The Hero and The Demon King (2)

Clang…. Clang….

With each step of the Demon King, a loud metallic clang resounded through the entire hall. Although he breathed heavily, he still walked resolutely towards the Hero. With a firm grip on his sword, he slowly raised it, preparing for the last fight.

Clang…. Clang….

The Hero looked ragingly up, glaring fiercely at the Demon King. Due to the demons burning down his village, his childhood friends died tragically in their home. Helplessly, he could only watch as a demon noble broke into his house and forcefully raped his sister, directly in front of his eyes. Then to save his life, his mentor risked his own, only to save him.

Clang…. Clang….

However, in the end, his mentor died cruelly later under the blade of the Demon King, only to save his lover. And now, his lover still died under the hands of a cruel demon. Powerlessly as he was, he could only watch as all of his loved ones died, just in front of him, directly one after another.

Clang…. Clang….

As the Hero bit on his lips, blood dripped out of it. He remembered the people he met on his long journey to slay the Demon King. They were all putting his trust in him to end their misery. Hence, for them, he still couldn't give up now. With a loud cry, he firmly held on his broadsword and swung it forcefully at the coming Demon King. The epic battle began anew….

After a while of silence, Mr Wilson pointed at the Hero in the movie. Then he said, "Is he good? After all, he is fighting to end the misery of others and wish to avenge his fallen friends. On the other hand, he had indifferently killed thousands upon thousands of innocents. Is he still good, after all that cruel killing? However, if he isn't the evil, is he then good?"

Mr Wilson paused for another moment. Seeing that the fight in the movie was nearing its end, he still quickly added with a sigh, "In the end, they aren't either of them. I think there isn't any absolute good or evil. There are often things somewhere between it. Nothing is unquestionably good or evil."

Subsequently, he silently watched the end of the movie. At the same time, Mr Wilson involuntarily hit the bottom of the bowl with his fingers as he tried to grab another few popcorns. Puzzled, he looked down, only to see the entire bowl empty. Smiling wryly, he looked back up to the TV….

A further clash and sparks flew wildly around. Breathing rapidly, the Hero slammed against the Demon King. Spitting blood on the ground, the Demon King slithered back, rolled on the ground, and then crashed against a pillar. Wiping the blood from his mouth, he glared at the Hero.

Staring back, the Hero steadily walked towards the Demon King. Clenching his teeth, the Demon King shouted fiercely and rushed at the Hero. Determined, the Hero gripped on his sword and similar pounced forward with a loud cry.

Clashing, the Hero slashed down with his broadsword as the Demon King stabbed forwards with his. Immediately, blood spurted, creating a pool of blood on the ground. An eerily silence descended in the hall. Weakly coughing, the Demon King finally said, "It was a good fight."

Following his body split in half and it fell to limply into the pool of blood. Seeing this, the Hero remarked satisfied, "Now, humankind can prosper."

After saying that, he similar plumped to the ground. His eyes slowly closed as he then died in peace. With the closing of the eyes, the screen too turned black. Shortly afterwards the credits rolled off….

Seeing the end of the fight, Mr Wilson inwardly cursed at the thug-like police, who had recommended this movie to him. Sighing, he spoke soothingly towards Mires(Libertas), "Although there isn't any absolute evil or good, we still need it. Without it, how will you decide if you did something wrong? Or how will smile, while knowing you have done something right? However, who will decide for you what is good or evil?"

Pausing, he turned around to stare deeply into Libertas' eyes. With a grave voice, he asked, "Tell me, who do you think will decide for you what is good or evil?"

Flustered, Libertas' body stammered, "Y, you?"

Hearing this, Mr Wilson shook his head to hide the pained expression on his face. Sighing, he replied, "No. It's you, and only you. I can only help you to find out what may be right or wrong for you, but I can't decide it for you. You have to decide for yourself. Is killing evil?"

Still hesitating, Libertas' body stuttered, "Yes?"

While nodding affirmative, Mr Wilson questioned, "Indeed, it is evil, but is it still evil if you killed to save someone?"

With a faintly shivering voice, Libertas' body repeated his answer, "Y-, yes…?"

Sighing, Mr Wilson changed his question, "Would you think I am evil if I have killed someone so that I can to save someone else?"

Stunned, Libertas' body stared into Mr Wilson's eyes filled with sincerity. Would Mr Wilson do something like that? Was he then evil? No! Shaking the head, Mires'(Libertas) body replied resolutely, "NO!"

Without any change in expression, Mr Wilson asked, "Why?"

Dumbfounded, Libertas' body blinked swiftly. Then after a while, he replied, "Ehm, well, you wouldn't do anything evil, right?"

Hearing that, Mr Wilson sighed once more deeply. Tired, he said, "No. Everyone, including me, did once something evil. Sometimes it is unwittingly. At other times it is willingly. However, no matter what, we should realize our wrongdoings and make up for our mistakes. For that, we have to depend on ourself and not someone else."

