20 - woo is it back to school arc?

"sheesh a person in school holding the [sin] that controls time?! Fine, we don't have a guild but... You can come here at anytime if you wish to chat with me... Don't forget the 'onii-chan'. Its not even a fetish... I guess it makes me feel young again... 900 years just went by in a flash huh. Now get out of my sight! You should be satisfied now right? "(bavner) asked with hope that I would go away.

" whoah onii-chan's a tsundere"

"WHAT did you just call me?! "(bavner)

" Aww onii-chan is angry, I'm so sad"

"I'm sorry! Your onii-chan is an awful person, please forgive me and don't be sad!" (bavner) What a drastic character change...

"Why do you know that word! I've been thinking but are you from japan?" (bavner)

"you reincarnated almost a thousand years before I did, what era was japan in then?" "hmmm? We reincarnated from modern japan though, wouldn't it be weird if I know how tsundere was used if I was from ancient Japan?" (bavner)

"nee onii-chan, I'm actually suppose to be in school right now, as the king is there some permission you can give?"

"Oh, you were worried about that?... Wait I wouldn't want you to slaughter the staff... Here's the pass, its just a card with my initials 'B.C' it just says you were with the king, only the highest ranking nobles and my family use them, They allow you to skip anything you want in this country, so it is torn in pieces by the employer or whoever your under so that it is only 1 time use."

"Bye onii-chan" With that out of the way, I opened a hole in space and exited back in class. This made the chair shift a little and made noise. Everyone stared at me as if I was some rare specimen. Actually maybe I am a rare specimen for being so overpowered.

Trembling a little, the teacher walks towards me. Ahh since I rewinded time, lesson only started 10 minutes ago. "whoops sorry I'm late, king Bavner kinda kidnapped me and played for 5 minutes before sending me back...Well long story short... He is my adoptive big brother now, I was the one who negotiated for it for no particular reason. Here's the pass." "mhmm, okay..." (sensei) All the colour drained from his face. This sensei was teaching the basics of spells, of course he would be shocked if a student teleported into the classroom.

*Sensei's Pov*

There was little relief as the teleporting was probably just the power of the king was how he thought. That was it, end of the case. But sensei decided to inspect Emily's level. 70?! Why's a student higher leveled than me?! There's no law saying you can't go into dungeons when you're not old enough yet, but people and kids would usually stay away from dungeons out of fear. Which was normal for others, but Emily trained in the dungeons for more than two years, soloed orc general and orc king a bunch of times and recently defeated a cthulhu(dryad-chan you will be forgotten).

"Is there something bothering you?" Emily cutely says with her head tilted at me.

"HRNGHHH" (Sensei)Ah! I just made a strange sound holding back my nose bleed, how does this make sense? Why is my nose bleeding? And what is that main character like aura on Emily-chan?In any case, I should go back to teaching.

*back to Emily's Pov*

Whoah, Another lolicon... I could tell he was holding back a nose bleed... Because there was blood coming out of his ears. Whatever, I should concentrate on lesson, its only day 2 after all. I may be able to stack spells and formulate my own, but I still need the right terminology so that I won't flunk the exam. There is also a tournament next week, I'm afraid that the barrier won't hold and the mere shockwaves I create will injure the audience... Welp, guess I'll need to creat a ring that lowers my stats, you could call it a self debuff. I wonder what its name should be... Ah! I'm getting distracted from the lesson.

After the lesson, I went up to beansprout sensei.He had curly hair and a thin built. I'd say he could crossdress if he removed that small mustache. "What the hell is an 'Dhgober'? " (I suck at naming, teehee.)

"Whoops! Sorry, I forgot you weren't here for the first 10 minutes... since the king abducted you..." (beansprout sensei) Oh please*rolls eyes*, you would abduct me too if it was legal you lolicon, the reason you forgot was because all your attention was on the blood leaking from your ears." So... What is it? " Changing to an upturned look in an instant.

Sensei got embarrassed and immediately turned to the black board. Using chalk, he drew a strange symbol... No it's a magic component. "Can you tell what this is? It should be familliar right? Since you are level 70,you should have seen this a lot in your magic circles." (Sensei)

"So that thing is the dhgober?"

"Yep, could you guess what they do in the circle? " (Sensei)

"From the looks of it... This part here gives colour and this part here makes it able to universally be place in any part of the circle in exchange for efficiency... What a waste of mana, that sliver could very well kill you if you fought the orc king..."

"Wait... You're telling me you defeated an orc king at level 70?Oh wait, maybe you were protected by a party of high levels" (Sensei)

"nah, it was solo"

"HUH?!!... That's impossible... " (Sensei)

"You see this pass the king gave me? I'm not from royalty or nobility, I fought the king and his aid to a draw for this. I forgot to check their levels but they have been rulling for 900 years and they told me they were at the top of the world, so surely that must say something about my strength. "

" But the king is a 'godknight'... His class has magic skills strong enough to casually blow this school away and form a crater! If you are so strong, why isn't this school gone yet? "(beansprout sensei) The beansprout looks at me suspiciously.

" *sigh*huuuh, you actually want me to blow up the school? I'm not as childish as the king or you, you know?"

" Kughhh"(beansprout sensei)

Good! He took some damage.