16 - Thirst

I fell unconcious before I could get his name. Everything is too dark. Well I figured who he was anyway. Is this what it feels like to die?I'm satisfied know he is there though because he is... Shuudan Sei. Giving in to fatique, I stopped thinking.

Mana exploded around Emily's unconcious body. No... She's not unconcious, her eyes are opened. Picking Itself back up, Emily struggled to stand due to numb limbs. [Cleanse - tier 6] [Command-absorb mana].

[Command-absorb mana] was the body using whatever is left of itself to forcefully absorb the mana in the environment, sort of like "active-transport" where the body expends energy to absorb a substance. It costed hp, but Emily - - - or It is converting mana into energy to suck in more mana.Costing nothing.

It gained [pain nullfication] due to Emily's body being half-dead and could use [Command-absorb mana] as much as it wanted. " Aaah? When did I deviate from Emily?" It must be when I realise the absurdness of the bastard god's wish granting. It did fulfill my wish, but it was still suspicious enough that I can't put it off.

*sigh*huuh, thats just from my point of view. Basically the stress got to Emily and a split personality (me) she kept talking to was created. At least I'm fulfilling my role, allowing her to run from reality. Technically, I may have been there from the very start, because I was the personality from our previous life. The hint was "Someone I love" huh? Well since I was anti-social, I could only love myself.She must have figured it out herself at the end, because I was suddenly given free will to control the body.I'll try my best Emily! I'll make sure you comeback safe and sound when this is over.

Well, since I have no ambition or goal whatsoever, some people call me "dead inside" Well that's fine. Having expectations and goals at the start only lead to disappointment anyway. I should just go all out at the start.

*Activates[Black speed ring]*

*goes into dagger stance*

*Activates[Stealth-tier 3] *

*Activates[Illusion-tier 3]*

"Now for the finishing! "


Every component multiplied my agility by 1.75

The first layer had 1 of that component

The second had 4

The third had 9

The forth had 16

And so on...

My final agility was so huged that the status bar could barely expressed it as 7.4 x 10^99

Emily, you were too hurt to think rationally, so you pushed everything to me huh. Well that is fine. "Come, between you who cannot be satisfied with anything! And I who do not wish for anything! Let's see who will come out on top!"

Blinking out of existence, due to exceeding light speed, the world system sent the excess infinite energy into another dimension. By opening this hole to another dimension with energy, Emily(sei) was able to temporarily disappear from the world. Emily(sei) was able to come back from anywhere. so this is how teleportation works! Though for me, there is a time lag of opening and closing the door unlike that demihuman.

After Emily(sei) vanished, there was a trail of explosions, likely where Emily reopened the hole from the other dimension and released some energy causing the mana in the vicinity to create explosions.I'll name this skill as [void energy]. So this is how elemental magic works... Using energy to alter the environment and being a step closer to god.

Slowly, holes in spaced were open all around the cthulhu. Energy struck its body and the vines were disintegrated.

Spore cthulhu health: 131 264 783/182 400 009

Looks like each [void energy] beam does 1 million damage. What if I opened a hole in space in the middle of the opponent's body and instead of releasing energy I used the energy to such the surrounding matter in? Releasing the [void energy] beam for longer periods of time just to deal more damage would be boring. Naming the new skill, I activated it.

"[Black hole-tier 6]! "(only shouts blackhole)

A rift in space opened and the cthulhu was sucked in forcefully. The cthulhu will sacrifice its body and regenerate lost parts, but it was losing hp too rapidly. spore cthulhu hp: 34 000 000/182 400 009.Stopping the black hole, I fired [Void energy] beams until it died.

Lv 58 - - - > Lv73

"huuuh, huuuh, huuuh, what a tiring day. I will pay you back, Jack!" *Emily realises that she's back in control instead of sei* "Of course, I love Sei, only I can help myself after all in this lonely world" Emily says with tears streaming down her cheeks and a smile.

It wasn't a strange kind of romantic love, it was self-love, those words were probably directed more at herself than the "Sei" personality as she is "Sei" herself. After casting [cleanse-tier 6] on herself, she checked the loot dropped by the cthulhu.

" Stone of greed"

Description:When worn as a ring,

can raise vitality to 400 x and agility to 200 x . [Special:can steal one stat from the enemy permanently after defeating them]

Ugh, the cthulhu was already defeated, so I couldn't steal its vitality! What a shame. With both greed and wrath, agility was able to be raise to 80 000.That's not counting the 20 x from normal stats and the 30 x from the class bonus making it 48 million at base. Because of fighting the cthulhu her stats were at:

Name: Emily shuu

Level: 73

Health: 16600/16600

Mana: 83000/83000

Strength: 3 320 000


Intelligence: 8300

Agility: 19 920 000

Class: Assassin

Class skills learned: [Stealth - tier 3 ][illusion-tier 3] [dagger arts - tier 5] [high physical enhancement(jumping and running) ] [dark magic - tier 3]

Other skills:

[Cleanse-tier 6] [Command-absorb mana]

[void energy] [black hole-tier 6]

Damn, how do I train my vitality?...