25 - dungeon fun

Entering the dungeon, instead of finishing everything in an instant, I decided to block their attacks first. It was dependant on my strength stat as well, but it wasn't a problem. Entering deeper into the dungeon, it was a swamp area where frog monsters and giant insects roam about, I don't actually want to block that sticky tongue so I just shot [void energy] at everything. The average levels were 70, that meant I wasn't that deep into the dungeon yet. Rushing forward, I went into area where all the monsters were around level 120 and grinded a bit there.

This didn't have the same feeling as that dragon... Continuing on my journey to go deeper, I encountered a giant serpent monster

, multiple dryads and even a treeant. At this level, the dryad was a fodder monster instead of a boss monster due to the average level being higher than previous part of the dungeon. Eventually I reached a place where the average level of the monsters were 200. Damn, so this is why there were much more adventurers compared to that cave where the highest level was suppose to be 120.

Vines exploded out of the walls trying to catch me by surprise. I twist my body around and slice off the veins. Looking for the source, it was just some more dryads. Moving at high speeds, I get behind the dryads and catch them by surprise. Stabbing them in their nape before they turned around I proceeded through the dungeon. Treeants appeared, their trunks were supposedly harder than steel, but due to the pressure I inserted into my daggers, I slice through the tree ants like cheese. Collecting treeant branches, they were useful as crafting materials. After a certain point, I was too lazy to collect them and just set treeants on fire for fun with [Fireball Ex-tier 4].The top half of the treeants disintegrate and the bottom half almost splits in half if not for the roots. At that point the treeants were glorified campfires.

The frog monsters had resistance to fire so I just use the basic metal element attack spells. The metal element was just the Ex version of earth element and does 5% more damage.[Blade rain-tier 4] ! They pin the frogs to the wall and ground, and the remaining metal pierce their abdomens. Walking past the swamp area, it was a cave area. The walls were crystal and lighting was minimal. There were even some crystal monsters. All right I'm bored from all these weak monsters~

Let's just run in and avoid them, and go as deep as we can. I say avoid them, but in my strise, I massaccred every monster I could reach while running at the same time. It probably looked like a purple and white beam of death to the monsters as they watch their comrades seperate into clean slices. When I stopped moving, I was in a volcanic are where the monsters average level were 400 and my own levels went up from 117 to 186. A Pack of around level 410 wyverns appear.

They start off the battle by collectively shooting beams of the air element from their mouths. Some even shooting the electric element which is the Ex version of wind. Avoiding all the beams, I close in on the first wyvern and slice its neck off, opened a [void energy] beam in another's back and fired a few black holes, while immediately closing them. The pack was reduced into half in a second. The remaining wyverns look on in fear. Monsters' feel fear? The last time, I met an intelligent orc king, were there anymore of those?

Just as I thought about that, a particularly large wyvern appears. This one had tough crystal like scales that covered its whole body.

Monster : Alpha crystal wyvern

Level: 463

Health: 926 000/926 000

Mana: 463 000/463 000

Strength: 92 600

Vitality: 92 600

Intelligence :46 300

Agility : 92 600

The only part that wasn' t by scales were the eyes, belly and ass. My first move was to fire [void energy] beams at it, but they were reflected and hit the dungeon walls, destroying the environment that these wyverns supposedly live in. Long range doesn't work? Maybe I should go in with a dagger. Swinging the dagger, I zoomed to a spot under the crystal wyvern and jumped up as hard as I could, slashing at its neck... My dagger broke!

I'm pretty sure using my fist would be bad too, and spells probably don't work too if [void energy] doesn't work. The excitement rushes back. Yes! This is how a real battle should be like. Both sides in a gamble of life and death. This adrenaline thay fuels my soul!

Think! think of a way to damage him! What are crystals weak against? A pickaxe? My dagger broke! What the hell do I do? Temperature? Having this new inspiration, I immediately set my mind to it. Using [blade rain-tier 4] constantly to flood the area with metal, the crystal wyvern wasn't damaged at all but it coudn't fly due to pressure from the metal pushing him into the ground. "Now for the final act! " after the are was littered with metal, " Double element! Heat cage!" Using fire element, I melted the metal, but since the metal is tier 4,it didn't melt easily and just became a littly viscous, trappying the crystal wyvern. "Second phase! Heat hell!" Constantly using the fire element until the metal evaporated, I used the Ex version of water, ice element to shield me from the heat. It looked like another version of hell near the crystal wyvern. There was blue fire everywhere that I couldn't see the walls. Higher! I need the temperature to go even higher! What is heat? The flow of energy from a higher temperature to a lower temperature.To provide even more energy than the fire, I fired [void energy] beams around the crystal wyvern and that did the trick, plasma was formed and resulted in explosions. Of course all of this occured in the split second that I fired [void energy] and I teleported to the entrance of the dungeon.

Whoops, I didn't think it through. Now people are staring at me as they can't process teleportation with a skill unless I was high leveled. But I was under level 300...