to know, you will know soon. But look at me! I will never know it if you don't tell it to me now!"

Libertas rolled the eyes as he reluctantly revealed, "Anthony showed it to me. Besides that, is that truly the only infirmary in this school?"

Stunned, Marcus blinked his eyes before he said baffled, "What?! Anthony? You mean that Prince Anthony, right?"

"Yeah, who else?"

Dumbfounded, Marcus walked absent-mindedly down the corridor. While Libertas looked strangely at Marcus, he shook at his shoulder. Unfortunately, Marcus didn't wake up. Hence, irritated, Libertas rolled his eyes and annoyed, he sighed.

Marcus still hadn't answered his question!

Silently, they walked to the class. Aggrieved, Libertas glared the whole way at the absent-minded Marcus. Strangely, he somehow felt that he had forgotten something….