
The most challenging thing about their situation was finding a way to Bulldog Alfie without getting sniped by a [RAY OF LIGHT] which, surprisingly, had a much further range than Alfie's general use of the spell suggested. 

Still, Black Howler was excellent at platform games, and it was simply a matter of timing his jumps right after Alfie fired a shot from his hiding spot a hundred yards away from where the team was gathered. 

"Let's go knock some sense into that idiot," Black Howler had growled. 

Per Ath3na's orders, only the most nimble of them had gone. The rest hunkered down and offered themselves up as decoys to Alfie, who, in his addled state, was quite random in his choice of targets. As Argonaut was the biggest of the lot, more often than not the laser was aimed at him.