24 - fashion?

After taking my new clothes, I changed at home as there wasn't a changing booth in the shop and I wasn't going to risk it in the alley even if I could just kill them. Ehh? Isn't that a dangerous way of thinking? Guess I should be more careful.

Hmm~hmm~hmm~hmm~, humming from some anime song, I walked towards the dungeon. Suddenly were screams coming from the direction I was walking towards. Hmm? There should be many parties adventurers,if a monster attacked the civillians shouldn't need to worry. Getting closer, there were some merchants seen running. "Hey, you! Little girl! There's an evil dragon! You should run!" (merchant)

Ahh a worthy opponent. Using his [Telepathy] skill, the king decided to have a conversation.

'That dragon' s level 500,you need help? Oh yeah, I also recognised that song even after 900 years! If you wanted, I could get some of the royal orchestra to play it for you'(Bavner)

'Thanks onii-chan, but I got this covered, I'll just rewind time if something bad happens ok~?'I rushed to the front and read the dragon' s stats:

Monster: Primal nature dragon(mid)

Level: 543

Health: 1 629 000 000/1 629 000 000

Mana: 543 000 000/543 000 000

Strength: 54 300 000

Vitality: 162 900 000

Intelligence : 54 300 000

Agility : 54 300 000

That guy is 1/6th the speed of light! How would running help! Ah, whatever. I'll deal with it. Like a chuunibyo, I struck a with my left hand over my waste and my right hand over my face. As if that pose wasn't for nothing, my 4 rings glowed brilliantly. With that, I was at least 1.5 times as fast. Ugh, why does everyone I fight have such high hp! Since I was only a bit faster than the dragon, the dragon could still follow my movement. [Primal Life beam] A huge ray of lime green shot towards me, Using the shockwave of my punch, it didn't affect the beam at all.

So I decided to fire my own beam! "[Void energy]!" A ray of translucent black exploded out of the ground shot towards the beam of lime green. "Unlike you, I can shoot more than one!" Slowly holes in space open around the dragon, preventing escape and attacking at the same time. "[Black hole-tier 6]!"Opening a black hole right next to the dragon, it started destroying it on the inside. After the black hole expanded to max volume, primal nature dragon

health: 987 435 224/ 1 629 000 000.

[Absolute mana cancel]!

The notification in the world system ranged.

What a joke! He's cancelling all the energy! Not only the mana!

[Primal life beam]!

... It fired the beam at itself, its healing back to full health... Huhuhu, yes this excitement! I can't use [Diamond speed enhancement] or it will become boring. Exploding off the ground, I was high up in the air, my daggers too small, how will it even chip any exp? Think, think, think... Ah, "[item enhance- size-tier5]!" The handle stayed the same but the blade expanded to the size of a door.Since it expanded, but stayed the same mass, the blade is naturally flimsy as hell"[item enhance-Durability-tier5]! ". Ohh, I can feel the weight a little now, but my momentum completely blew away all the weight on my body. Concentrating, the dragon turned its head up and continued to shoot the[primal life beam] at me.

" [Teleport-tier 5] !" I appeared on the back of the dragon's neck and swung the enlarged dagger. Tch, stacking 3 [item enhance-sharp-tier 5]! I swung it one more time digging out a chunk of flesh. The dragon attempted to turn around and heal its neck but I shot a [void energy] beam. I have to kill it before it activates mana cancel!

Opening 3 [blackhole-tier 6]s in its inside, I rained [Void energy] beams from the sky and finally, I opened a hole in space the size of a large building, firing the biggest [void energy] beam. After 2 seconds the primal nature dragon activates [Absolute mana cancel] health:679 000 000 /1 629 000 000

Looks like it activates past a certain health threshold. Too bad! [Void energy] does not cost mana! Reopening the holes in space, the primal nature dragon is rained in translucent black light again,blocking the [primal life beam] from hitting itself and redirecting it into the ground instead. Slowly it died down. Claiming the loot i got a [Black primal nature dragon ring] :

Allows the user to raise vitality by 300 x. Gives skill:[Primal life beam]

This skill can either shoot a beam of deadly energy or shoot a healing beam at the user.

Welp. Now I can finally remove the awkward 'fertility ring'! I'll probably find better rings in the future anyway. Finding a high building, I teleported to the rooftop and took the ring off. "YEET!"

Now that that awkward ring has been taken care off, lets sit at the entrance of the dungeon coolly and wait for all the people to come back and worship me.Ah wait, they actually ran too far...and I'm too lazy to wait. Anyway I got up to lv 117,Lets go train up my stats in the dungeon! And I found out how to train vitality. Since vitality not only tells you about your health but also your defense, the way to train it up is to just block the enemies attack. Using [Void energy] beams to block that primal dragon's attack made my vitality rose quite a bit.

Well, time to do the dungeon again~