
It was in the basement of the Founder's Tower. The ink-like black light in the room slowly faded as it gradually became a pure white light. Seeing this, the Founder sighed in relief. She smiled faintly under her heavy breathing. With large eye bags, she softly muttered delighted, "Finally. I nearly gave up."

A drop of sweat fell to the ground as she stood wobbly up. Promptly, she stooped low as she nearly fell back on the ground. Groaning, she rubbed her forehead. Then she looked disgusted at her hand. It was nauseating wet from sweat.

Suddenly, her expression distorted as she plumped on the ground. Groaning even louder, she held her belly. While clenching her teeth, blue mist gathered around her. Shortly afterwards, a magic circle formed. Soon, it vanished again, and a mature lady replaced the little girl.

Breathing heavily, she forced herself to stand up and put on her face a cold expression. Then she shouted, "Butler, bring in the food!"

The time passed, and nothing had happened. With a frown, the Founder collapsed back to the ground. Soon the blue mist gathered around her again. However, just before the magic circle fully formed, her expression distorted once more. Instantly, the magic circle collapsed.

Groaning, she glanced at Libertas, who was laying inside the centre of the circle. After closing her eyes, she softly cursed, "Damn boy! Just wake up soon!"


The time passed only slowly in the darkness. Nevertheless, Libertas didn't care about that as he was lost in his thoughts, contemplating about the necessary evil mentioned by Mr Wilson. Gradually, the darkness surrounding him faded into pure white light.

After a long time, Libertas finally opened his eyes. Despite his weary smile, he appeared, strangely enough, refreshed. He took in a deep breath before he softly sighed, "Was everything only an illusion?"

He looked melancholic into the empty space. Everything was plain white, just like a beautiful lie. Sighing, he asked himself, "Mr Wilson, even you… are… evil! … You killed me."

After a while, he slowly added, "And I… am even more… evil… and crueller… than you…."

Soon loud and heavy footsteps resounded from behind Libertas. Hence, he slowly turned around and coldly gazed at an Orc.

The large belly of the Orc wobbled up and down with each step it took. When it finally noticed Libertas' gaze, it angrily raised its fist. Following, it loudly squeaked, "Chwik! Chwiiik!!! You killed Chwik! Give Chwik back! Chwiiik! Chwiiiiiik!"

At the same time, blood slowly sept out of its skin. Gradually, one after another long and fine lines stretched across its entire body. Then once it squeaked for the last time, its whole body crashed against the ground.

Silently, Libertas watched on how the different parts of the Orc slid into pieces along the fine lines on its body. Subsequently, a cleaver emerged out of nowhere and began to butcher the Orc into even smaller parts.

However, the head had always remained fine in the process. With its large eyes, it stared at Libertas. Slowly, its mouth's edge stretched all over its face. A faint continuous squeak escaped out of its snout. It eerily resembled a laughing.

Then it said, "Aren't you hungry now? Come now! EAT ME, you hypocrite!!!"

Suddenly, a strong pang of hunger hit Libertas, and saliva unwittingly dripped out of his mouth. Sighing, Libertas glanced once more coldly at the Orc. Then he indifferently wiped his mouth and shrugged with his shoulders.

After walking to the Orc, Libertas knelt down. Casually, he grabbed the cleaver and slashed the Orc's head into two halves. Subsequently, he reached out for a piece of meat with his free hand. Indifferently, he shoved the raw meat into his mouth and began to chew on it.

However, when Libertas began to chew on the raw piece of meat, the hunger quickly faded away. Hence, he spat the raw bits of flesh out of his mouth again. Soon afterwards, all of it scattered into white light.

While sighing once more, Libertas stood up. He gripped firmly on the cleaver as he looked into the far distance.

Six boys were now approaching him. With a single glance, Libertas recognized them. HE had KILLED them in the colosseum. When they have finally stopped in front of Libertas, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Have you all come here for revenge?

As Libertas saw them nodding, he unwittingly smiled coldly at them. While he slowly bent his back, he said, "Then let's kill each other again."

Promptly, Libertas rushed forwards and began to kill them mercilessly….


…. While standing calmly amidst six corpses, Libertas released a long breath. Sighing, he threw the bloody cleaver on the ground before he looked up. Then he asked himself, "Is there now finally peace?"

"Yes. You can go now. I will send you off to get a bit of peace."

