Third Floor Cleared  

"Booya!" Bulldog Alfie yelled. 

He raised his hand high but no one seemed eager to slap him a high-five. 

"Oh, come on, guys," he grumbled. "I was brainwashed… it's not like I wanted to zap you all with my light spells!" 

There was another moment of awkward silence between him and the team that he didn't seem to realize was now surrounding him — not until it was too late. 

"Oh, no," he gasped. "What is this? Are you guys about to gang up on me? Is that what—"

His complaints were drowned out by the hands that, one by one, ruffled the mess of hair on his head. 

"Dumbass, we know you weren't in control," Black Howler growled. "We wouldn't hold that against you." 

"Yeah, dumbass," Thorminator added jovially. 

"Dumbass," Serenity agreed. 

"Complete and utter dumbass," Lyghtning added. "A bit of a wanker too." 

"What's a wanker?" Jaybird asked. 

"Get off me already!" Bulldog Alfie snapped.