Following, Mr Wilson paused for a second. Then he quickly added, "Although it is necessary for you to make your own decision, you still have to know when you should depend on others. If you are on your own, there are many things you won't succeed in. Hence, you should depend on me or the others if you are in trouble. We are always glad to help you."

Libertas' body weakly nodded before he shoved a few popcorns into his mouth. Subsequently, he looked back at the movie. The post-credits scenes had just now begun.

However, while Libertas' body silently watched the post-credits scenes, Libertas himself struggled to take back the control over his own body. There was a question he wished to ask now.

Nonetheless, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't cross the line to take over his body. Resigning, he sighed, 'Is it impossible to change the past? Do I need to relive everything?"

Listlessly, he stared at his body. Then suddenly, he remembered that he did have once control over it at the start. Why did that change? Was it due to his realization that he travelled back into the past? Or was it due to something else?

It didn't matter. Libertas truly wanted to know if he was in the wrong to kill to survive. Hence, he began to struggle afresh to gain back the power over his own body. Suddenly, something frozen inside him began to melt, and a warm current flowed inside him. Then a hoarse voice sounded in the room.


Stunned, Libertas stared into the air. His eyes blinked swiftly, as he felt the warm current flowing inside him. He heavily breathed as tears began to roll down his cheeks. Wiping it away, he looked at Mr Wilson. Hoarsely, he said, "Mr Wilson…."

Similar dumbfounded, Mr Wilson gazed at Libertas. Puzzled, he asked probing in a soothing voice, "My child, what has just happened?"

Staring into the eyes of Mr Wilson, Libertas slowly replied hoarsely, "I killed."

Even more dumbfounded, Mr Wilson incredulously stared at Libertas. How did the topic change to this? However, as he looked at Libertas, he realized that Libertas didn't seem to joke about that.

Subsequently, he remembered one particular news about that child's father. Hence, his body stiffened a bit as he took a deep breath to calm. Then he embraced Libertas. Following, he inquired soothingly, "What had happened? Why did you kill?"

Trembling, Libertas hesitated for a moment. Then he said, "I, I wished to survive. I didn't want t, to harm anyone, b, but I wanted to live. D, did I do s, something wrong?"

When hearing that, a pained expression covered Mr Wilson's face. Seeing the panicky boy, he quickly hid that expression, as he soothingly patted Libertas on the back. Then he said, "Don't speak. Don't speak. Everything is fine. I am here for you."

Soon Libertas calmed down and ceased to tremble. After waiting for a bit longer, Mr Wilson spoke calmingly, "You weren't wrong. Everyone only wishes to live well. You didn't do anything wrong. Even I would have killed."

While collecting his thoughts, Mr Wilson paused for another second. Subsequently, he said, "As I have said, there are often things between good and evil. Killing to save yourself is something between that. Nevertheless, killing is still evil, no matter what."

Mr Wilson took a deep breath before he continued, "As such, it the same if you kill a pig. It is evil too, but we still do that? Why? Some sustain their living with it, without they couldn't live. We need meat so that we can have sufficient nutrients to live well. Hence, although it is evil, we need that evil to live. It is a necessary evil."

He paused another second to think of another example. Then he said, "It is the same with the police. They stand for right and justice, protecting us citizen. However, how do they often catch criminals or keep violent citizen in check? It is through force. Most people think that only a tyrant keep their citizen under themselves with force, while benevolent ruler uses words. Although well known, it isn't entirely right. The kind rulers wouldn't be able to stop the criminals from harming the innocents without force. Hence, they use force to keep someone from harming others is a necessary evil.

Mr Wilson paused for another moment so that Libertas could digest everything he just said. Then he spoke, "Evil isn't just evil. Goodness isn't just goodness. As long as we see the light in this world, there will be darkness linger right beside it. Goodness can't exist without evil. Hence, evil is necessary for goodness to exist. However, we need to know the line between the necessary evil and just evil. You have to know that not every evil is necessary so that goodness can exist."

After pausing for another moment, he still quickly added, "It is the same with you. Although what you have done is evil, it was a necessary evil. As such, you have done nothing wrong. Every life only wants to live well. That is why we struggle to keep on living."

When hearing all that, Libertas' eyes widened. Then he sighed in relief, while his eyes gradually closed. Taking in deep breaths, the warm current inside him slowly strengthened.

At the same time, the entire world froze around him. Then cracks emerged all around the place. Slowly, they grew larger and gradually, they swallowed the whole world. In an instant, it shattered into pieces, and the splitters began to drift away in the darkness.

During all that time, Libertas noticed nothing. He didn't even realize that as the darkness engulfed him, his appearance changed back to that of Libertas himself. Currently, he was solely submerged in his thoughts while he contemplated.