As Libertas heard that voice, his eyes swiftly widened. That was the strange voice he once heard before he transmigrated! Hence, he hastily looked around before spotting an indistinctive figure in the distance.

However, the moment he spotted the indistinctive figure, an immense fear began to creep up inside him. Gulping, Libertas picked the cleaver back up.

Gradually, a giant cat emerged behind the indistinctive figure. Three chains were loudly clattering as they only barely kept it restricted.

Libertas breathing hastened, while his pulse raced through his veins. Then his heart skipped a beat as he finally clearly saw the figure. The Founder? No, it couldn't be! She only resembled the Founder!

That figure was the Founder's Sister! It was the spirit, which was trying to take over his body!


With a loud shout, Libertas rushed at her. He swiftly raised the cleaver and slashed down at her! Then a soft whisper reached his ear, "I am sorry."

After that, everything darkened in front of his eyes….


…. Back in the basement of the Founder's Tower. A loud groan resounded throughout the basement. Shortly afterwards, Libertas opened his eyes. With a bright smile plastered on his face, he stood stiffly up.

Subsequently, he lazily stretched his body before he looked around. After a while, he eventually noticed the Founder laying on the ground. Promptly, mischievousness replaced the bright smiled.

Leisurely, Libertas walked up to the Founder and crouched down beside her. Teasingly, he asked, "Hey, Sister, why are you a little kid again?"

While opening the eyes, the Founder groaned, "How can you be here? Didn't I seal you?"

'Libertas' stood up and took a few steps back. While raising his hand, a dark red crystal appeared in his hand. Then she replied, "This kid has just transcended the mortal bounds!"

After he said that, a further red crystal manifested in the air. Soon a cage appeared around the Founder, locking her up inside. Smiling satisfied, 'Libertas' exhaled deeply. However, instead of breathing out air, dark red mist escaped from his mouth.

Then 'Libertas' coughed a few times. Every time a further puff of red mist escaping out of his mouth. Satisfied, he remarked with a light smile, "Finally. I got all of this dirty Mana out of my body."

The Founder arduously sat in the cage. While staring at 'Libertas', she slowly questioned, "Sister, did you assimilate that boy?"

'Libertas' shook with his head. With a faint smile, she soothingly said. "No, I didn't. I killed him."

"Why? You still can't break the seal I placed upon you yet."

Shaking the head, 'Libertas' shrugged with his shoulders. Seemingly dejected, he asked, "Sis, did you get stupid after you have turned into a little kid again? Should I stay here with you and let you play around with me?"



For a while, no one spoke with each other. Sighing, 'Libertas' turned around and walked towards the door. However, when he reached it, he stopped.

After hesitating for a moment, he gravely said, "You should quickly recover your strength too. If I lose against that dragon, perhaps you can still live, even if it is only as a puppet."

The Founder's eyes briefly glowed before a weak smile emerged on her pale face. Arduously, she pressed two fingers against her forehead before she pointed at 'Libertas'.

With her gesture, a white glow flew out of her head and towards 'Libertas'. Swiftly, it disappeared inside the bracelet around his hand.

She smiled brightened for a moment before she collapsed against the cold ground.


'Libertas' turned puzzled back around. When he then saw the Founder laying unconscious on the ground, he sighed softly. Shaking his head, he opened the door and stepped out.

He halted for a second as he saw the cold plates on the ground. Shaking the head, 'Libertas' muttered towards himself, "Sister, you are still always forgetting to eat."

Taking the cold plates, 'Libertas' silently walked back to the cage. After quickly placing the food inside it, he quietly left the Tower, and this time, for real!

After he finally came out of the Tower, he firstly breathed in the fresh air. He stretched his arms wide while gazing at the vast expanse of the sky. With a bright smile, he serenely said, "Hello World! I am finally back!"

A hardly visible, illusionary crown had gradually appeared behind him. When 'Libertas' noticed that, he chuckled and shook his head. At the same time, he sighed, "Well, it seems like the world has already forgotten me. Alright!"

He looked back to the sky. It was still as beautiful as he had in his memories. As gradually began to reminiscence about his past, he smiled. After a while, he raised his fist high and declared, "Don't worry. I will crown my Path once more and stand above all! For sure!"

It was unknown if he had spoken to himself, or some fallen comrades in his mind….