17 - training?

I certainly went through a lot huh? [Cleanse-tier 6] healed my body to full health so I had no trouble walking, but I was mentally exhausted. That was scary... Split personality or not, It feels more like a state of being both conscious and unconscious. Or maybe the memories of the battle just flowed into my head? Feeling like myself from my previous life... Feeling like I was empty... Sorry to hurt your feelings "Sei" - kun, Its scary... I don't want to feel empty ever again.

That just means I have to be more careful in future fights. Though with [Void energy] and [Black hole-tier 6] I'm a little overpowered at the moment. Who knows? Maybe there are enemies who could reduce my stats my percentage, it wouldn't really effect much if I was moving at infinite speed... But on the off-chance there was a tactic to defeat someone as overpowered as me... I don't want to think about it. For now, I'll find a way to train my vitality so my fist could withstand the after-effects of moving at light speed.

Now that I thought about it, isn't [Diamond speed enhancement] quite outrageous as well? It was based on a diamonds structure, where the components that gave speed boost were always connected by 4 others of the same component, each layer would be bigger than the previous and each component boosted my agility by 1.75 times. It didn't seem like much but at 10 layers there were 90 + 0s in my agility...

Besides the greed stone that probably came from someone who challenged the cthulhu with not enough stats, the cthulhu also dropped the usual boss drops.

[Ring of ferility]

User's hp is able to be trained up to 10 x.

Other than its strange name, its effects were just what I needed. The ring also shoned in an attraactive emerald green. The dark colour could blend into the background, but if someone was looking for me, it could also stand out. Putting the ring on, I now had 4 rings on my right hand. Wrath, Greed, Speed and Fertility. Oh god, if someone were to ask me the name of my rings, wouldn't it be really alward to say "ring of fertility" outloud? Well, I'll look for a name changer in the future. There should at least be a few who set up shops in the city. For now I should head back home.

Mentally fatiqued, I could fall asleep at anytime. So I ran out of the cave. Getting lose a few times, I finally found the exit after a few seconds, even though it was suppose to be "lightspeed" When I was near the exit, there orange lights shining on the ground. The sky was dark and it was at night.

There were lanterns everywhere, with merchants trying to sell their products in this "night market". The adventurers all head home, but they were civillians and even foreigners who came to check out the night market. This must be a famous tourist spot huh, I just concentrated on the dungeon exploration and didnvt research about the city.

Ah! They have coffee beans! Those are perfect for my tiredness.

"Hey, Could you prepare 1 cup of coffee? How much is the price?"

Twisting a smirk, the fat merchant replied,

"Oh this one is on the house miss!" (merchant)

"Thank you!"

Receiving the cup, I gulped all of it down in one go. Mmm, that nostalgic bitter taste. It reminds me of the office and that hot senpai that would always drink her coffee dark. Hmm? There's some kind of [sleepy] debuff. Well whatever, after the cthulhu used its face as a debuff spammer, I gained a tiny bit of resistance.

I'm too lazy to list them down, but some debuffs didn't have resistances that correspong with them, so it doesn't matter.

Wait, I drank this coffee to stay awake, isn't it ironic that the merchant placed a sleeping drug in? Well whatever-"[Cleanse-tier 6] "

Welp, that should take care of the debuffs, time to headback home. "SNNNNNNNKKK" Someone is snoring? Why would they sleep outhere? Turning my head, I widened my eyes. It was Jack, Erika and Haruka. Tim went back home probably because he didn't feel a lot of guilt. Does he blame his actions on Jack?

Walking closer to the partt, I couldn't help control my fist. Why is it trembling so hard! AM I SCARED?! I beat a cthulhu! So how is this making me tremble!? Ahh. I see. I'm afraid of rejection. It seems I still want to be friends with them. Really Sei... Why are you so naive? Well thats what makes me..me though. As if it was a game, two options show up infront of me.

{ recouncile} or {go back home}

This time, it wasn't the strange world system. It was a figment of my imagination. Does it hold so much significance that I'm hallucinating? Hallucinating? But this decisions are so real? Emily lost her composure. "huuh, huuh, what should I do??"

Breathing a little heavily, I was struggling over what decision to make, when...

Opening her eyes, her tears streamed down her cheeks and blonde hair. "EMILY!" (Erika) Her limbs fell asleep from... Falling asleep in a difficult posture under a tree for too long. Withstanding the numbness, she ran towards me in tears. Hmm, do I look that pitiful when I cry too? Well "Sei" was kind enough to not make fun of me, so I should do the same. Erika ran into a hug, sobbing loudly with no shame in the middle of the night market. Though her cries were actually drowned out by the surrounding noise, she was still hugging me tightly, not releasing in a public space.

"How have you been? Were you waiting?"

"AUHHHHH, I was so worried! I'm so sorryyyyy" (Erika) Looks like Erika's cries woked up Haruka and Jack too, though it was weird they didn't get awaken by the noise of the night market. Were they using the noise as white noise and fell asleep? "UUUUAAAA" (Haruka) runs up to my back and jumps in for a hug. Apparently, Haruka believed I would be okay, but she was still very worried anyway. Jack was just looking away and didn't dare to look at my eyes. Well these 2 girls were enough, I don't need to make friends with that traitor anyway. But I still couldn't put the matter behind me. I used my speed and walked to the front of Jack with a glare.