18 - is it finally training?

"Wait! It may be a betrayal but he was thinking about his party members first! Or he would have only teleported himself!" (Erika)

"Do no speak as if you know what I went through, I almost broke and died thanks to you guys." I spoke with a low tone, intimidating Erika. Haruka who was just happy I was back also became a bit depressed.

"Now back to you, do you have any last words?"

"I'm glad you didn't die, I don't regret the betrayal as I at least saved Erika. You could dispose of me if you want. Knowing you who could outrun those tentacles, I'm glad Erika has someone strong enough to protect her now." (Jack)

"mouu, what a pathetic idiot" I whispered

looking away. Up to this point, Jack had been avoiding my eyes out of fear, but when he gave that speech, he magically gained the resolve to look straight at me... To look straight at his death which was me, this is the kind of dumb isekai protagonist who could say embarrassing things without regretting.

Mouuu, I WILL make you embarrassed! "What did you say?" (Jack), he asked as he was surprised by my reaction of not beheading him right after the speech.

"jeez you're such an idiot"... "WOW, YOU would go as FAR as DYING just to REJECT ME from your HAREM as you already have an ARCHER AND NUN??" I screamed at the top of my voice. Hah! With this, now he will be embarrassed as all the merchants and citizens stare at us. Eh? Was it supoose to be embarrassing for me too? I'm not used to the stares, please stop." Mmhm! " Oh no! I let out a moan because I was stressed out from the staring! My social life is forever ruined because of this Jack guy.

Back to the scene, everyone was glaring at Jack. Did that girl say something about joining his harem and screamed out for rescue when he wouldn't let her refuse? Was the thought in all the passerbys' heads. Hahaha! Now I'm satisfied with my revenge. Some passerbys even called the guards to come, because "there was a suspicious person asking a 9 year old to join his harem of a nun and archer"

Grabbing Jack's hand as he was in a daze, the party and I ran into the city where there were buildings everywhere. "Hahaha! Did you like my revenge?"

"Were you serious when you said you wanted to join my non-existent harem?" (Jack) Uh oh, was he like that after all? He was a lolicon?

"maybe? " I sticked out my tongue. Haruka was laughing at our antics and Erika was giving off a dangerous aura. At least the atmosphere was mostly back to normal. Did I recouncile with them properly? I don't know, but a weight has been lifted off my back.

With that I went back home and took a nice sleep. "nnnnh! " Stretching my arms, I lifted myself off the bed. It was already the morning of the next day. I dragged myself off the bed and collapsed on the closet. "uhhhjj, I still want more sleep" Side note: this body is still young, I should sleep earlier. Changing out of my sleepwear, I put on an dark brown plain skirt and a white top. Hmm? No, I won't tell you my cupsize, Baka! Well my sleepwear was just panties and a shirt, I liked feeling the silk of the bed on my thighs after all.

With that, I went on my way to school. Moving at light speed, I opened a hole in space and exitted at my seat in the classroom. Nice, now I can be as lazy as much as I want. Must be nice to be that demihuman, he doesn't need to open a hole in space before teleporting. Does he perhaps just need the coordinates? Wait, wasn't there a ring on the king and that demihuman's hands? So the both of them also hold a [sin] each.

Just then, I was teleported fo the royal castle again. At least I'm assuming its the royal castle as the king is there. As usual everything was bright as f**k and I couldn't tell my directions, so I just walked till I found the wall. I slowly traced the wall and walked forward. Was it because the king read my mind again? I didn't actually think such a thing. Or else the king will get suspicious. I just knew it was true because thats what happened the previous time. Welp, time to carry out round 2.

Pretending to be lost and confuse, I continued to trace the wall and made it across a corner if the hallway. As I progressed more, the hallway is slowly becoming less bright. Oh? I can actually see the wall now. Continuing to move forward, I stepped ontu cold hard stone. So the royal castle is made of stone huh? Wouldn't it be fragile? Well I wouldn't put it past the king to be find a method that reinforces the stone making up the castle.

"Where is this place?! Who are you people?! ""Cease your pretending. "(king)

" We know you have basic knowledge about the[sins] so we abducted you for questioning"(king)

"The first question is : Where and who did you learn the [sins] from? Answer in a minute or be beheaded!" (king)

"..." I kept quiet on purpose. This is after all, my revenge~A dark grin plasters itself on my face. Hehehe, my thoughts leak out to the king." Well aren't you rude, can't you at least introduce yourselves? "

" Well you are only wasting your 1 minute anyway. my name is bavner"(king)

"What about that demi-human?"

"name's houzo, you're gonna die anyway, so this will be the last thing you remember" (demi-human)

"Anyway what race are you? You know... To add on more to that 'last thing I will remember' thing"

Feeling a vein pop, the demi-human replied.

"Dragon" (houzo)

"woooow, how cool, do you get to transform into a dragon?" *houzo gets more pissed*

"Your one minute is up, I'm feeling merciful, do you want an extension? " (King bavner)