21 - School arc part 2~

While my conversation with bean sprout sensei was going on, the students in the back were getting noisy. It was after lesson, break time, yet these students stayed back in class just to eavedrop us. Of course there were some students who went down to the canteen to have their breakfast, other wise theh would be hear in class making noise.

(Students gossiping) " Emily's going to the teacher instead of the canteen?" "Is there some affair going on?" "Oh she's just asking a question, even though she can be late to class, she is still hardworking, or is she making up for it by doing some... Favours?!" At this point, that one student's imagination was going wild and she fainted and fell on the ground with a *thud* sound. Wow this people are crazy...

" Wait, that pass... Emily is royalty?! "" aaah, breathing the same air as royalty is a dream~" Uh oh, why are there so many weirdos in this class?" Oh wait, she is not royalty... *Pfffff* She fought with the level 1000 king and drawed?! "

(Back to normal dialogue) " He was level 1000?!Cool,but he just blocked my attacks and when I revealed another attack that could defeat him, he just surrendered"

"aaah, I heard the king's attendant, houzo-sama is very gorgeous~ how was he like?" (Random female student A)

"He plunged his fist into my intestines and I had to heal it... Twice."

"Huh?! But that's lethal, how do you heal that?!" (Random male student A)

" I used a high tiered cleanse, it can remove bacterial infection and completely heal me since mine is tier 6."

At this point the class was in chaos. One after another, the words I've said are probably outrageous to these kids anyway. Is there even a concept of bacterial infection? Whats the average life-span in this kingdom? Well, I'll have to ask Bavner onii-chan eventually, so thinking about it now doesn't matter. I got really sick of the noise in class, so I decided to head downstairs. For some reason the students surrounded me, so I opened a hole in space and exitted in the canteen.

Don't get this 'another dimension' power wrong now. Sure it looks like I could manipulate energy or teleport, but those are just 'small parts' of this power that actually cannot be improved. By exceeding the speed of light,by the law of physics,I would have infinite energy, which translates to infinite mass if I stop moving. By having infinite mass, I would either create a black hole or disintegrate this planet. In order to prevent that from happening, the 'world system' stores the excess infinite energy in another dimension, basically an infinite energy battery.

Since that energy is mine, I can control it via [manipulate intonation] very easily .The true nature of [manipulate intonation] is to manipulate the energy forming the magic circle. Mana is converted to energy to form magic circles, or the mana would be transparent and couldn't be shaped since it resides naturally in this world.

I just use the energy in this other dimension to open holes in space from the other side which is much easier than from here,since its just a fragile emergency dimension created by the 'world system' to store energy.By opening holes and using [manipulate-intonation-tier 5] I can shoot these masses of pure energy that would disintegrate enemies. I can also withstand my own energy completely so I can enter this other dimension and come out from another place. By forcing the energy to move in the opposite direction, I create a black hole that sucks things instead of shooting energy.

Well with that rant over, I check out the school canteen. Oooh, there is the melon bread that always show up in anime. I guess I'll have one of it and then... Fried vegetables and meat with rice? Didn't expect fantasy worlds to have all these. Though the bread was actually extremely hard... I'm afraid no matter how overpowered I become... I'll never be able to break through this bread with my jaw... None of the stats actually cover the jaw, jaw strength is just decided since birth in this world... How fearsome, now I know where to target when I fight humans.

Monsters may be born with extra strong Jaws. The only reason humans haven't been extinct and monster's haven't escape their dungeons is because humans are just using numbers to party up. Are all the other kingdom's barely surviving as well? Well this school doesn't have enough budget for history teacher's so I'll have to ask the king.

Suddenly, the students started moving to class. How could they tell the time if there's no clock in the medieval era? "Excuse me, how is everyone able to tell that classes are starting?" I ask a random male senior.

"Oh, we just observe the shadow over there on the sundial" (random male senior) *He points at the corner over there* whoa, theres a hole in the ceiling... I got too used to living a carefree life... After grinding monsters everyday, I found certain monsters give good drops that sell for a lot and gave them to dad. Sometimes the orc king would drop equipment and I would sell it to the guild. So we were actually doing quite well financially. Now that I move so fast, the cave empties before they could respawn the next wave and I get really little progress on leveling up. That's why I wanted to explore the new dungeon.

Well, whatever. Class is starting, I should go back to class... I'm too lazy to walk *opens hole in space and exits* huuuh, most convenient power ever. It turns out, I used that strange function so much it evolved into [Teleport-tier 5].Houzo's is likely tier 6 since he has zero time lag. Gorilla sensei enters the classroom.